Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1735: Huang Quan behemoth

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Chapter 1735 Huang Quan Behemoth

Water nodded and said: "Yeah!"

Liu Daren's face is extremely ugly, which means that he not only faces the attack of three powerful beasts, but also faces the attack of Mu Qian and the water.

retreat! However, Mu Qian and the water have no heart to give them time to retreat.

The results of this side of the battle are still fast and clear, but Turtle and Turtle are still in the midst of a fierce battle, and have not yet won the game.

After all, Kui Hui experienced such a heavy blow, and its strength is not as good as the turtle, so the turtle can not support it.

"Hey!" Turtle vomited a blood.

He is still in the end, but the turtle is fatal.

Countless roads hit the wind, and Kui Hui just wanted to defend, and it was extremely difficult.

Mu Qiang felt that the situation was not good, and he did not care about the water: "I am going to help the last patriarch of the dragon turtle family, or he will be killed."

The purple figure disappeared into the void, and the disappearance disappeared.

Water is used to cover up your breath and people are not aware of his position.

"Hey!" Turtle is very miserable, and has spurted several times of blood.

"Big Brother, I advise you to give up the struggle, and die of it!" The turtle's face was full of embarrassment.

Turtle's face was pale, and then he was repeatedly wounded.


When the turtle was about to cut off his head, a thin needle suddenly pierced his back.

I couldn't feel a little pain, but his hand began to tremble.

"Hey!" It was a fatal blow, but it was missed.

Then he began to tremble and didn't know what it was.

At this time, Guihui didn't know what was going on. He looked at his brother's situation with stunned eyes. Mu Qian said: "What are you waiting for? Don't hurry up."

Turtle is a glimpse, right! Don't do it at this time, when will it be?

"Dragon Turtle!" Turtle Hui began to do his best to attack!

The turtle wanted to escape and began to control his body from his control.

"Boom!" He fell directly from the air and fell a big hole on the ground.

"Hey!" He spit out a blood, staring at the sudden appearance of the Millennium.

"It's you, it's your little girl who counts me."

Mu Qian said: "Yes!"

Turtle Hill Road: "Big Brother, I am wrong, I am tempted by the cursed people, you give me a chance! I must change, I must change..."

To slap his brother, Kuai Hui really can't bear it.

"This guy colluded with the cursing family. If you don't kill him, you have to give up this guy. If you can't bear it, I can do it." Mu Qian said.

"Or I am coming!" Turtle Hui trembled.

When he approached the turtle hill, the turtle shouted: "Master Liu, save me! Save me, I don't want to be abolished."

Suddenly, a force of curse broke out.

The master Liu, who had been defeated by the water and was reluctantly defeated, could appear in the front of the turtle hill and lifted the turtle to rush out.

Mu Qianyan’s face sank, “Lost, this guy is on the turtle’s body, chasing!”

The curse who grabbed the turtle would never do anything good. Mu Qian and the water were unintentional. They quickly chased them up, and Gui Hui also chased the past.

A thousand miles, "They went to the abyss of Huangquan."

Referring to the abyss of Huangquan, the body of Guihui is still shaking.

But no way, he must go on.

"Hey!" Liu Daren threw the turtle on the door of the seal and cut through several major arteries on his body. The blood rushed out.

The turtle shouted: "Liu Daren, you... what are you doing? Liu Daren..."

Liu Daren said: "Now, you have no great use. This is the last use. You have the same pulse with your older brother. The blood is very similar. With your life, you can untie this seal."

Turtle Qiu screamed: "No, I don't want to die! You can't do it, you..."

Liu Daren smiled gloomyly: "I can't do this? Why don't you let me do this, sacrifice it!"

"Hey!" The tortoise's powerful body fell apart directly in front of Liu Daren. The dragon's blood stained the door of the entire seal.

"Second brother!" Turtle Hui saw this scene, his eyes were red!

Liu Daren said: "What shouts? He is dead instead of you. If you don't escape, this unlucky guy will not die!"

"Hey!" A burst of explosion came out, the chains on the door were all exercised, and the seal of the door opened.

Turtle Hill Road: "Not good! The big things are not good, the Huangquan beast is coming out, let's go quickly, I have to ask my people to leave Longyan Island... but..."

The Huangquan behemoth is so powerful that it will definitely reach the entire dragon world. Where can they escape? "

Water has no heart: "Leave before you say!"

"Ha ha ha! Finally broke open, and finally broke open..."

Liu Daren plucked out of the water and his face showed ecstasy.

He looked proudly at Mu Qianxi and water without heart: "If you ask for mercy, I will give you a happy death, or else..."

Mu Qianxi looked at him faintly: "There was also a curse who disliked his life and learned too much to understand the seal of a beast, and wanted to control the beast with a spell. But do you know what happened to him?"

"He ended up being killed directly by the beast. You have this power and want to control the Huangquan behemoth. I think you are too naive."

Liu Daren said: "How can I share the pure blood of the dragon tortoise with the mediocrity of the dragons? I don't believe it, I can't control the Huangquan behemoth."

"Puff puff!"

The whole sea of ​​Huangquan began to set off a storm, and suddenly a lot of black tentacles rushed out of the black water to catch the prey.

Water is not worried about the road: "Mu Daren, be careful! Hurry to escape!"


They are all desperately avoiding, only Liu Daren still stands there and does not move.

He believes that the beast that he controls is absolutely impossible to hurt him.

"Ah!" The slippery black tentacle tied him directly to death.

He ran a spell and wanted to control the Huangquan behemoth, but it didn't work.

"What are you doing? I am your master?"

"Hey! Master, is the owner delicious?"

In the sea, a octopus resembling a giant island was rushed out. It opened the **** mouth and looked straight at the master Liu.

"Hungry! Amount!"

"You can't eat me!"

His little spell is still a little useful.

Huang Quan behemoth is somewhat hesitant, no mouthful!

But this insignificant force can't resist the hunger of this Huangquan behemoth, so...

He was swallowed up by the Yellow Spring beast.

"Ah!" A scream came from the mouth of Huang Quan's beast.

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