Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1689: This is no problem.

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Chapter 1689 is called nothing.

Mu Qianqi asked: "There is no time, and once you go to find the ink king, they will attract their attention. It must be passed now."


"There is nothing, but it is definitely not me who died, but they?" Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a bloodthirsty cold light.

Ink danced, and she didn't know much about her time, but every time she did a lot of things that she couldn't do.

Even if this time, Mu Qian’s practice is really adventurous and very rash. She believes that she is not a joke to take her own life.

Ink danced and nodded: "Good!"

"These medicinal herbs are eaten first, hurry to recover! If you really start playing, you can try your best to contribute!"

The contract was forcibly released by his own contractor, and the physical injury of the ink dance was much more serious than the trauma.

Ink danced: "Thank you!"

She did not think that at the time when she was most helpless, Mu Qian, who had once frustrated her, gave her a fulcrum and gave her unexpected help before she fell. ”

Ink dance wants to find a small ink ink as soon as possible, but the Linyuan chaos is too big for the mainland, she could not find the direction.

Ink danced: "I was chased by various beasts and fled everywhere, and the direction was a bit messy."

"Don't worry too much, think about it!"


They searched on the mainland, and after a few wrong roads, the ink danced to find an abyss.

Sure enough, Mu Qiang felt the familiar atmosphere.

A medicinal herb was inserted into the mouth of the ink dance: "Be careful, hide the breath, don't be discovered by them."


Small ink ink is locked in this dark abyss.

The strength of the other party is not weak, and once it is rushed in, it will be discovered.

Mu Qianji retreats and hides a safe distance.

"How big is the chance that you will go to the rescue in nine nights?"

"Wait for me!" Looking at Muqian Road for nine nights.

Suddenly appeared nine nights, scared the ink to dance a big jump.

When he came out nine nights and was close to the abyss, suddenly his face changed slightly.

It was only a moment of things, but it did not escape the soul of the keen enemies.

The purple figure library plucked out, and Mu Qian almost made the nine nights a hedgehog.

"Hey!" Nine nights helpless.


Mu Qian’s slender fingers crossed his face. “Is this nothing?”

The power of the curse is exposed, has the previous suppression been reaching the limit?

Mu Qianxi pointed at him: "You give me the place to stand by! I have another way to find it, have you heard it?"


The nine nights disappeared instantly. He also knew that the situation was very bad. It seems that...

The ice blue scorpion sinks and waits until you find the little thing.

After leaving for nine nights, the ink danced to dare to speak.

"Mu girl, is that your lover? Your feelings are very good." Ink danced and laughed.

"That is natural!" Mu Qian's mouth twitched slightly.

Nine nights are not suitable now, invincible, please take the initiative.

"Let me go inside and explore, find the little guy! Although I haven't advanced to the holy beast, but that group of **** can't help me."

"Then you are careful!" Mu Qian said.

"it is good!"

In an instant, a small ink ink turned into a white afterimage and plunged under the abyss.

Ink danced: "That is also the girl who is the girl of yours?"

She did not think that the ink girl actually had two contract beasts. The gap between them was really not a star and a half.

Invincible carefully hides his breath and finds a small ink that is kept in a cage.

The little ink was a little wolf, and there were scars on his body. It shouted: "Let me go!"

Mo Liu said: "Small things, let me let you go, you don't have to dream! You are in the pure Phoenix blood, just waiting for me to use it for myself!"

"The master will come to save me, you wait!"

"You still expect that little girl to save you, and the king of ink don't want to save you, let alone the little girl."

"Master will!" This point, Xiaomo ink is very convinced.

Mo Liu crazy did not talk to this little girl, but chatted with two black robe curses.

He said: "Mu Wang does not know how to restore it to repair? But as a king of a family, he also has a certain card, and it is also troublesome to deal with. If you can solve him in the simplest way, then it is better."

"I have a way!"

The black robe took a bowl of blood and a lot of feathers.

The little ink is silent, and the invincible is a bit distressed.

This little guy was spoiled by the owner and them when he was born. These shards dare to bully her like this, **** it!

Soon, it put those things on the ground, and as a result, a curse was drawn, and soon a guy with the same ink and ink came out.

Even the breath is the same, even if it is a loved one, it is difficult to tell.

It's just that this is a weak guy who won't open his eyes or speak.

Xiaomo Mo angered: "You bad people, you have to be so mean and shameless to deceive your grandfather, kill Grandpa..."

The little ink ink swayed the wings and wanted to rush out, but was blocked by the curse on the cage.

"Puff puff!"

Not dying, Feng Yan rushed out, and made a mess of their place.


These flames are hard to extinguish, and Mo Liu said: "This is not smoldering. It seems that this little guy has got a lot of good things to go to the phoenix tomb, but soon these are my own."

Little ink is very anxious, but I can't help these big guys.

After they secretly discussed the plan, they went to arrange it. In the middle of the night, invincible finally found the opportunity to bring news to the little ink.

The little ink ink excitedly said: "I know that the master can find me, the little ink will definitely wait for the master to save me."

"Then I went to find the owner!"

Mu Qianxi waited outside, and waited until late at night to see the invincible return.

She rushes to the point of invincibility and she will choose to go straight in.

Invincible came back to report the news, Mu Qianqian nodded: "It seems that tomorrow, Mo Liu mad with the ink king will not bring a small ink to the past, so just as soon as they leave, we will save the little ink."

"Well! I think so too."

The face of the ink danced was white, and his respected father was so cruel.

She bit her lip and couldn't speak. What she can do now is to help Mu Qian to save a little ink.

The next morning, Mo Liu madly returned.

"He said, Bai Chang, Wan Daren, and a few of you left to prepare. I will go to the meeting with other people."

They are confident that no one can find this place. Naturally, they will take the most powerful people to deal with the ink king, and win the ink king as soon as possible, so as not to cause a change.

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