Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1704: Too much kind of

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Chapter 1704 is too species

Before the big wave of firecraft came over, Mu Qianyi quickly evacuated.

Mu Qiang took out the heart of the fire of Warcraft, "the first one."

Lei Mingdao: "It is this thing, it takes a hundred, it is not easy!"

With a perfect strategy, Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming cooperate very well.

Lei Ming main battle to attract the enemy, small ink and ink and invincible responsible for assistance, Mu Qianzhen is responsible for the sneak attack, a blow will kill.

Everything went smoothly, and the heart of Firecraft also collected more than twenty.

"Booming!" A strong breath has always been, Lei Ming shocked: "This time, came a very strong guy!"

"Can't you fight?" Lei Ming looked at Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianhui replied: "First concealed."

"it is good!"

They are hidden in the dark and found that there are several big guys who are killing, very strong.

Mu Qiang asked Lei Ming not to expose himself. After these guys ran away, Mu Qianxi came out.

Mu Qiang fell to the ground and looked at the places where the fires of Warcraft escaped: "Is they in the ice?"

"how do you know?"

"The fire of Warcraft was injured just now, and it was still hurt by the ice. I want to speculate that the ice is in front."

"The guy in the ice can't be underestimated, and there are serious injuries to these fires."

"Go! We are in the past!"

"They are definitely more people than ours. We are like this. When it is time to go up, I am afraid it is very dangerous."

"I will see the situation later."


The ice buddy guy is not good to deal with, and Mu Qian also gave Lei Ming an enhanced version of the hidden medicinal herbs.

Their breath blended with the surrounding flaming forest, and there was a conversation in front.

"The Eight Princes and the Ice Age boss are too powerful. These fires are nothing at all!"

"Isn't it? Getting started with that bird is so terrible, it is totally deceiving us to play."


Their team turned out to be a small number of people, keeping the number just coming in, that is to say no one chose to take the first door.

Lei Ming screamed, "These guys are too kind!"

Mu Qian said: "I don't think they are very kind, but Bing Ming gave them a promise, they will come in."

"They have too many people. If they have conflicts with them, it is very unfavorable for us. Let's go quickly, don't touch them hard." Lei Ming whispered.

"hold on!"

There is a crazy decision in the heart of Mu Qiang, but in order to avoid scaring Lei Ming, it is better not to tell him for the time being.

At this time, someone brought news to Hachioji and Bing.

"We were in front of us and found nine turns of fire and phoenix flowers, but there are a lot of fires that Warcraft is guarding, ice glamour bosses, we have to act."

Ice meditation: "Nine turns of fire and phoenix flowers, but it is a good thing that can be met and not available. Maybe the whole phoenix world, there is only this one, since it is encountered, it must not be missed."

Hachioji said: "Is there something ice, what are you afraid of? It is."

Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a bright light, and nine turns of fire and phoenix flowers.

"Follow them!"

This thing does not say that Bing Ming is not willing to give up, even if she does not want to give up.

Lei Mingdao: "What good thing is that nine turns of fire and phoenix?"

"It is the holy medicine in the holy medicine that can make the blood and the fire reborn and become stronger."

"If this thing is to get the ice and use the strength, then the ice is estimated to be getting more and more powerful."

"I am also very interested in it!"

When they followed the ice, and when the place where the nine-turned fire flower was located, Lei Ming was shocked.

"A lot! A lot of fire Warcraft!"

The nine-turn fire phoenix exudes aroma, letting some of the fires of Warcraft kill each other here.

These nine-turn fire phoenix flowers are not only very useful for people, but also have a very good effect on Fire World of Warcraft.


Their battles are only temporary.

One of the strongest fires of Warcraft has broken out, and the nine-turned fire phoenix is ​​likely to fall into its hands.

Ice meditation: "Do you start?"

"Do it? So many fires of Warcraft, it's too dangerous." Someone exclaimed.

"I don't obey my orders, I can roll now."

Hachioji said: "Either die, or go, don't talk so much nonsense, start!"


"Hey!" Under the pressure of Bing Ming and the Eight Princes, they started.

Lei Ming was surprised: "Is this crazy? Even if some of these fires are defeated by Warcraft."

Mu Qian said: "In the face of sufficient benefits, maybe this is crazy, isn’t it?"

"Ah!" A scream came out.

In the face of so many fires of Warcraft, even if the Eight Princes and their party are more powerful, it is inevitable that someone is seriously injured and some people are killed or injured.

This is his tribe!

Lei Ming clenched his fists and endured the urge to rush.

Mu Qian said: "You are all from the Phoenix family, but at the same time they are also competitors. They stand on the side of the Eight Princes. The position is already obvious. I don't believe you will not know."


At this point, Bing Ming and Hachioji have already played with the strongest fire of Warcraft.

Ice Ming took out a trident, composed of ice, with an incomparable ancient atmosphere.

Lei Mingdao: "This... This is the town artifact of the ice phoenix family. Even if the ice meditation has just been promoted to the sacred animal, it can also exert the power of the peak beast."

"In the beginning of the war, the ice phoenix said that the ice trigeminal was not created, but this time..."

"It is obvious that they do not want to do their best to fight against the Protoss."


When the ice trident came out, the surrounding fires of Warcraft were all frozen, no wonder they could be so easy along the way, because of this.

Others breathed a sigh of relief, and today they have finally saved this little life.

"Scratch!" And the strongest fire of Warcraft, suddenly bursting out of the ice, flew toward the ice.

"Hey!" Ice rushed to dodge, cold channel: "Get together!"

With the strength of Bing Ming, it is impossible to use the ice trident continuously, and then it is up to the strength of their entire team to win.


It is said that together, the Eight Princes have already circled the rear to pick up nine turns of fire and phoenix.

Lei Mingdao: "Would we like to grab it?"

"hold on!"

Sure enough, the fire World of Warcraft learned that after the nine-turned fire phoenix was taken, anger!


"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The power of violentness caused Bing Ming and others to be hit hard, and the ice whispered: "Retreat first!"


He wiped the blood from his mouth and quickly with his team evacuated.

This ghost thing is too strong, they fight with it, the wind is very big.

"Hey!" They have nine turns of fire and phoenix in their hands. The fire of Warcraft will never let them go, naturally it is chasing after.

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