Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1691: Self-defeating

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Chapter 1691 is self-destructive

This little girl is actually casting a spell with his blood.

One, two, three...

With his ability and cognition, he didn’t even know what the spell was.

It’s hard to know one, it makes him collapse.

"This... This is the curse of our cursed family, how do you know?"

"This is impossible! Who are you?"

Mu Qianxi waved his hand: "No matter how much you want to know, I won't tell you!"

"go with!"

The power of countless curses, like the bones of the bones, is generally wrapped around the million.

He was violently violent and slammed into the cage, but it didn't help.

Mu Qianxi buckled the hand of nine nights, this is just a general curse.

Can you see how painful the nine-night curse broke out?

"Nine nights, let's go!"


"Invincible! Destroy this cave completely."

"it is good!"

White often escaped from the wolverine, but as soon as he escaped, he just ran into the ink dance.

The ink danced in front of him and his face became smashed.

"Oh! You are a monk who brought you to the Millennium. I didn't dare to be kind, I should kill you directly."

Ink danced: "White often, you stay here first! I don't want to do it with you."

"I'm going to kill you!"

White often flutters toward the ink directly, at this time he is mad, and there is no self-awareness.

Even if he is not injured or poisoned, he is not necessarily the opponent of the ink dance, let alone the present.


White often does not listen to advice, and ink dances have to be done.

It was white often running out, watching him miserable, and everything went smoothly.

She also has to complete the things that only one of the Millennium has given him. It is absolutely impossible for people to run.

"You dare to do it to me, I am yours..."

Ink dance directly interrupted his words. "White often, you forgot, you have lifted the contract with me, I have nothing to do with you!"

Ink dance is forced to release the contract, just like nothing, but also can play against him, which is often unimaginable.


The whole man was fanned out and fell to the ground and the front teeth fell directly.

Immediately after the ink dances, the attack is not light.


White can often be said to be hurt and hurt, and his face is white.

"Dancing, you let me go! Mu Qiang is so hot, she will kill me! Please..."

Knowing that he is not an opponent of ink dancing, Bai often can only let him whisper in a low voice.

How did he see him like this, but his face was not chilly.

"You have done that kind of thing, I still want you to let go of you, Bai Chang, are you too whimsical?" In the eyes of the ink dance, the cold color was removed.

"He is really too whimsical."

The voice of Mu Qianxi passed over, and Bai Chang’s body trembled.

Mu Qianxi is alive, then other people... Others are estimated to have been killed by her, then...

"Dancing, dancing and saving me!" He pulled the ink and said.

"Dancing, I beg you! I am wrong, it is all your righteous father forced me, I am forced too!"

"As long as you save me, I will definitely be your contractor and will never release the contract."

Ink dances coldly: "White often, do you think I was deceived by you once, will you trust me again? Mu Qian will only dispose of you, and you will be useless because I have her life. of."

Mu Qian said: "White often, just like you, you think that you can let the ink dance and look at you, let you be her contractor. I used to think that ink danced some eyes, actually looked I am on you."

Ink dance is also a bit embarrassing. At first, the righteous father was very optimistic about Bai Chang and the forces behind him. She very much agreed with her contract with him, and she agreed!

Bai Chang said: "Mu Qianxi, how do you want to let me go! Do you want to kill like this?"

Mu Qianxi walked up to him and said: "Look at the fate of your begging for mercy, how can I not kill you?"

White often flashed the ecstasy on his face, and the sharp needle stuck into his neck.

"Of course, you can't die, then the result is naturally that life is better than death."



He widened his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him, and as a result he felt his vision blurred.

She... this vicious woman turned out to be poisonous.

Not only that, but there is still a little spiritual power, but now there is no power at all.

Mu Qian said: "You are here to kill yourself! I hope that you have the good luck of ink and dance to meet someone to save you."

Ink danced a little, and they used to do this to her before, but now it is even more embarrassing.

In the darkness, the beasts are waiting, and white can often have a chance to live.

Mu Qian said: "You must rush to the side of the ink king, can you still fly now?"

"Yes! But we don't know where the ink king is?"

Mu Qian said: "I put a trace of powder on the king of ink, follow my guide, go!"

"it is good!"

The place where the ink madness met with the king of ink began to go far. When they arrived, the confrontation between the king of ink and the mad king had already had a result.

In the ink of the madman, there is the baby of the king of ink, and the king of ink can only compromise.

He sighed with a deep breath: "You said that if I took out the whole body blood for you, you let me go to my granddaughter! Can you talk for a while?"

Mo Liu said: "Of course! As long as you promise me, I will give you your granddaughter! After all, the king will only look at the pure blood of the phoenix, if it has the blood of the ink king, it A little blood is not enough."

"Of course, you can also think about it, but the body of this little guy is not good. You have been thinking about it for a long time. It is estimated that it will be cut off early."

Mo Liu’s handcuffs slammed into the neck of the little phoenix in Central China, and the ink king looked in his eyes, eager to smoke the scorpion.

"You give me a hand! Ink mad, you are this ungrateful dog thing, you..."

These words, the ink willows directly ignored, he looked at the king of the darkness: "Mu Wang, are you promised, or do not agree!"

The ink king clenched his fist and said: "I promised!"

"Mu Wang really loves granddaughters, I dare to move! This is your granddaughter, you can pick it up yourself!"

Mo Liu madly threw out the one in his arms that was disguised by the curse.

He promised that the Moliu madness was so so happy that he did not make a trick. Not afraid of his remorse, he handed over the little ink and ink, which also made the ink king very surprised.

But now he hasn't thought about it anymore. He swept out and wanted to hug the little ink.

If you don't catch a small ink, the small ink can be hurt.

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