Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1710: Ice horn betrayal

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Chapter 1710 Ice Phoenix Betrayal


"I am the master of Crystal Ying. You said that she listened to me or listened to you. I have come to this step. I can't give up anyway. I will find a way to lift your curse."

"With you, I never thought about giving up."

The cursing family was pinned and the king of God was angry.

Suddenly the golden light broke out and countless swords rushed out.

"Jin Yao mad!"

"Booming!" The one **** phoenix was nailed to the wall by countless swords.

"You solve me for him!" The king of God gave an order and threw this phoenix to his six men.

"Yu! You are very good, you dare to betray me!" The king of God looked angry at Yu Da.

Yu Dasheng said: "I just want to hold my wife and children for a day, God King, offended!"

"People who betray me, this king will definitely make you die, but I am not in the mood to clean up the traitors."

"Boom!" The **** king suddenly appeared, with his own power to block the top masters of several elements of the royal family.

"Tooth, do it!"

The tooth of a large adult with a bottle of dragons can finally come in handy.

"Rumble!" Shizhu moved, the dazzling golden dragon rushed out, entangled the dark cursers.

The tooth is big: "The curse! It's just a little bit of power left by the ancient sacred beast. I really thought it would stop us from breaking the seal? It's just too naive."

Shenhuang, the stone pillars of the dragons are all open, but the nine nights are not too strong.

His gaze fell on the stone pillar of the Kirin family, whispering: "Where!"

Excluding two, this is left.

Mu Qian said: "There is no such thing as the king of the gods and the cursed family. There is no blood of the Kirin family. I knew that I should go to this step and I should borrow some blood from my grandmother."

"If I try, can I succeed?"

Her grandmother is a unicorn family, and she also has the blood of the Kirin family, but it is too small, a quarter.

"Let's wait!" Nine nights.

"The amount of blood is not large, you have to try it! Otherwise you have to miss this opportunity. When you find your grandmother and come back, you don't know when to wait."


The Leihuang family helped them to deal with the gods and their party, and the war became more and more fierce.

A burst of phoenix sounds, the power of Shen Huang has been weakened by continuous attacks, and eventually disappeared.

"Booming!" With the pillars of the gods and phoenixes, it collapsed completely, together with stone statues.

It turned into a gravel, nothing.

Lan Da Ren said: "There is no sorrow in the stone pillars of the gods."

"If you don't have it, you will have this, start!"

Lei Ba angry: "Give me a hand!"

There are still two, one-half possibility, and they can't let the king of God break the pillar of the dragon.

They did their best to fight them with the King of God.

"Turn it all out!"

The lineup of the King of God is inherently stronger than them.

At this time, a silver phoenix swept into the air, bursting with a terrible chill, and a cold snap swept through.

The power of this cold, the attack is not the gods of them, but the Lei Huang patriarchs.

The masters of each group were shocked and watched the silvery light. "Ice phoenix patriarch, you..."

The ice phoenix chief who was originally the second fighting force on their side, actually helped the **** king.

Lei Badao: "Ha ha ha! The old man should have thought of it, your son and the Eight Princes contract, you can stay out of it."

The Ice Phoenix family said: "I just want the Phoenix family to end the bad luck. As long as they take away the evil mantra, our phoenix family will be able to recover from the past and not be afflicted by this evil mantra."

The Leihuang family said: "The ice phoenix patriarch, you are not too big! You are too naive!"

The phoenix family with the blood of the three ancient beasts of ancient times, the protoss will not let them go.

"Get out!"


"Booming!" The power of the elements of the ice is intertwined with the power of the elements of the thunder, and the sound of the explosion is heard.

The king of the gods flashed close to the dragon, and the three knives slashed in the past, "Hey!"

This melee is still going on!

"Hey!" Lei Huang was seriously injured by the ice phoenix chief and fell from the air.

"Father!" A black figure rushed out like lightning, and rescued the Lei Huang patriarch.

"Lei Ming! How are you here?" Lei Feng chief was shocked.

"I can’t say it for a while, now this is the case..."


His power of thunder and lightning broke out and barely escaped the murder.

"I..." The Leifeng patriarch wanted to continue fighting, but the injury was too heavy.

"Father, you should take the medicine first! I didn't think that the ice-phoenix family has always been submissive, and it has surrendered to the king of God."

The Leihuang chief sighed: "I don't think that the ice phoenix has always been proud, now..."

The Leihuang chieftain looked stunned. They had no chance of winning, but they were struggling.

The ice phoenix’s ups and downs have no chance of winning.

Lei Ming, did not find Mu Qianxi, he believed that Mu Qian must be there.

He said: "Hey, don't be discouraged, maybe the peaks and turns, there are new possibilities, maybe!"

"New possibilities, unless our Phoenix family has a role that is even better than the King of God, or it can't reverse the situation."

"Rumble!" Lei Ba is supporting hard, ushered in the attack of the ice phoenix.

The old comrades turned into the enemy of today.

"You ice phoenix family, it is really itchy! Very good!" Lei Pa is extremely angry.

"Hey!" Under the attack of the King of God, the golden dragon became a little golden light disappeared.

Mu Qianxi looked at the radiant road: "The power of this seal is weaker than I thought. I thought it would make the King of God seriously injured."

Nine nights replied: "The consumption and suppression of these years have already weakened their power, and this is the time."

If he didn't come, the remaining power left the King of God seriously hurt, but nowadays...


The dragon disappeared and the seal of the dragon was collapsed.

When the stone pillars became fragments, there was no smile on the face of the king.

"No! Still not!"

Broken three seal pillars, but nothing was obtained.

Lei Ba smiled and said: "Ha ha ha! God King, it seems to disappoint you."

God King said: "Who collected the blood of the Kirin family and took it out!"

It’s only one step away from victory. If he fails here, he must be mad at vomiting blood.

"It seems that you are gone! Who told you to kill and kill the unicorns, and now regret it!"

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