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Chapter 1702 on the ice

Chapter 1702

The Eight Princes are going to shoot, and Mu Qian’s shots are obviously faster than him.

Not only fast, but also blood, a terrible attack.

The prince's face changed greatly, and he couldn't think of the timidity of Mu Qian's.

Hachioji can't hide, but fortunately there are defense artifacts on his body.


The artifact blocked the attack of Mu Qian, and Mu Qian did not give the opportunity to react to the Eight Princes.

Yan Longjian crossed the void, and the red-red flame swept through.

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

The terrible elements of fire are coming, and the horrible coldness of the wind is followed.


This cold wind swept over and overbearing, and Mu Qian’s gods flashed and retreated.

The surrounding area was condensed into a white ice rib, and others were shocked.

The most powerful genius of the Phoenix family was shot, and the chill was too scary. He couldn’t help but have a goose bump.

Bing asked: "How do you want to solve it, say it directly? Don't waste time."

The Eight Princes have always been jealous, but in the face of Bing Ming is still obedient.

He said: "First throw away and throw out, wait for the prince to go out and clean up her, though..."

He looked at the face of the thousand, and still could not bear this face, but there is no way.

Bing Ming nodded: "Good!"

If it were not for the order of the Eight Princes, he would never waste time in front of a weak person.

He gently raised his hand, and the surrounding air seemed to be condensed. There were countless broken sounds coming from the air, and the sharp arrow rushed out like a blast.

The people shook their heads helplessly, and this attacked Muqian could not avoid it, and this was abolished.

The people who are optimistic about Mei’s optimism have had a promising future, but they have offended these two people who cannot be offended.

They did not expect that a silver lightning would fall from the sky when some of the ice arrows were near Muchen.


The powerful desperate ice arrow was bombarded with ice and **** in a flash.

At this time, some people dared to make a mistake with Bing.

"It's you, Lei Ming!" The Eight Princes waited for Lei Ming in disgust.

"You are less idle."

"I just want to do more business, can you manage it?" Lei Ming replied.

"You are not my opponent, let him go!" Lei Ming was deeply pointed to the ice.

Lei Ming’s approach is too arrogant.

He even provoked the ice.

"I heard that you have also advanced to the rank of the gods, dare to fight with me!"

The cold around it was even more terrible. Lei Ming was simply looking for death, and even angered the ice.

In an instant, the power of lightning that can destroy the earth and the earth also broke out, making people horrified.

Lei Ming also broke through!

"Boom!" The two forces slammed together and were surrounded by them.

The people present are hard to withstand and can only retreat to a safe place.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. It seems that the old man of Lei Di gave Lei Ming a lot of benefits. Lei Ming’s progress was very big.

Then, the two directly became the body, and the huge body fought in the air, shaking the earth.


A burst of loud noises made people stunned.

"very scary!"

"If the ice is so powerful, I don't think that Lei Ming of the Leihuang family is so powerful, I didn't think of it!"


The lightning attack is very strong, the body defense is very strong, and the speed is very fast. I don’t think of the Lei Ming of Leifeng, which is so deep.

The faint arrogance of Bingyue swept through Lei Ming and continued to fight with this guy. It’s hard to have a result every day and night.

It only wastes time, and it is not a big deal!

Ice meditation: "Everyone enters the sacred tomb of the phoenix for the sake of chance. Why do you want to fight with me here, waste your energy and let yourself accept it."

"Hehehe! Several of you are at the entrance to bully a weak little girl, you have reason!" Lei Mingdao.

In fact, when he said this, he was also slightly ashamed.

If his guess is correct, that one is definitely not a weak girl.

Mu Qianqi is not weak at all, is it good?

Everyone's mouth madly pumped up, but thinking about the gap between the strength of the Millennium and the strength of the ice, the other party is a bit bully.

"You really have to protect the millennium." The horrible cold broke out, and it was targeted, and the goal was to admire thousands of miles.

"Oh!" This power was stopped by a silver light curtain.

"Of course, help people to help."

Bai Ming’s face was gloomy. He said: “Looking at the minority patriarchs of the Leihuang family, today’s things are like this.”

Hachioji is not reconciled!

"Ice, so forget it!"

"The baby in the sacred tomb of the phoenix is ​​important."

"Good! I am listening to you."

Ice meditation: "Who wants to follow us, all come with it! The sacred tomb of the phoenix is ​​in jeopardy, and it is dangerous to act alone."

The genius of Bing Ming invited them to act together. Everyone threw up with excitement and left with them.

A few people in the Leihuang family: "The patriarch, you are too impulsive!"

Lei Ming waved: "Flash to the side."

He went to the front of Mu Qianxi and smiled and said: "You are called Mu Qianxi!"


"The guy in the ice is fascinating. I really thought he was very good. We will still be afraid of him?"

"Nature is not afraid!"

"let's go!"

The people of Leihuang are very strange. The young patriarchs are too familiar with themselves. Did he know this one before?

They absolutely never imagined, not only knowing, but also counting the fate of life and death.

All around were red-red like a flame, and a thick red fog appeared. Lei Ming said: "Don't lose it, or you will die here, no one will collect your corpse."

"Yes, little patriarch!"

When the redness of the fog dissipated, there were two or three doors in front of them.

There is a carved three-legged golden eagle in front of each door, which is open.

"The phoenix **** is still very caring for the younger generation, so give you two choices! The first door will enter, there will be many inheritance, not so dangerous, as long as the talent is not too bad, you can get what you want."

"The second door, the danger inside is absolutely beyond your imagination, but you can enter the core of the Holy Sepulchre. The master of the powerful Phoenix family enters a dead end, and you will definitely die!"

"I said, it is definitely not an alarmist! Think about it!"

The patriarchs are estimated to be dead, and they are completely dead.

The real baby has the patriarch and the king of the gods to get it. They only need to get a little benefit, so their eyes are placed in the first door.

And Mu Qian’s direction is the second door.

At the core of the Holy Sepulcher, she must go.

Nine nights are now with Ziyou and Mei Daren, they are facing the Protoss master and the **** king.

But the most terrible thing is definitely not the king of gods, but the third mantra that was sealed in the sacred tomb of the phoenix.

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