Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1711: Separating blood vessels

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Chapter 1711 Separation of blood

These curses are also very distressed. I knew that it was good to imprison a few unicorns!

The Kirin family is a small ethnic group. Together with their temperament, they are like stubborn stones. They do not obey orders and arrangements, and they retort from time to time.

I couldn't ask for the whereabouts of the volume of the Manchu Daquan. The patriarchs almost killed them. Only one unicorn escaped, and now it is estimated that death can no longer die.

Where are they going to find the blood of the Kirin family?

"Boom!" The king of the gods is angry, do you want to give up?

“Is there any other way?” The King of God looked at the Tooth.

The human voice said: "There is a natural way, but it is a little troublesome. Can you do this now?"

The king of God alarmed: "What is the solution?"

The evil eyes of the Tooth Raiders fell on the people of Lei Huang and Lan Huang.

"Whether it is a unicorn or a phoenix, it belongs to the ancient gods and beasts. We use blood as a sacrifice, and use the curse to lead the Wan Man Daquan to take the initiative to break the seal. The power of this seal is not so strong. I want to do it. It is not difficult. Just to Many blood of the phoenix beasts."

The **** king is cold and vocal: "The only thing we have here is the phoenix beast!"

He ordered: "Give me a kill!"

In order to open the seal, the gods and kings are preparing to kill here and kill the strong ones of the Phoenix family.

The leader of the Ice Phoenix team said: "The king of the gods."

"Reassure, your ice is the covenant of my child. Your ice phoenix family has been sincere and will never start with you."

Lei Ba cold channel: "God king, you dare! I am fighting with you."


This is a **** battle. The result of defeat is death.

Lei Ming gave the Lei Huang chief's healing medicine very good, Lei Feng family long: "Lei Ming, you will leave soon, hurry!"


"As a patriarch of a family, I have to fight to the end anyway! For my own purposes, I have to kill my family and dream!"

The Leifeng patriarch once rushed up again, and Lei Ming clenched his fist.

He also doesn't want to be a deserter, rushing up...

When Lei Ming was about to rush up, a purple figure swept out.

"Lei Ming, don't look for death! Anyone here can have your life."

At this time everyone is dealing with the enemy, no one noticed the side of Mu Qian.

Because there is no blood of the Kirin family, this one of the seal pillars of the Kirin family is unattended.

A dagger, sloping the palm of your hand.

The blood slipped down at the fingertips of the five fingers, and "tick..." stayed on the stone pillar, no response!

Lei Ming was shocked. What is he doing?

God King said: "It is that little girl."

"This little girl has a problem! Is it a human being, and is it also the blood of the beasts?"

The blood is not pure, is it more blood?

Mu Qianxi was prepared to continue bleeding, and the result was caught in nine nights.

Not only was it caught, but all the blood in Mu Qian’s hands slipped into the hands of nine nights, and he was almost greedy.

"Don't waste, I have to open the seal!"

"Hey, I can open the seal." Nine nights walked over the stone pillar and placed it on the unicorn stone pillar.

It is too simple and too simple to open this seal.

Relaxing the suppression of the curse, let the curse strength emerge smoothly, and the Mantra absorbed the power, enough to break this extremely fragile seal.

At the same time, he also let the curse find a lot of empty diamonds, when the situation will get more and more out of control.

The one who was fighting was stunned. "This...the power of this curse, who is that man?"

The nine-night gaze was deeper and deeper, and he seemed to feel that the seal of the seal was tempting him to untie the seal.

It is clear how he can solve the problem of his beloved woman as long as he can solve it.

"Nine nights!" Mu Qiang tried hard and slammed the nine-night hand from the stone pillar.

"I still have a way, let me try it!" asked Muqian.

"No, you have to say it! Just say it." She followed.

Nine nights were only fixed and she did not answer, and Mu Qian made her own decision.

She took out the yin and yang, and then began to configure the pharmacy, a medicine that separates the blood.

This kind of medicine, her ghost doctor can't do it.

"Give me the law, I can't let anyone bother me."

God King and Lei Ba are a little surprised. What is this little girl doing?

In this case, refining?

The tooth man was staring at the phoenix and nine nights, and he could not wait to see through this black mask man.

He is not a curse, but the curse of his body makes him feel scared.

He said: "God king, start! Clear these disobedient phoenixes."


"Father! Father!" The Eight Princes and the ice are late.

The **** king nodded: "Yes! You can come here, the king and surprise."

Appreciated by the father, the Eight Princes are very happy.

Only when he saw the magnificent unicorn seal under the pillar of the stone, his face became ugly.

"Father! This one is a thousand, she... she almost killed me, you must let him not die."

"Since you have come, you will watch this battle on the sidelines. As for the contradictions of the children, I will solve the big problem."

The king of God has always said one thing, and the Eight Princes dare not act rashly.

The ice is cold and indifferent to look at Mu Qian, a mortal person.

I saw that Mu Qianxi was fully devoted to the refining of medicine, and seemed to be unprepared for everything around him.

"The father is not available, I can do it myself! It is easy to kill Mu Qian."

Ever since, the Eight Princes rushed over.

Ice was spotted, but it didn't stop.

"Mu Qianxi, give me a go..."


When he was about to get close to Mu Qian, a black light flashed.

When he returned to God again, there was a huge black hole in his chest. This black hole was getting bigger and bigger, and his heart was instantly turned into nothingness.

"Father, save me!"

At the last moment of his life, he screamed with tears.

At this time, the **** king almost succeeded in cutting the throat of the Lei Huang patriarch, but was disturbed by the scream of his son.


He saw his son, fell into a pool of blood, and now he is not angry.

Was killed!

His son was killed by his own eyes.

God King is angry, "Who is it?"

Looking at the past, I saw what is happening in the refining of medicine, "My son died because of you, so you can die for me!"

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