Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1737: Promise to finish eating

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Chapter 1737 promised to finish eating

The nine-night adult is really fond of admiring the adults, and the water is indifferent.

And he is also very admired for the Phoenix nine nights, the so-called gentleman far from the kitchen, and the strength of the nine-night adult is actually still ready to eat, is definitely a clear stream.

There was a lot of emotion in the water, and when I saw the thing that was baked for nine nights, it stopped.

He was shocked!

what is this?

Obviously the same material, the same baking method, the result is in the hands of the nine-night adult, it becomes like this.

What he saw was not an illusion!

Mu Qian said: "It has already been baked, and I don't want to take it in the past."

Seeing the super dark grilled octopus, Turtle had shivered at this moment.

Can this thing eat?

He only dared to vomit in his heart, but he dared not say it.

Under the cold and ruthless eyes of nine nights, he could only take all these barbecues with his scalp.

He comforted himself, this is a look that is not good, should... should still be able to eat!

After biting down, he only felt the sky dim and darkened.

I really want to vomit!

Just don't watch!

Mu Qiang smiled and said: "You have to finish it! You promised it yourself."

Then, after a thousand years and nine nights, they began to enjoy the delicious food baked by Mu Qian, which is completely different!

After a full meal, the dragon turtle chief began to wobble and stood unstable.

He was poisoned by dark dishes and he didn't want to live.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Do you know where the ancestors of your dragon turtle family are?"

"I... I really don't know! The ancestors have always been uncertain." Turtle Hui.

"Don't say it! Nine nights, you will bake a lot for him!"

This is definitely more than the most terrible torture of the dragons, and the turtles chose to surrender.

"Don't! Don't! I don't know where my ances are, but I can find a way to let him out. When I am in the Hui, I will act. Come with me... Come with me..."

Ms. Qian said: "Good! You better not make any tricks."

The seal of Huangquan Abyss was broken. Many people of the Dragon Turtles and Ones knew it. They were very embarrassed.

The one who came back was the former patriarch, but the turtle was not seen.

Turtle Huidao: "The turtle hill has been killed by the Huangquan beast. The patriarch is now in the position of the ancestor of the dragon turtle family. I don't think there is any opinion!"

"This time I can defeat the Huangquan behemoth, thanks to the nine-night-old adult and the Shuilong nationality."


Although this guy is courageous, when the patriarch is still a model.

Just once again as the patriarch, the first thing he has to do is.

"I will immediately hear the beauty contest in the whole family within my family, I heard no!"

"The beauty pageant?" Everyone was stunned.

What is this with?

A thousand miles, said: "What are you doing?"

"Mu Daren, I will explain to you later! This is very important."

He ordered his men to say: "Hear it and do it quickly!"

"But the patriarch, we have fewer women in the dragon turtle family, and there are fewer good-looking, this beauty contest is not easy!"

"It’s not easy to do it! It’s not good to know how to build it up? Tell them, this time the beauty pageant has a big prize, like...”

Turtle is very painful. For this beauty pageant, he is also a **** one.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing that their patriarchs seemed to be anxious, they immediately went to work.

It is estimated that their patriarch wants a beautiful wife, and wants the old cow to eat young grass, so they must choose beauty.

Look at the patriarch’s eagerness, they have to do it quickly.

When other people went to work, the dragon turtle chief rushed to entertain under the chill of several of them.

"This... you must not misunderstand this, I am doing this to let the ancestors come out." Turtle Hui.

"Have a beauty contest, let your ancestors come out, make a joke, is there any continuity between them?" Mu Qian said.

"This...this..." He was hard to say.

As a result, a cold gaze swept over nine nights, and he felt the back cold.

"It's like this! The ancestors have no other hobbies, they especially like the beauty! The place with the most beauty, he will come to patronize. As long as I hold a beauty contest, he will definitely come out."

This is a bit of a black history of the ancestors, damaging his image, but he feels that if he lie, he will die very badly.

Water has no heart: "Is this really true?"

"Really, I didn't say a lie!"

"Then you have to do it quickly and let your ancestors appear soon."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The dragon turtle family will hold a beauty contest, which makes other dragons feel a little funny.

"What kind of beauty is there in the Dragon Turtle family? Be funny!"

"The patriarchs are doing this?"


When the beauty of the candidate comes, the quality of these beautiful people is really worrying, so the ancestors can't see it!

The ancestors did not see, he did not appear, then he was finished.

"The Shuilong Patriarch, the Shuilong Patriarch..."

He went to ask for water, and the water was unintentional but especially ruthless: "This is your business. Do you still need us to take it?"

"I really can't help it? The Shuilong Patriarch, if you are so wise, give me some advice!"

After all, Mu Daren is very eager to find the whereabouts of Guangming Shenglong. Water can't really care without water, but he can't help it!

"What happened?" asked Mu Qian.

Turtle Hui saw Mu Qian, and his eyes flashed a bright light.

The beauty is in front of him, why didn’t he think about it!

With the appearance of the admirers, no one is comparable to the entire dragon. He is excited: "Mu Daren, this is the case..."

This is to let him go to the beauty contest!

Mu Qianxi has not answered yet, and the water has no heart and nine nights to veto.


"Absolutely not!"

Turtle Hui said: "Why not! As long as you admire the great man, my plan is absolutely successful! I am not afraid to find my ancestors."

Water has no heart: "The identity of Mu Daren is not suitable!"

Nine nights hugged Mu Qianxi, "The woman of Benjun is still not able to comment on others."

"Hey! I really can't help, you just killed me." Turtle also cried directly.

Mu Qian said: "Give me shut up! The beauty contest is right! Give it to me."

In the eyes of Turtle Hui, there was a flash of light. "Mu Daren, you really want to help! You are really a good person, I am so touched!"

"Everything is given to me, you have to listen to me, no matter what I do? You can't have opinions." Mu Qianhui replied.

"That is certain! You can rest assured that you are admired!"

Before you fell into the pit dug by Mu Qianxi, you couldn't eat anything for a few days in the pit, and now he is unknowingly fooled.

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