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Chapter 1701, you hurry to roll

It turns out that Hachioji and his contractors are at a crucial moment in the promotion.

Suddenly, a thunder broke.

"Our phoenix family, some people have advanced to the beast."

Just a little while, a handsome, indifferent man in a silver robe walked over with the Eight Emperors.

"The beast! The ice phoenix of the ice phoenix is ​​promoted."

"The Eight Princes also got a lot of benefits! It seems that we have not waited."


The two men came, and the king of God always calculated the field.

The king of God looks good. It is not difficult to have this strength to maintain a young appearance. The whole person looks majestic.

God King said: "Since everyone is here, let's open the channel!"

"Actually! People are not in the end!" The Queen of Blue Phoenix stood up.

The **** king looked at this feminine woman: "Who is not there, who is missing?"

Ink King said: "The lack of my granddaughter and her contractor, Mu Qianxi! Mu Qiang talent is excellent, this time into the phoenix tomb, a great opportunity, must not miss."

Both the Blue Phoenix Queen and the Mexican King stood up. The Leihuang family said: "And my son, Lei Ming."

Shen Wang coldly said: "There is a big event in the Phoenix world here, not everyone is qualified."

"The gods and kings are right, the little things of the Mohuang family and Lei Ming, are they breaking through the ranks of the gods? I really thought he was the ice phoenix Shaozu! What qualifications let us wait..."

"Booming!" The dog's leg of the king of God has not finished yet. Suddenly, the power of lightning in the Phoenix world has madly poured into the most powerful area of ​​lightning.

Everyone was stunned: "That location, that location is Leihuang mainland."

For Leihuang mainland, the Leifeng patriarch is more aware than others.

He said: "That is not just the mainland of Leihuang, but also the forbidden land of our Leihuang family, the sea of ​​Jinlei, my son is inside."


The power of thunder and lightning is even more terrible.

Absolutely someone is breaking!

The king of God is low: "The prince of Lei Huang, the boy in your family still doesn't know when to break through, there is nothing to wait for, so as not to miss the big thing, let's go!"

"Yes! Depart!"

At this time, an indifferent Mei Daren came over.

"The king of the gods, there is a person waiting for the next, can you wait a little longer."

Mei Daren rarely asks for people, which makes the King of God somewhat surprised.

God King said: "Is that little girl named Mu Qianxi?"


"Okay, then wait!"

"Ah! I don't want to live, I don't want to live..." In the sea of ​​Jin Lei, Lei Ming was screaming.

"You have gotten a cheap boy and sold it. It is not bad to break through the potential of the gods and beasts. When the old man sends someone to pick you up in the domain, you are not allowed to refuse."

"Okay, but... but can I really? It is a **** domain!"

"My disciple, I can say it can be."

And Mu Qianxi digested the last bit of lightning power, this refining method, once again improved.

"There are little gimmicks, you too! Come and go together."

Ms. Qian said: "I am going to have something to do in the original world. I really can't go. I have the opportunity to go to the domain of God, what are you worried about?"

"It's mad, you little girl, I don't care about you, let's go!"

The sea of ​​Jin Lei left behind a glimpse of the gods of Lei Di, and they went away from the sea of ​​Jin Lei, and his knowledge disappeared.

When they came out, someone rushed to report. "The patriarchs, the phoenix tombs have opened, and the people in the tribe have gone. You will go soon, or you will not be too late."

Lei Mingdao: "Are you going?"

Mu Qian said: "I naturally go back, see you then!"

Lei Mingfeng rushed to the electric rush, the patriarch of the Leihuang family said: "You have finally arrived, the harvest is not small!"

The smell of Lei Ming did not have to cover up, the gods step.

Since the defeat of the Phoenix family, there have been few new phoenixes of the gods and beasts. Now the two juniors have broken through successively, and one of them is a phoenix, and the gods are not happy.

He said: "Get off! Don't waste time here."

Ink King said: "But..."

"There is nothing, Mei, don't delay for a little girl..."

As a result, Mu Qianxi appeared.

"I'm coming!"

She looked at everyone: "Let everyone wait for a long time."

The king of the gods looked at the millennium. This little girl was long and beautiful, but she was so young, she didn’t know that point and let Mei look at it.

At this time, Hachioji’s eyes were glued to Mu Qian’s body at one time. He said: Finally, it’s coming, it’s just right!

The king of the king waved: "Okay! Everyone is ready! Hold the crack in the sacred tomb of the passageway."

When they opened the crack, Mu Qiang pulled a man's hand at this time.

The person in front of him has a mask, no expression, and the breath converges. It is like a transparent person, which is neglected.

Mu Qiang passed the sound to the nine nights: "Nine nights, don't go!"

Pulling the hands of nine nights, Mu Qiang has felt the riot of the curse.

Nine nights are absolutely desperately suppressed, or as long as they leak a little, they will be discovered by the cursers.

"This monarch must go and find the curse, and you can give me a curse."


“Booming!” The passage opened, Mei Dasheng said: “It’s time to go.”

Entering the red-red space, the **** king said: "This time into the sacred tomb of the phoenix, divided into two roads! The masters of each group went to the core of the sacred tomb to find the treasure of the phoenix."

"As for the little guys! Just enjoy it in the phoenix tomb! I wish you an unexpected harvest."


The king of the gods can't wait, and can't wait to sweep out the treasures of the phoenix and get the curse.

The Leihuang family said: "Let's go!"

What if I really found out? After that, there will inevitably be a horrible war. The juniors will stay here, only to make them dangerous. It is better to let them go directly to find opportunities.

The Eight Princes were somewhat dissatisfied, and the face of the ice was sinking.

He said: "Go!"

The elders underestimated his strength, and he proved to show them that they can do it, he can do it.

Hachioji said: "Bing Ming, you wait! I have to do something a little."

Hachioji’s arrogant and arrogant walk came to the face of Mu Qian’s. “Women, this phoenix tomb is not safe. Let’s team up with me!”

Mu Qian said: "I refuse, you hurry!"

"This prince is for your good, what is your tone? I wanted to come back to teach you later, since you don't know how to be so good, then..."

The Eight Emperors have a tough attitude and a sullen expression.

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