Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1736: Seeing cooking

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Chapter 1736 Seeing Cooking

Mu Qian said: "The curse of the family always likes to do this kind of thing to find death, and die to live!"

Swallowed a person, Huang Quan beast still feels hungry.

"Hungry! Starved to death."

The creatures of the Yellow Spring Sea are thrown into the mouth by it, and of course it does not let them go to the sea.

Countless black tentacles caught them and they quickly avoided them.

Perhaps this guy is not very agile in his hungry activities, and he did not succeed in catching them once.

Turtle Hui said: "We... let's leave the sea of ​​Huangquan! Hurry up..."

Seeing such a terrible guy, Guihui had some legs soft at this time.

The water has no cold heart: "Run! With this guy's food intake, it is estimated that you will not be able to eat the whole dragon turtle family. You must solve this guy!"

Numerous water elements are brought together and the water is unintentional.


Huang Quan’s beast is a beast that has been horrified long ago, and water can’t deal with him.

His attack completely angered the Huangquan behemoth, and the speed of the dark tentacles flying in the air was getting faster and faster.

"Invincible, Xiaohong, small ink, attack!"

Xiaohong saw this guy, extremely impatient!

"Cut! This is too ugly! Look at your eyes and hurt."

"Dark phoenix dance!"

The darkness is immortal. Fengyan can't hurt this guy from the sky. This guy has a very smooth surface and strong defense.

"Jiulong is gone!"

Mu Qianqi, they are all dispatched, but Turtle does not dare to do it. This is definitely an invincible enemy. Does it really make sense for them to fight?

He didn't dare to fight, he didn't dare to run!


A dark tentacles, the water is unintentionally tied to the shackles, and then grabbed the past toward Mu Qian.

When the disgusting tentacles are to touch the path of the Tao, the tentacles are turned into nothingness in an instant.

What powerful defense, in front of this mysterious and powerful force, is completely vulnerable!

A black figure appeared in the void, like the invincible **** in the dark night.

Looking at the nine thousand nights, he said: "A fierce beast, you will give it to you!"

"Oh!" The tentacles that were entangled in the water were gone, and the water was free to gain freedom and left the battlefield.

"Booming!" The powerful dark power can turn everything into nothingness.

At this time, Huang Quan’s behemoth was stronger than its hunger. When the body trembled, it sneaked into the deep sea and wanted to escape directly with the cover of sea water.

The black shadow flashed, and nine nights also entered the sea of ​​Huang Quan.

The small ink ink flew to the side of Mu Qianxi, and felt the force of the coast of the Yellow Spring.

"Hey! The power of the darkness of the nine-night adult is so strong, why am I so weak." The little ink was hit.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "After growing up, the ink will become stronger and stronger."

Invincible shouted: "Nine-night adults, grilled octopus is delicious, don't destroy it! Leave a little."

Xiaohong also said: "It seems to be awkward! Nine nights, you leave a little!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Nine nights, I solved your big meal and treated you."

When the Huangquan giant beast comes out, the dragons will face an unprecedented crisis. This is a very serious problem, but they are thinking about eating grilled octopus?

Turtle looked at them with horror, the black man was strong and terrible, but would it really be the opponent of the Huangquan behemoth?

"Booming!" There was a loud noise from the bottom of the sea, and the sea was frantically surging.

After a while, the movement on the bottom of the sea finally calmed down.

A black figure appeared like a ghost in the presence of Mu Qianxi. He looked down at Mu Qianxi: "Hey, I want to treat me."

"Have you left?" asked Mu Qianxi.

"Hey, stay, naturally."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "That's good! Find a good island with a good view, let's get ready!"

The small island with a good view is easy to find, and the turtle also keeps up with it. As a result, he saw a tentacles of the Octopus that he tasted in nine nights!

This is the tentacles of the guy Yao Ming, who really solved this dangerous beast.

Mu Qianxi took out the Yanlong Sword,

“Hey!” Mu Qian’s sword, it became a very uniform one, and then stringed up and made a fire!

Turtle Hui said: "This... this is poisonous! Can you really eat it?"

Mu Qian said: "I have seen it, this thing is not poisonous."

Mu Qianxi began to work hard, and there was room for all kinds of ingredients, which is now in use.

Soon a burst of scent came out, making people very appetizing.

The first string has been baked, and Mu Qianxi looks at the nine nights: "Nine nights, come, open your mouth!"

Nine nights opened his mouth, waiting for the food to be delivered to the mouth, and then took the string and began to feed Mu Qian.

The water is indifferent, and the turtle is stunned.

They are eating a beast! Eat the beasts, the most terrible beasts in the history of their dragon tortoise, they are actually eating!

This man is more terrible than the beast, too scary!

Even more shocking is that he also wants to eat!

Next, I baked a lot, and they also had a good fortune.

Mu Qiang handed some water to the water, "Give!"

However, it was intercepted by nine nights. It was not good to look at the water for nine nights.

Ms. Qian said: "A bunch of it, stingy! Water has no pains to accompany us to inquire about the news of the bright dragon, but also injured...

Nine nights did not refute Mu Qian, so I could only let the water inedulge in the delicious taste of Mu Qiang.

After the water was eaten, he smiled and said: "Mu Daren's craft is really good."

They all have to eat, that is, the turtle is being left aside, and others are doing the air.

He said awkwardly: "Mu Daren, you... can you enjoy me a bite?"

Mu Qianhui replied: "No! I don't like you at all, I want to eat no door!"

This guy is timid and afraid to act and still wants to escape, very annoying.

Turtle Hui said: "I... I am wrong, hey, I am really wrong."

This guy turned a blind face, and Mu Qian was so annoying.

Her mouth rose slightly and said: "You can't eat it, you can't! But you can only eat it for nine nights, how?"

"This... this is not appropriate! This adult is so honorable, give me grilled octopus, I... I am a little flattered..."

"Don't talk nonsense, you just have to say if you want to eat."

Turtle Hui: "Of course!"

"That's gonna be eaten! Otherwise you can't spare you."


Mu Qiang smiled and looked at the nine nights: "Nine nights, do it! I haven't seen your cooking for a long time."

Mu Qianxi wants to tease the guy, nine nights are very happy.

Ever since, he has baked a large octopus's tentacles.

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