Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1692: Don't feel bad about me

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Chapter 1692 does not hurt me

The ink king is about to hug the thing, and Mo Liu’s mouth is smug with a smug smile!

At this time, a red-red fire dragon descended from the sky.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the fire dragon swallowed that thing.

"Small ink ink!" Mo Wang was shocked.

But when you look closely, the root of the flame is not his little ink, but the evil power that turns into a dark group.

"The spell!"

For this power, the ink king was too familiar, and he stepped back a few steps.

"Mu Liu crazy, you are despicable!"

Mo Liu crazy anger, "Who? Who is the good guy who dares to break me!"

There was a shadow in the air, and an arrogant voice came.

"Of course it is your ancestors!"

"Ink dance, admire thousands of sorrows!" Mo Liu violent anger, hands violently jumping.

"You are looking for death!"

Mo Liu madly rushed into the air to admire the thousand 汐 and the ink danced desperately, and the ink king's figure swayed in front of him.

"Mo Liu mad, there is a king, are you moving these two hoes to try?"

Mo Liu’s face was heavy, and he said: “Mu Wang, if you want to save your granddaughter, you will kill these two little girls.”

Ink King said: "Mu Liu Mania, you really are the king of the old! Is it stupid? Even if you kill them, you will not let go of the ink! This king does not believe you."

"You don't believe me how can I? Your granddaughter's life is being held in my hands."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Mu Liu crazy, are you sure that the little ink is still in your hands?"

"what do you mean?"

Mu Qian said: "Mu Wang, hands-on, I have saved a little ink, and some of these people, do not let go."

After listening to the words of Mu Qian, the face of the ink king flashed the ecstasy.


Inklessly said: "This is impossible, absolutely impossible."

"You are absolutely deceiving me."

After all, who can save the little guy, unless the other has a curse to help.

But the ink king, which one of them can resist, please go to the curse!

Even if the ink will not believe, the ink king believes it will be fine.


This one of the first masters of the Mohuang family finally broke out of the strongest strength, and Mu Qianji jumped from the body of the ink.

"Look for a safe place to stay!"

"Invincible! Come out!"


The two sides fought, and Mo Liu madly discovered that the ink king was really stupid.

He said: "Even if she rescued the little phoenix, so many of us, just take them. That little phoenix can fall into our hands."



The huge dark phoenix appeared in the air, and the whole sky was darkened.

The ink king has not completely broken out of strength for a long time. This time, he will fight for his granddaughter.

Mo Liu mad knows that he still underestimated the power of the ink king.

"First grab Mu Qian, and Qian Qian is the contractor of the little guy. The little guy is estimated to be in her. If you catch her, you can smash the king."

"You can't think about it!"


The king's wings swept away and directly stopped them.

But a curse slipped out and plunged into Mu Qian.

The curse family sneaked into the murder of the Millennium, and at this time, the nine-night initiative was a human shield.

They have been so miserable for nine nights, and now nine nights themselves have become the killer of the cursing family.

The dark mantra plucked into the Millennium, and a black shadow flashed. The curse had not seen the look of the nine nights, and he was directly countered.


He fell to the ground and spit out a black blood.

It was so inexplicably reversed, and with such a level of strength, it was impossible to lift the level of the curse of nine nights.

"What exactly is going on?"


The other side also has a master, and the ink king may not be able to stop everyone.

There are also several high-ranking spiritual sacs that have plunged into the ancestors, and the low-level spirits of the Holy Spirit can also cope with one or two, but the high-order, absolutely not!

Nine nights naturally will not cause people to hurt a thousand and a half points in front of him, is preparing to start, suddenly a laugh came.

"Night, you are so unsettled! You are not afraid of a little beauty, you don't want to climb a bed for ten days and a half."

A green figure swayed, and some of those who wanted to take a shot at Muqian were shot out.


This purple guy is not alone, bringing a bunch of people.

The pair of cold and evil scorpions flashed a cold light, "Hands!"

Their appearance is completely devastating for them.

Mo Liu was shocked and said: "Who are you guys? You..."


It is completely unilateral crushing, not too bad.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Purple, can you come in time?"

"Isn't it? Little beauty, you feel bad night! But the night never hurts me. This doesn't make me rush to come. I haven't had time to hook up the beauty of the Phoenix family these days. He is still like this. To me, hey!" Purple eyes sorrowful look at the Phoenix nine nights.

What made him more heartbreaking was that a cold eyes of the phoenix nine nights passed.

"To shut up!"

"Little beauty, you care about him!" Purple.

"You are a bit noisy!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

Purple is simply going to kill, these two people do not bring such bullies!


"Who are you guys? I dare to kill us. I tell you, we are white people." An elder in the Bai Changzu angered.

Purple fainted in front of him: "White House? Forgot to tell you, before the deity came, this Phoenix World White House I have already cleaned up everyone."

"This is impossible..." Let the cocky look at this sinister man.

"You said, do you want the deity to solve the white house of the gods?"


I don't know if it is shocking or fearful. Anyway, he has already trembled involuntarily.

"Dare to catch the little beast's contract beast, dare to let Xiaomei people worry, but also want to drain the little blood that is not covered. Do you think the deity is revengeful? I already feel very light."

At this time, there were several more figures.

One of them is a charming woman. "Is the purple man saying that it is true? I have to say that you are really bold. The Mei people are so close to the girl, you even dare to tie her contract beast."

"Mo Liu crazy, you dare to carry me to do such a thing, I will be killed by you."

This is the contractor of the Shangguan Suyue, the ink madness.

She had no reason to lie to them, and the man was pale!


A spurt of blood, their white home is over, and may even be implicated in the white house of the gods.

It shouldn't be! No!

They shouldn't because the young master hated Mu Qianxi, and he was willful, and he promised him to do this?

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