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Chapter 1733 Abyss Seal

Ghost Hill's face showed a very tangled expression, he said: "I don't know where the ancestor is? But I have a way to let him out, Liu Daren, you will see me!"

"Well! Let's solve the problem of the unintentional water. The guy is the one who supports the little dragon king. As long as he means, Xiaolong Wang will lose his right arm and can't make it into the climate."

The abyss of the sea of ​​Huangquan, the cold spread.

Mu Qianxi and water have no intention of wandering among them. Of course, they can't find it with their eyes. So don't say three or five years, that is, they can't find it for 30 years.

"There is no water, give me a way to protect the law! I use the soul to cover the whole sea of ​​Huangquan."

"What? The sea of ​​Huang Quan is very big. If you do this, you will be very embarrassed."

Mu Qianhui replied: "My soul has improved a lot, you can rest assured! There will be no problem."

When I opened the third Mantra, I was able to improve my soul once again.

Looking for someone here, there should be no big problems.

At this time, the turtle and the one of the Liu Daren also went to the sea of ​​Huangquan.

The turtle looks at the calm sea surface: "Liu Daren, when will the thing come out."

"Come on! The life of your brother is too hard, or the thing will come out."

Turtle Hill Road: "Well!"

Throughout the sea of ​​Huangquan, Mu Qiang only found a dragon turtle.

Under the abyss of the sea of ​​Huangquan, Huangquan abyss.

The water has no heart, "The old predecessors retreat, how to go to the abyss of Huangquan."

The Huangquan Abyss is a very dangerous place, and it is rumored that a yellow spring beast is being held here.

Water is not at ease, he said: "Mu Daren, you go up first, I went to see the old predecessors in the abyss of Huangquan."

Mu Qian said: "Let's go together! I have come here."

She consulted the materials of the Dragon World and knew that Huangquan Abyss was holding a dangerous thing.

"Then below, but there is a beast with the strength of Dragon King Island."

"The guy was sealed, even if it really ran out, but we can still run! Past!"

Water has no heart to convince Mu Qian, so the two went to the abyss of Huangquan.

"Hey!" It was an abyss that was dark and bottomless. Countless roads hit the wind, and the general defense could not stop it.

"Mu Daren, be careful!" Water is indifferent to the spirit of water, and envelops Muqian, so that no danger is close to Mu Qian.

"Hey!" Just entering the abyss, there are countless black shadows around.

It is a fish! The entire body is like a sword of fish swarming towards them.

"Hey!" Water's unintentional defense blocked them.

He said: "This is a yellow spring fish. Only the perennial defense of the dragon turtle family can not be afraid of them. We must be careful."

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Yeah!"

An attack was not possible, and countless yellow spring fish rushed toward them in droves.

This way, it must not be just defense.

"The secluded print!"

"Sirlo India!"

"Booming!" Mu Qianyi and the two seals flew out to these yellow spring fish.

And these guys still don't give up!

Xiao Momo said: "Master, let me come!"

The spring fish has a cold power, but there are some fears that the darkness will not die.


The darkness is not dead, the phoenix bursts out, letting some guys dare not approach.

Xiaomo ink smiled and said: "Come on! Come on! I can bear this, I want to trouble the master, all of them will be rolled out!"

The small ink ink dispelled some of the yellow spring fish, and it was smooth all the way.

There are countless caves around the Huangquan Abyss, but Mu Qiang does not feel the existence of the dragon turtle. The dragon turtle is still in the deepest.

However, the deeper the place, the closer to the place where the seal of Huangquan beast is, the waterless heart media brows slightly.

Mu Qianyu suddenly stopped, and the water asked innocently: "Mu Daren, what happened?"

"I now feel the charm of the curse in addition to the smell of the dragon turtle."

"This is a trap, and the turtle has long relied on the Protoss." Water has no heart and low.

"Let's go!" He took the Millennium and was ready to leave.

Since it is a trap, it is definitely not that simple.

"But if the one below is really the old patriarch! We can't go back like this." Mu Qian said.

"But more possibilities, no!"

"Try it! Big deal, water, no heart, don't you believe in my strength?"

"I just don't want to let the adults admire."

In the end, the water was unwilling to listen to the orders of Mu Qianxi. When he was about to approach, he heard a very weak cry for help.

Under the entire abyss of Huangquan, it is a khaki-colored gate that blocks the entire abyss and surrounds the various chains.

This is a seal!

On top of this seal, there is a person lying down, the power of this man's full body curse is wrapped, not only that, he is still bleeding.

As the blood flows out of his body, the seal on the door is constantly being eroded.

The water was unintentional, and at this time, I saw the look of a miserable guy with a shocked face.


This turned out to be the brother of the turtle, the patriarch of the former dragon turtle family.

As a refining pharmacist, Mu Qiang feels that Ghost Glory can survive at this time, it is definitely their life.

This is not the old patriarch of the Dragon Turtle family, but the former patriarch.

Turtle is feeling stupid that someone is coming, "Save me!"

"Take me away, otherwise... or it’s too late..."

Mu Qian said: "Water is heartless, hands-on! Fast!"

She felt that Guihui was hanging on the line at this time and the seal was about to be cracked.


The speed of the water unintentional is very fast, and the turtle that has fallen into a coma has left the abyss of Huangquan.

The current situation of Guihui is not very good, and Mu Qian took out a few needles for emergency treatment.

"Leaving the sea of ​​Huangquan, looking for a piece of land, I want first aid!"

"it is good!"

It is not difficult to find several small islands in the middle of the sea. The water has no intention to let go of the Millennium and begin to give Guihui first aid.

Mu Qian’s first-aid means made the water unattended to be extremely admired, and then Mu Qianji gave him a curse.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "It is no wonder that the dragon turtle family is the longest life of your dragon family. Their lives are too hard and they are too difficult to die."

The water is cold and the channel is cold: "The turtle is too bold, how dare he?"

"When this guy wakes up, we should be able to know something! This guy is a big man, and he should wake up quickly."

After Mu Qianxi and Shui had no intention of saving people, the curse's face changed greatly.

"My curse is over, Huang Quan's beast has not come out yet, someone has saved the turtle!"

"What? Someone saved him."

"They must be in the sea of ​​Huangquan, find me! You must find the turtle immediately, and the seal is only a little worse, can not be abandoned halfway!" That Liu Daren's low road.

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