Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1718: 汐 can extinguish fire

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Chapter 1718 汐 can extinguish fire

"Master, isn't the phoenix god, is it me? But I am just a phoenix."

The little ink can't help but fly out of the space. This time it was too small, too weak, and it couldn't help the owner.

Fortunately, after the master turned to safety, he successfully passed this danger.

Huang Shen smiled and said: "This little guy is very cute."

"My little ink ink is pure blood and blood."

"I naturally know this, but as long as there is a pure phoenix, dark phoenix can be created."

"What do you mean by this?"

"Dark phoenix, in fact, is the mutated phoenix! In the ancient times, the Mohuang genius once played the dark demon, and finally a phoenix was seriously injured by the dark demon, and survived and became a dark phoenix."

Mu Qiang hugged a little ink, "What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, this little guy has lived in death since childhood. His vitality is absolutely beyond your imagination. It will become a dark phoenix. The strength of this little guy will become very strong. At that time, the guy was second only to me. The power of the Phoenix God."

Transforming the small ink and ink, let the small ink ink become the dark darkness of the variation, but the little guy is still so small.

As a result, the small ink can be heard and can be strong, so excited.

"Master, I want to be a powerful dark phoenix."

Mu Qian said: "Golden God, how big is this risk? Although I really want to find the blood of the dark phoenix, but I will never take my partner to make such a gamble."

"If it is other phoenix, the success rate is infinitely close to zero. If it is this little guy, the success rate can be 50%." Phoenix God did not deceive the Millennium.

"In fact, I am also selfish. The reason why my phoenix is ​​oppressed is actually a very important reason. That is not strong enough. The ice phoenix and Lei huang are not enough. My phoenix needs a bad day. Strong."

"I am looking forward to the emergence of the dark phoenix."

"Master, there is a 50% grasp, no problem! Don't worry!" Little ink inked the well-dressed sleeves.

"I swear, I will do my best to keep the child, even if it fails, I can let it reborn. Would you like to try it?"

Even if the world is ups and downs, he is extremely short-sighted.

Their protoss dare to be so arrogant, then their phoenix family, do not mind the emergence of a dark phoenix, this day, stir up the sky.

"The process is definitely very uncomfortable!" Mu Qian said.

"Master, little ink is not afraid!"

Huang Shendao: "Little girl, this little guy has the blood of our Mohuang family. It has its own identity. Whether it is for you or for the tribe, I feel that it is right to respect her own decision."

Little ink ink nodded: "I want to try! I want to become stronger!"

"But the power of darkness..."

Nine nights whispered: "There is a monarch."

Huang Shendao: "I just took a fancy to the dark power of this kid. If this kid does not have the metamorphosis of the dark power, I will not make this request."

"If all goes well, the potential of this little guy will be completely incalculable. It will definitely surpass the only dark phoenix of my phoenix family. The Son will surpass the Phoenix and surpass me!"

Mu Qianshen said: "When did it start?"

"Nature is now, start right away!"

"No! There is no rest for nine nights, and Little Ink is not ready yet."

"Good! Give me the love time of the night, come with me!"

Mu Qianzhen agreed to the requirements of the Phoenix God, so Phoenix God prepared a room for them to rest.

He also knows that they are definitely not the best state today.

The whole room is red, like a wedding room.

The red ray is reflected in the face of Mu Qian’s face, which is especially attractive.

Close to nine nights, kissed directly.

Huang Shen smiled and took a small ink to leave.

"Little guy, you just let them go to the world of two people! I will take you around, how about?"

"No, phoenix god, I want you to tell me the story of the phoenix's strong, I want to hear!"

"Good! You are a little ancestor, you want to hear me tell you, how about starting with me? Because I am the strongest person of the Phoenix family."

The other guys fell into a deep sleep, and Phoenix took the only small light bulb away.

So the nine-night monarch exposed his own fangs and began to enjoy the prey he was most eager to taste.

Mu Qian said: "It is dangerous to play with fire and self-immolation!"

"There is nothing left to be with you, this is not afraid! You can extinguish the fire."

Mu Qianxi was helpless. "Nine nights, you are too high to see me."

The next day, nine nights were refreshing.

It was cursed for a long period of time, and as a result, last night, the blood was resurrected.

Mu Qianzhen suspects that this guy is the enchanting singer!

Huang Shen smiled and said: "It seems that last night, you have a good rest! Can you start? My strength can't support how long I have existed in this world."

Nine nights: "You can start!"

"Let me come with me! Everything is ready."

This aerial tomb has a layer above it. Absolutely invisible below, because it is two separate spaces.

This time the ruin of the war is only the following.

The phoenix almost took out all the treasures that could be taken out.

He said: "This time, it can only be successful, it can't fail! Once it fails, there is no next chance."

Huang Shen hugged the little ink ink: "Little guy, you can sleep! When you wake up, you will become the powerful dark phoenix of my phoenix."


Huang Shen gently touched the forehead of Xiao Momo, and it fell into a deep sleep.

Huang Shendao: "As far as I know, your power of darkness is not pure force of darkness, and there is a strong one."

"I can separate it out."

"Separation!" Phoenix is ​​a little surprised.

And Jiuye did it, and it was easy to do. It seems that he used to do this a long time ago, so it is very handy.

"You come with me!"

Huang Shen carefully told him the steps of one step and created a mutated dark phoenix, which is completely against the sky.

And nine nights, calmly doing all this.

Mu Qianxi took the snow-white kitten invincible and she was still worried.

Invincible: "Master, don't worry! The little guy is very powerful. The nine-night adult is more enchanting, plus the phoenix god, this guy can bear the brunt, if the strong alliance can't succeed, then it's just no reason!"

The power of darkness broke out instantly.

Spread to the entire mausoleum, the entire phoenix tomb.

The elements of fire here were assimilated by the power of darkness, and a black flame swayed in the sacred tomb of this phoenix.

Horrible and dangerous!

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