Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1688: Dancing in the ink

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Chapter 1688 is dancing with ink

Ms. Qian said: "What does he say about the ink?"

"He wants me to go to the Yuan Dynasty chaotic mainland to change people alone tomorrow. As long as I promise him, he will let go of the little ink, but he has not directly said what to ask." The ink king replied.

"Mu Wang, you will follow the agreement tomorrow! I will go to the Linyuan chaos mainland to find a little ink."

"But the mainland is so big, you..."

"Small ink is my contractor, I will find her anyway. You are all careful."

Mu Qianqi and nine nights arrived at the Linyuan chaotic continent with the fastest.

After they arrived, the soul of Mu Qian’s soul was released, and the scope of its release was getting bigger and bigger, and it still could not sense the existence of small ink.


Nine nights: "I can't sense my contracted beast. There are only two situations. The first is that the other party has a way to isolate the contract sense. Another thing is that Xiaomohuang is not here."

Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a dark light, and nine nights said: "I have already let Ziyou go to check, and once he has news, he will tell this."



At this time, Linyuan chaos the mainland, some of the long-lost beasts to find the troubles of the Millennium.

Mu Qiang swept out and said: "Nine nights, I solve it myself!"


Mu Qianxi is very angry now, just take these guys to practice.

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

"The secluded print!"


Every step of the killing will kill, and the means are fierce.

At this point, she thought that the little guy would fall into the hands of the mad and crazy madman, how to settle down.


Mu Qian’s attack power is extremely strong, but the strength of the fierce beasts on the mainland is not weak, and Mu Qiang is trapped in being surrounded.

The flame of the dragon's soul sword rushed out, and the flame of the king spread across the mainland.


More and more fierce beasts have been surrounded, and Mu Qian has fallen into a hard battle.

When the battle was deadlocked, a blood rushed out and a seal fell from the sky.


The fierce beast, the body exploded, and the blood burst out.

Looking at Muqian for nine nights: "Although it is a bit early, but the current state is suitable for practicing Shura, do you want to try."

"The fifth seal, Shurao print!"

Nine nights nodded slightly: "Well! Want to learn?"

"Then ask for a lot of advice for nine nights."

Nine nights nodded: "Well!"

Shura Yin, at least the strength of the Lingzong order can explode the real power, and now she is just practicing.

At the beginning of cultivation, Mu Qiang could not condense into a seal. After numerous attempts, he finally succeeded.

At the moment of raising his hand, the surrounding blood was drawn out, followed by a blood-red Shura print.


However, after hitting the beast, there was no explosive power that broke out in nine nights, just flying the beast.


As time passed slowly, Mu Qianyi solved many vicious beasts.

The surrounding is almost wiped out, and no fierce beast dares to envy the Millennium.

Mu Qian said: "Since there are no beasts on this side, then let's change places!"

"it is good!"


Mu Qianxi did not think that there are still people in the Linyuan mixed continent.

The one who is covered in blood and can't maintain the animal shape, is familiar with it.

"Ink dance!"

Ink dance is a foster daughter of Mo Liu, who actually appeared here?

The purple figure swept out, and Mu Qianyi decided to save her first, and maybe there are any clues.

"Red Lotus!"

"Ice Dragon Forest!"


The familiar spiritual fluctuations and spiritual skills made the ink dance and stunned. She said with amazement: "Mu Qianzhen..."


There are not many vicious beasts that surround the ink and dance.

And the body of the ink dance is crumbling, as if the next moment will faint.

Mu Qianxi will never let her faint now, a potion crossed her arm.

The ink-dancing feeling that could not be sustained can restore some strength, and the wound is healing quickly.


After Mu Qian’s resolutely resolving all the vicious beasts around her, she looked at the ink and danced and asked: “Where is the ink mad?”

"The righteous father...the righteous father..."


This cold and strong woman burst into tears at this moment.

"Hey!" She sat on the ground in a decadent manner, saying: "Mu Qianxi, I tell you everything!"

Mo Liu and Bai often teamed up with the family behind him to kidnap the little ink, otherwise the ink will be able to have this kind of ability.

Ink dance originally thought they were simply trying to retaliate, only to find that they were not.

"I realized that the righteous father wanted to extract the blood of the pure Mohuang family of small ink and ink, and then let a curator transform the blood of me and the righteous father. I...how can I do such a thing."

Therefore, the ink dance refused.

And Mo Liu crazy said to her: "You don't need it, so my success rate is higher! When I become the pure blood of the phoenix king, I can't dare to give it to me if I look at that old thing!"

White is often very dissatisfied, and Mo Liu is mad: "White Master, this is her choice! Can't blame me."

Afterwards, Bai often persuaded the ink to dance. As a result, the ink dance did not agree, and Bai often asked for the cancellation of their contract.

After the contract was lifted, they originally wanted to kill people. As a result, Mo Liu said: "After all, I am a daughter who raised my own personally, and I can’t see her die in front of me! Let her throw it out directly! She can bear this, can’t live. Out of this ruined continent, you can only be separated by a beast!"

Bai often agreed to throw her out directly.

After being thrown out, the ink danced and wanted to return to the mainland of the phoenix to let the king of ink come to save people. However, this chaotic mainland crisis is even worse. Even though her talent is good in the Mohuang family, there is only one dead road here.

She was completely abandoned. She lost her faith and lost her contractor from her former arrogant woman.

However, she will not regret it. The talent of the child is the pride of all of them.

And it's still so small, the righteous father and white often how they can be so cruel.

"Hey!" Another few needles flew over.

Ink dance is not bad, there are principles with a bottom line, just with some genius of loneliness, and run into a potent contractor.

She used the fastest speed to treat Mo, and then said: "Do you remember the way you came back? I am going to save the little ink."

Ink danced: "There are several masters and righteous fathers of Baijia, and there are two curses. You used to be too dangerous. We will soon return to the mainland of Mexico and let the ink king come to rescue!"

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