Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1673: Rapid treatment

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Chapter 1673 Rapid treatment

"Booming!" Then they began to kill.

And the opponents they face are getting stronger and stronger.

Chi Yan Xiaodao: "Not good! The strength of these guys is estimated to be at the level of the seventh-level sacred beast, too tricky."

The dead air on them is more and more terrible.

Mu Qian said: "Invincible, come out to help."

"it is good!"

A white light flashed, followed by an ink light.

Not just invincible, the little ink ink also took the opportunity to run out.

It said: "Master, I am not afraid! I am not afraid at all, I want to fight with you."

It instinctively feels that these forces make it very uncomfortable and seems to have been shrouded in such power for thousands of years, but it does not want to let back.

"I didn't expect the past to be so long, these things still exist! Look at my invincible adults, invincible, the world's first!"


Invincible moments burst out of the most powerful power, and its power is also infinitely close to the beast level.

Chi Yanxiao and Lan Nian are incomparably different. "Mu girl, you actually contracted two beasts."

Even if the genius of the Protoss appeared in their phoenix world, but they saw those people, generally only contracted a spirit beast, did not expect that Mu Qianzhen actually contracted two.

This beast is very strange. It doesn't look like the **** beast recorded in ancient books, but they feel an unparalleled pressure from it.


Invincible killed the past unceremoniously, it said: "What are some things, dare to get in the way!"

The invincible join and sturdy fighting power reduced them a lot of pressure.

Mu Qian said: "Oh, now, quick and fast, fast!"

When Mu Qian’s smashed out, the dragon’s soul sword broke out with the power of terror.


Even if they move faster, this is a long-term battle.

Lan Nian is far from their limit, and Mu Qian’s hand waved, and countless bottles flew out.

She said: "Dan medicine is just to eat, give me the spirit to clear the way! At this time, no one can fall."

The tense battle made each of them nervous. They seized the medicine bottle that Mu Qianji sent, and the mouth of the mouth showed a bitter smile. The effect of the drug was estimated to last for a long time!

But after they had taken the medicine and the remedy, they stopped for a moment!

Spiritual strength instantly recovered, and Chi Yanxiao excitedly said: "Ha ha ha! I feel that I can fight for another hundred years!"

"Come on! Come! Will this Lord be afraid of you?"

Lan Nian is also a bit strange, remembering that he recovered so fast the last time, I am afraid it is also because of the girl's medicine.

He said: "Blue Shadow! Fight!"


The spirit of the demon is getting less and less, and the souls of the three evil spirits are plundering and admiring the Millennium.

The body is applied to the extreme, using the teleport to dodge, and Ms. Qian is doing his best to entangle them.

"Hey!" When the dragon and the sword of a dragon passed through the soul of a demon, suddenly a dark paw hit the soul of evil spirits.


Mu Qiang’s arm had a blood mark on his arm, and the blood was instantly polluted by the gas of death and turned black.

Lan Nian changed his face and said: "Mu girl, we must leave here! You must go back! Dead air enters your body, you must treat it quickly, and you must find someone with bright elements to treat it, or else..."

Lan Nian is the general existence of the encyclopedia, and this situation makes him extremely uneasy.

However, when the dead air is going to enter the body of Mu Qianjun, the light blue light envelops the wounds of Mu Qian, and the gas of death is instantly dissolved.

"this is……"

Blue thoughts are a little bit stunned, and it is only the power of life that can clean away the gas of death.

The effect is so good, it means that the power of this life is very pure, and there is such a baby in the girl.

The power of life can restrain the power of death, and it is also the best sacred object to unlock the spell.


Lan Nian was thinking about things. When he was separated, he was passed by a dark paw from the abdomen.


The blood that was sprayed turned into black, and the red, black, and blue changes.

"I said the blue patriarch, you are too careless! This is why you are dead and who will lead us!"

"Large patriarch!" Blue Shadow helped the blue mind away, his face covered with worry.

He looked at Mu Qianxi. Just now, Mu Qianxi was injured and healed the gas of death easily. There must be a way.

That is the unconscious guardian of the blue shadow in the sleep, except for her, others do not buy.

Mu Qian said: "Invincible! Open a gap, you open the way!"

"Red Yan Xiao, you are broken!"

"Let's go! Find a relatively small place."

"Hey!" A needle with a slight force of life sealed the big acupuncture points of Lan Nian.

If it is a small wound, the medicine on her body is effective.

However, the wounds of Lan Nian are too big. These demons have died for too long. The death force on them is very strong.

Mu Qiandao said: "Blue Shadow! Hold the forefront, I want to give blue to the treatment, do not let the evil spirits close."

"Yes! As long as you can cure the patriarchs."

Mu Qiang was preparing a refining agent. She took off a hair from Qingying and used various elixir to refine the medicine for ten breaths.

"Hey!" Once again, the therapeutic agent was injected on the body of Lan Nian, and the black wound also recovered blood red.

Mu Qiang quickly bandaged him, and then collected the black blood filled with the power of death.

Looking at the black liquid in the transparent utensils, there is an idea in my heart.

Lan Nian opened his eyes and there was no death.

The self-healing ability of the phoenix beast family is very strong, not to mention the blue phoenix who is proficient in healing.

The light blue light wrapped his whole body, and the blue thoughts recovered very well. It was not like the one who was seriously injured in the previous moment.

Lan Nian left the road: "Mu girl, you saved me again."

Ms. Qian said: "Let nonsense, actively participate in the war! Let us kill!"

Chi Yanxiao saw that Lan Nian was well off! He was excited: "Mu girl is too powerful, and she will be saved at once. It seems that I don't need to be afraid of being hurt by these guys."

"If you are hurt by carelessness, do you think I will cure you?" Mu Qian said.

Chi Yan Xiaodao: "Mu girl, you can't be so eccentric! I just don't have the blues and young people so long-looking!"

The blue-eyed scene of the expressionless zombie face also showed a horrified expression. He knew how heavy the young chiefs had before, how strong the death gas was, and the girl was solved so quickly.

Mu Qian said: "War! Let's do it together and destroy them."

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