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Chapter 1672 The Demon Soul

Chi Yan Xiaodao: "Tracking you, you will give yourself a long face too! There are so many roads, it is not your arrogance, we have to go, can you manage it?"

Chi Ao Tian cold channel: "There are so many roads, you have come to the same article with us, this is too clever!"

"This is deliberately looking for it!" Red Yan Xiao said.

"Look for it, find it, do you think I will be afraid of you?" Qing Aotian did not give up.

The atmosphere of the two people is arrogant, and they must all be played.

Mu Qian said: "Red Yan Xiao, don't waste time with them, let's go!"

"Yeah!" For the words of Mu Qianxi, Chi Yanxiao naturally will not refute anything and leave directly.

Qing Ao is angry, "Red Yan Xiao, when did you turn around this woman, no bones!"

"Hehehe!" Chi Yanxiao sneer.

They left directly, and other people said: "Let the young master, let them leave like this?"

Qing Aotian said: "This is naturally not going to let them go, nor will you let yourself have more opponents for no reason, let's go!"

Mu Qiandao said: "Qing Aotian is here, representing Blue Nian is a certain correctness to lead you. The Qingfeng family has such a strong support for Qing Aotian, must tell him what information, or his reaction, nor It may be so big."

Lan Nian nodded and said: "Well! It is true."

As they continued into this phoenix tomb, the surrounding air became cold.

Mu Qian’s soul spreads out and feels dangerously approaching around her. Her low voice: “Hazard, be careful!”


All the grotesque black monsters rushed out of the ground, and there was a dark and evil atmosphere beneath them.

Mu Qian said: "What is this ghost thing."

Lan Nianyi explained: "These are the souls of the demon. The demon wrecks that were once destroyed by the phoenix gods are near this tomb. They have not thought that after so many years, their magical thoughts are still not scattered."

The darkness of the dead spreads around and grows stronger. They are very excited when they meet the breath of the stranger.

"Hey!" A sharp scream rang across the sky.

Mu Qian said: "Go! Don't entangle with these ghosts."

She is looking for something, so cherish the time.

If it is an experience, she would like to exercise with some of these weird guys.

Mu Qian’s toes point to the ground, shuttled at the fingertips of some of these guys and flew out.

Lan Nianli and Chi Yanxiao also chased up!


When they were on the road, there were many evil spirits rushing over and they quickly counterattacked.

However, Mu Qianxi clearly feels that the dead air here is getting more and more intense, and the evil spirits that come out are more and more.

Sure enough, even if they ran fast, they could not escape afterwards.

Left, right, left, right, front and back are surrounded by the spirit of this demon. You can see the look of Mu Qiang, and say: "The position on the left side is broken! Quick and quick."

There are at least thirty or forty demon souls around them, and they start to work.

Little ink was originally unable to be born because of her death. She did not dare to risk her to deal with these opponents.

Chi Yanxiao and Lan Nianyi collaborated with their contractors and erupted a very powerful attack.

Chi Yan Xiaodao: "Blood, let's go!"

Chi Yanxiao was not happy enough, and the souls of the demons that were smashed again were combined again and attacked them.

They are still too small to see these evil spirits.

Lan Nian left the road: "They are the soul, not good! Be careful!"

The red flame blasted, and some of the flames let the spirit of the demon retreat.


Mu Qian said: "My attack is effective, I am driving! After you break, fast!"

"it is good!"

The strong king's flame, the evil spirits of the demon are extremely jealous, they finally smashed a path.




They rushed out and attacked the spirit of the demon, while rushing toward the core of the phoenix tomb.

When they were on their way, they were unexpectedly confronted with the three teams that were also being chased.

The Tianjiao of the Zifeng family and the group of Qing Aotian.


At this time, the situation is not optimistic, and there are hundreds of demon souls around them.

Even the arrogant Zifeng people have a dignified color on their faces.

Qing Aotian said: "Isn't the people of the Zifeng family not very powerful? It is really rare to be forced to such a position!"

Zi Yue said: "What are you doing, it is worse than us."

Mu Qianxi said to them: "The enemy is currently, don't talk so much nonsense! Do you think you haven't found the baby of the Holy Tomb, and you are killed by this evil spirit?"

Ziyao came over and said: "Today's plan, we split up. Each of them leads a part of the demon soul, and there are more possibilities to find treasures. Isn't it? Everyone is for our phoenix family, don't care so much."

Mu Qian said: "No problem! Nowadays, there is no tacit understanding of the souls of so many evil spirits. It is better to act separately as in the beginning!"

Qing Aotian replied: "Separate and separate!"

"That's it!" Ziyao nodded slightly, then pointed to a place with the most demon souls: "So, we, Zifeng, choose this side."

Qing Aotian said: "You are the strongest, and the most selected party is naturally supposed to be. I will choose this side!"

The place he chose was the least party.

Chi Yan Xiaodao: "The things that are greedy and fearful of death, the girl, who is our side?"

"South!" Mu Qiandao said.

The one with the most choice of the Zifeng family is not the ability to bear more, but the most party, and more likely to be the core of the phoenix tomb!

Zi Yaodao: "Since all of them have been chosen, let's do it together! With the biggest attack, lead the souls of these demons."


Suddenly, the purple light in the sky was soaring, and a head of purple phoenix rushed out.

Qing Aotian, their side also began to erupt, rushed out!

"Red Lotus!"

"Yanlong lore!"

The red-red flame erupted and cleared a path.

Only, this is temporary!

A group of terrible demon souls led a lot behind them.

These evil spirits are divided into three roads, and they are chasing each other with their three teams, and they are constantly coming out from the ground to produce more evil spirits.

Ms. Qian said: "Blue is leaving, how many demons have been killed in the Phoenix!"

Lan Nian left the road: "The ancient books are recorded, there are countless!"

"Spell! We must not be defeated here." Mu Qianxi clenched the Yanlong sorcerer Kendo.

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