Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1705: Gorgeous appearance

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Chapter 1705, gorgeous appearance

After they ran, Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming went to the battlefield.

Ms. Qian said: "Lei Ming, what are you doing cold? Dig the heart."

"Ah!" Lei Ming was still surprised.

"Bingy, they are simply violent, use such artifacts to kill these guys, don't dig them out, waste!"

Bing Ming is also a bit strange, and the original millennium still remembers this.

"it is good!"

Digging out some of these, the heart of the firecraft they collected has more than seventy, and it has reduced the workload.

After the collection, Lei Ming asked: "Millennium, do we have to give up the nine-turn fire."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "This holy thing, want me to give up, how is it possible, chase!"

"it is good!"

Hunting for the ice, their fire, more and more World of Warcraft, simply not too busy.

Many of the people in their ranks were not killed by the fire of Warcraft on the spot, but they were forced to go out without a pass.

Hachioji said: "Bing Ming, these fires are mad, they will never let us go! Or let us give them this flower!"

This opinion of Hachioji was directly rejected by Bing Ming.



As a result, they were caught in the siege. The Eight Princes also sacrificed a lot of treasures, but they couldn't deal with so many fires.

"Puff puff!"

Bing Ming and the Eight Princes were seriously injured one by one, and finally the Eight Princes were angry.

"Enough! It's just a flower. In our capacity, how many flowers are like this."

"Hey!" The Eight Princes directly threw the nine-turned phoenix flowers out, and Bing Ming was very unhappy, but at this time he was seriously hurt and his face was pale, and he could not care so much.

It’s a pity to miss these good things, but their ultimate goal is not a panacea!


When Hachioji wanted to lose the nine-turned phoenix flower, Mu Qiang still speculated that he was waiting for the rabbit, and the nine-turned phoenix flower that did not wait had fallen into the hands of Mu Qianxi.

"This hot potato, you really want it?" Lei Ming made a big jump, to know that their lineup and power are all badly hurt by this group of firecraft, let alone they?

Then, Mu Qianxi took out a thing that looked exactly like the nine-turned phoenix flower, threw it further afield and patted the clapping: "Go! These guys won't chase us."

The two figures flashed and disappeared into place.

After that, as Mu Qian said, these fires really did not chase them.

"That... is that nine-turn fire?" asked Lei Ming.

"If I have nine turns of fire, do I have to use that trouble?"

"How can that thing attract the fires of Warcraft?"

“The breath is very similar, naturally attracting away.”

"How come you find this stuff, luck is great!"

"When you just watched the show, don't you know, am I a refining pharmacist?" Mu Qian said.

Lei Ming looked at Mu Qianyu with a stunned look. "You got it so fast!"

"Thanks to the help of Bing Ming, not only did such a good thing get, but the mission was almost completed and continued to hunt."


Mu Qianxi and Lei Ming continue to cooperate with each other to harvest the fire of Warcraft, getting the heart of the fire Warcraft more and more.


Lei Ming said with excitement: "The last one is left. If we find the last one, we can pass."

Just as he was happy, they stood a big guy, a tricky guy at the moment.

"I... I still lack one, but I don't want to fight with you! Or we will reconcile..." Lei Ming's words.

Reconciliation, this will only fight the fire, Warcraft simply does not know what is the settlement? It only knows how to kill.

"Hey!" A thunderous scream came out.

Lei Mingdao: "What should I do?"

"What can I do, run first? You are not its opponent."

"it is good!"

"Rumble!" Now, they have also been chased by Fire World of Warcraft.

This guy is very tight and can't escape.

Mu Qianxi waved the dragon and the sword of the soul, "Red Lotus!"

"Rumble!" Red red fire lotus, shrouded the fire of Warcraft.

Mu Qian said: "The last one is still worse. We can't be dragged to death by them, let the ice meditation lead, so fight!"

Lei Ming clenched his fist and said: "Good! Fighting and fighting, I am not afraid of this stuff!"

"Hey!" Lei Ming's body swept out like a thunder, and the fire of Warcraft also rushed over.

"Invincible, small ink ink..."

"Try your best!"


Mu Qianqi leaped in the air, his arm moved, and two Xuan Yin bombed from the air.

"The secluded print!"

"Sirlo India!"


After the guy was attacked continuously, a very difficult magma broke out.

The magma came rolling, and Mu Qian said: "Lei Ming, hurry to avoid!"

Fire World of War once again rushed toward them, and between them, they were continuously attacked and hit hard.

Lei Ming was anxious, saying: "It’s hard to fight, not a way! Let’s continue running!”

"Run, now, it’s not that easy to run."

"My skin is thicker, I block it, you go quickly!"

"When you have studied with Lei Di, are you not sure what kind of refining exercises I have cultivated? Whose defense is stronger, obviously."


"I have an artifact in the ice, can't I have it? You still have the medicine, take care of it, give it to me!"

The Yanlong sword in the hands of Mu Qianxi broke out with a flame of incomparable monks.

Yanlong wakes up.

"Ha ha ha! It’s finally my turn to show off."

Undead inflammation has limited repair to them, but Yanlong is the weakest one and wakes up much faster than the others.

Even if only Yan Long wakes up, the power of the Dragon Sword will never be weaker than that of the Ice Trident.

The purple figure flashed, and Mu Qianjun rushed up to hit the guy hard, which made Lei Ming jump a big jump.

"be careful!"

"Boom!" A loud bang, an incomprehensible devastating flame broke out.

Not only did it smother the fire element of this firecraft, but it also burned its death gas.

Mu Qianxi only used one stroke, a very simple trick.

"Yanlong lore!"

A red-red fire dragon rushed out and entangled the fire of Warcraft.

"Hey!" Fire World Warcraft screams, and the only thing left is the heart that was burned.

Muqian picked up the red-red spar: "One hundred, together, let's go!"

"It's too strong, and the ice artifact is not a thing. It's far worse than you."

Yan Long came out of the blade and said with pride: "That is nature, then what is broken and iron, it is comparable to me."

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