Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1732: Sea of ​​Huang Quan

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Chapter 1732, The Sea of ​​Huang Quan

"Of course not, the Shuilong patriarch is so honorable, please ask inside, let us go in and talk slowly." Turtle said.


The turtle is looking at the humanity of the demon dragon family: "If you are a distinguished person, your strength is strong, but it is not appropriate for me to catch people in the dragon turtle family!"

"Everyone is a dragon, they are all family! A little contradiction, you have to spare people and spare people, let people put it!"

The dragon turtle family actually helped the demon dragon family, and the face of the thousand and the unintentional face of the water was cold.

Water didn't want to refuse, but Mu Qiang smiled and said: "Okay! Let people go!"

Water has no heart: "Let's let go!"

After the dragons gained freedom, suddenly a few needles flew to them.

They are not prepared, and they are all recruited.

Then they were weak, unable to move, could not speak, and fell to the ground.

Mu Qianxi puts a hand in his hand: "We have let go of people. As for what they are now, things happen to your dragon turtle family, that is your dragon turtle family."

It is obvious that you are like this, and they are responsible!

The mouth of the turtle's mouth was mad, and this little girl was quite unreasonable.

"Come on! They are hurt, stay treated!"

Mu Qian’s mouth slightly raised a certain amount of curvature, and they are now treated well, but it is not easy.

The turtle mound showed a warm and hospitable appearance, and did not care about the water: "Water is unintentional, please inside."

The hospitality of the dragon turtles is there.

And the water has no heart to open the door: "Guiqiu, I want to see your old patriarch."

Turtle Hill Road: "The people who come to our dragon turtle family come to see our old patriarchs in all likelihood. But our old patriarchs don't want to see them."

"I have important things to see from your old patriarch. If you ask for anything, please mention it directly!" Water has no faint words.

"I am still happy with the Shuilong family. Then I am not welcome. The entire dragon family only has a refining pharmacist, so what I ask for is naturally a remedy."

"I need a hundred days of the best medicinal herbs and ten holy high-grade medicinal herbs. This is not difficult for your Shuilong patriarch!" He smiled and looked at the water.

Tianjie Dan medicine is not difficult, but ten holy medicinal herbs are not easy.

The water is not brows, but Mu Qiang has already taken things out.

"What you want, for you! Now we can go see your old patriarch!"

The number of medicinal herbs that Mu Qiang took out was only a lot.

The turtle was stunned. He made such an excessive request. In fact, he was already prepared for the unintentional price of the water, but he did not think that this little girl was so refreshing.

Turtle Qiu laughed: "Ha ha ha! Water is not heart, this little girl is your heir! It's so refreshing, I like it!"

"It seems that you have a lot of medicinal herbs in the Shuilong family. How about doubling me? After all, our dragon turtles are not living at all..."

Greedy asks for more, and then comes to sell.

There was a sigh of anger in the waterless face, and this guy dared to sit on the ground.

The former chief of the dragon tortoise, Kui Hui, is a good person, but his younger brother is extremely greedy. If it is not something that does not matter, the water does not want to deal with this guy.

Mu Qiang looked at him with warning: "The turtle is long, and you have a degree of greed! You can stop it, or you will overturn your entire dragon turtle family. When you don't continue to sell it."

"Folding my dragon turtle family, the little girl is young, but the tone is not that big!" The dragon turtle family glared at it.

"It seems that the strength of the Shuilong family is strong, but it does not teach the younger generation very much!" Guiqiu sneered.

"Hey!" The turtle is so rude to Mu Qianxi, and can anger the one who is unintentional.

He patted the table and sneaked over the turtle hill: "Murkey Hill, do you think I will not do this?"

The water is indifferent to the sight of the ice, so that the turtles look at them are taboo.

Turtle Hill Road: "There is a dragon king supporting the waist, the water is unintentional, you are really getting bolder, I am afraid of you, let's talk."

Water sat unconsciously and said: "Take us to see the old patriarch!"

Turtle Hill Road: "I don't want you to let him see his old man! Now they are living in Huangquanhai! Even I can't find him. This is no way."

"Take us to find someone." Water has no heart.

"I have a lot of things to do with the dragon turtle family. I can't take you there personally, but I will send people to lead you. You can find it with confidence! Maybe you can find your ancestor after three or five years." Smiled.

The smile of this guy is really too flat.

Water is not cold, "You better not lie to me."

"You are the patriarch of the distinguished water dragon family. Where can I lie to you?"

“People are ready to lead us.”

"Good! I am going to find someone right away."

The people who are unintentionally found in the turtle's water supply are slow, and the face of Mu Qian's face is getting colder and colder.

"The old tortoise is absolutely deliberate. When I found the ancestor of the dragon tortoise, I definitely put the guy in a sack and gave it a slap."

Mu Qianxi said directly, the dragon turtle that led the way heard it.

They thought that this little girl was really bold, they must vent their letters to the patriarchs, lest the patriarchs should be beaten.

Water has no heart: "He dares to make you angry, and I will not let him go."

The sea of ​​Huangquan is the largest ocean of the dragon turtle family. Like the Shuilong Island, Longji Island is mostly waters.

The waters are too big. It is obviously not easy to find a dragon turtle ancestor. The dragon turtle family does not really help.

One of the dragon turtles said: "Our patriarch said that the ancestors like to recuperate in the deep sea. The two can go to the deep sea to see."

Let them go, these guys who lead the way are not going to go.

Mu Qian said: "Is the turtle hill playing us?"

"If he dares to play with us, I will not let him go anyway."

The unintentional goodness of water must be ruined by the best of the turtle.

"I will go looking for it first?"

Mu Qian said: "Go down together!"

"it is good!"

Both can control the water element, and it is easy to sneak into the water and walk freely.

"They are going down, hurry up and report to the patriarch!"

The turtle that got the news laughed. "Ha ha ha! Water is unintentional, you are in the sea of ​​Huangquan, under the yellow spring! I have long been unable to get used to you some of the high-ranking royals."

A cold voice came, "Are you too happy to be too early."

"There are people who are Liu Daren, and the one who is in the heart of Huang Quan. If you have no water, you will die."

Liu Daren asked: "Where is the ancestor of your family?"

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