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Chapter 1719 Dark Ink

The gods of the Phoenix God let go and saw the situation of the entire phoenix tomb, and they were shocked.

After all, he still underestimated the kid, this kid is a hundred times more terrible than he thought.

Mu Qianxi is also a glimpse. "This guy broke out with such a powerful force in nine nights, nothing will happen!"

The nine nights separate the forces, and there is no power to suppress the curse, and the power of darkness is passed on to the little ink.

The power of darkness entered the body, and even if Xiao Momo's restraint entered the dormancy, it was still awakened.

It didn't make any sorrow, no, it would make the owner worry.

Huang Shen shook his head helplessly and said: "This little guy is really a stubborn and stubborn little cute!"

Mu Qianxi can perceive the situation of small ink and ink and her strength.

Mu Qiang stood up and did not go to the small ink.

She is a refining pharmacist, a doctor, but what can she do now?

It is the nine nights and the phoenix **** that can help.

Mu Qianxi looked at the nine nights and the phoenix god, and the little ink ink was handed over to you.

Mu Qianxi went straight out, invincible: "Master, where are we going?"

“Looking for a quiet place to go to the medicine?”

"Refining medicine!"

"Well! No matter whether the ink can be successful, you always need medicinal herbs and medicinal herbs to regulate your body. Although it is a beast, but the power of darkness is infused with a force that is not allowed to be with yourself, the little ink is definitely not acceptable." Millennial return.

"Good! Then I will protect the master, and the master will refine your medicine!"

Mu Qianxi entered the refining pharmacy refining, and only refining medicine could calm her feelings of anxiety.

Ghost doctors devoted themselves to the refining of medicine, and the work efficiency is surprisingly good. This is not the refining of the medicinal herbs and medicines, and the small inks can not be eaten.

Mu Qian said: "There is no way! Then refine other."

Nine nights and Shenhuang teamed up to make the small ink ink into a powerful dark phoenix, and Mu Qian was in the refining of medicine.

And the phoenix world has also experienced turmoil!

After escaping from the sacred tomb of the Phoenix, the first reaction of the King of God was to escape and go to the gods to seek the blessing of the Emperor.

His Highness of the Nine Nights was terrible. It used to be terrible. It is even more terrible now.

I don't know for what reason, the **** king did not run away, but in the phoenix world, he made a big move.

If you can't get the Wan Man Daquan, he always has to do something.

The only achievement that can be created in the Phoenix world today is to completely pinpoint the phoenix family, without a rebellious alien.

"Tooth, how is my decision?" asked the king.

"No problem! Let's solve some of the inconveniences. The nine nights have not yet come out, or they are seriously injured or dead. As long as we control the phoenix, it is very possible to get the cemetery once again and get the curse."

"it is good!"

The king of God assembled the manpower, and the first one to destroy was the Mohuang family.

The contractor of the granddaughter of the Mowang patriarch was Mu Qian, the little girl who killed his son.

Now that the little girl is estimated to have no bones, he can never easily let the Mohuang family pass.

The phoenix family, the big disaster is coming.

"Rumble!" The Protoss rang the horn of the war.

Just as the Mohuang people faced life and death, suddenly there were many masters.

"You... you guys..."

These are all old rivals, not serious injuries or curses, almost all become waste!

They have been hidden for a long time, and they are incognito, and not many people remember them.

The ink king was also very excited. He did not expect such predecessors to be able to save them.

Mo Wangdao: "Thank you for your dedication to help, I am grateful!"

"In fact, you don't have to thank me. If you want to thank you, thank you to the ghost doctors! It is what the ghost doctors ask. Once the Mohuang people are in trouble, we must fight to save."

"Ghost doctor!"

It is rumored that there is a ghost doctor who can give people a curse. The king knows that one person is a thousand.

The legendary existence, such a powerful little girl, will not be a problem.

Then, the Lanhuang family also came, and all the Leifeng family of water and phoenix families came to the rescue.

There is also purple!

Purple sneer smiled: "If you want to destroy the Mohuang family, you should also look at the disapproval and not agree. Now the deity is in a bad mood, you are simply looking for death!"

"Give me all to die!"

The power of the Hidden Hydra body, this is a terrible beast, all the phoenixes present are only shaking.

The phoenix family’s war started, guarding the Phoenix family, and taking the Leihuang mainland as the base.

Abandoning the phoenix family, the Zifeng ice phoenix family who voted for the Protoss under the leadership of the Protoss launched a violent attack on them.

Mu Qianxi They did not know how long they stayed in the phoenix burial tomb. Suddenly a crisp phoenix sound came out, and Mu Qianyu stopped the work in his hand and rushed out.

The flames of black burned in the air, filling the entire sky.

The black wings seem to be more lustrous, and there is a mysterious and powerful force on the whole body.

This kind of power is admired and familiar, because there is such power in the nine nights.

"Booming!" The black flame began to spread.

Suddenly, nine nights appeared behind Mu Qianxi, and I was envious of Mu Qianxi in the air.

Mu Qiang excitedly seized the nine-night road: "Nine nights, success?"

Nine nights, gently biting the earlobe of the Millennium. "I don't believe that I will succeed, I want to be fine."

Huang Shen smiled and said: "Not only is it successful, but it is perfect transformation! I think this little guy is completely born to be the strongest dark phoenix."

"Not only has it become a dark phoenix, but even the eternal phoenix that has been passed down from the Phoenix **** has turned into a darkness, and the power has at least doubled."

The flames of darkness came, and the earth gained death!

When the flame disappears, the entire phoenix burial tomb, full of vitality.

Destruction is rebirth!

After the small ink vented the excess power in the body, it turned into a little cute and flew to the front of Mu Qian.

"Master, small ink ink success, let you worry!"

Mu Qianxi touched the head of the little ink and ink: "I am worried about it, but it's fine. These medicinal herbs are used to help you control your strength."

"Well! Little ink will definitely eat. But the master, are you not going to have that dark phoenix blood? I am already dark phoenix, I can condense the blood for you. Just..."

How does the blood condense!

Shenhuang Road: "Small things, you are still unstable now, don't condense the blood! Wait until your strength is getting stronger and stronger, your blood effect is better."

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