Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1706: Look for death

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Chapter 1706, looking for death

"Ah!" Lei Ming looked at the little dragon with shock.

"This... This is the sword spirit of this sword, and the sword spirit can actually run out, it is amazing."

"What is there, you are too ignorant!" Yan Long looked at Lei Ming contemptuously.

It returned to the side of Mu Qianxi: "Master, there is a strong fire element strength, but also very evil power, you must be careful! I will protect you instead of everyone."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Well! You wake up, my enthusiasm is more."

They walked forward and there was another thick fog.

When the dense fog dissipated, two doors appeared in front of them.

"There are many treasures in the first door. You can leave after you have finished the treasure. This is a reward for killing a hundred hearts of Firecraft."

"The second door is the door to the core of the sacred tomb of the phoenix. Entering this door, you have to compete with the old monsters, the death rate is 100%, and only the second kill. You are sure Still going in?"

Mu Qianxi looked at Lei Mingdao: "Lei Ming, it is true! It is dangerous, I have life-saving things, so I have to go once anyway, but you..."

Lei Mingdao: "Millennium, you are too small to look at me. I am the patriarch of the Leihuang family. I have the life-saving things. I have a cheap master and gave me baby!"

"Founder we are also desperate in the sea of ​​Jinlei, this time have come here, how can I go back."

Mu Qianxi looked at Lei Mingdao: "You better not lie to me, or if you hang up, as long as your soul is still there, I have a way to keep you."

"Is it really good for you?" Lei Ming moved.

"Then put your soul in the body of the ugliest fat pig, waiting for the fat to be killed."

Lei Ming cold and sweat again and again, he said: "Millennium, you are too embarrassed."

"So give me a good life, hang back and want to be a phoenix beast, you think too beautiful!"

"Reassured! I will never have anything to do."

After entering the second door, Mu Qiang felt a strong pressure.

Lei Mingdao: "This is the pressure of the Phoenix God."

“What else do you need to ask?” the voice said.

"What about other people? Where are they now?"

"These people are very strong. Now they are nearing the core of the Holy Sepulchre. If you are faster, you can lead them, but..."

When it was not finished, Mu Qianxi heard an annoying voice.

"Mu Qianxi, Lei Ming, did not expect that you have this ability to run here."

Mu Qianxi also looked at their group of people, jokingly said: "It is really a narrow road!"

Bing has swept through the thousands of sorrows: "The only team that enters here is enough. If you quit now, I can spare you a life, or else..."

"Good dogs don't stop, give me away, I have to do something urgent, where is the time to waste."

She wants to hurry to find it, and she will see the Mantra and hurry before the King of God and nine nights.

Ice meditation: "You dare to talk to me like this, it is just looking for death!"

In an instant, the power of the ice was soaring, and the ice slammed into the Millennium.

"Invincible, little ink and ink, Lei Ming, others have been handed over to you."

"it is good!"

The Eight Emperors were on Lei Ming, and others joined the battle.

After the last killing and the subsequent hunting, they only have four people left.

The icy cold of the ice, like a flood, rushed over.


Mu Qianxi clasps the sword of the dragon and the soul of the sword. The flame of the king is not afraid of the coldness of this ice phoenix.

"Yanlong is perfect!" A sword crossed, and a fire dragon took the flame of the ruined version and rushed toward the other side.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the impact of ice and fire, the ice was crushed, and Mu Qian also stepped back a few steps to stabilize the figure.

Mu Qianxi is just a spiritual emperor. Does the spirit emperor have this power? Nothing is possible!

The ice stared at the dragon sword in the hands of Mu Qianxi, and he was extremely disdainful: "Is it dependent on the power of the artifact? I don't believe you can lower my ice and block the time."

The ice became a sharp ice ridge in all directions, like a dense drizzle, swept away toward Mu Qian.

"Red Lotus!"

"Red Lotus!"


A red-red fire smelt fell from the sky. It bloomed from the air and intercepted some of the ice rims.

A teleport, Mu Qianyu appeared in front of the ice.

"The secluded print!"

The ruin of one stamp forced me to come, so that Bing Ming had to defend.

"Hey!" Faced with such an attack, the face of Bing Ming's face became more and more cold.

"You are just like this, don't be too proud!"

At this time, Ice Ming became the body!

A proud silver phoenix, the terrible spiritual power rises to the sky, and the ice trident begins to grow bigger.

Lei Ming was shocked. "This guy didn't have any real power before."

The attack faced some of the fires of Warcraft, he did not bother to do it, and some people were dead or injured, and he did not want to control.

But now, with more than the ice trident in his hands, Mu Qiang angered him again and again, so that he no longer endured.

He looked at Mu Qianxi with a scornful smile in his eyes.

"The ice sea is arrogant, the ice is cold!"

The ice phoenix flew up, and the force touched the ice trigeminal sword.

At this time, Mu Qianxi is faced with the most avalanche destructive power, which is dangerous and heart-wrenching.

Mu Qian’s face became dignified, and the dragon said: “The flower shelf looks good, the master, let’s not be afraid of it!”

"I have improved my strength and have new skills. Let's try!"

The contract between Mu Qianxi and Yanlong is extremely perfect and extremely perfect.

A spiritual skill, after the soul is connected, she realizes very quickly.

Mu Qianyi and a sword are thrown out. It seems to be a sword, but in fact it is a sword.

"Jiu Yan Haotian!"

Nine fire dragons were entangled in the attack of ice, and the ice gnawed a tooth and then attacked.

"Feathers and mountains!"

When the feathers of the ice phoenix move, it is countless murderous.


The power of violent can only let other people avoid it far away, the ultimate ice, the devastating flame intertwined, and staged a peak matchup.


The two played against each other and were hurt!

Mu Qian’s current body defense, Bing Ming, a guy who has just been promoted to the beast, still can’t hurt him.

The face of the ice is already hanging, and the face is hard to see!

He clenched his fist and looked at the ice trident.

His eyes looked cold and looked at Mu Qian, and spit out three words. "You **** it!"

"It's your own death!"

Yan Long’s soul and sword moved, and the fire element’s life broke out. Bing Ming thought that Mu Qian’s tricks were to be used. The result...

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