Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1768: Wind zero lupin

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Chapter 1768 Wind Zero Lupin

A lifetime of stickers in the ear of Mu Qianxi: "Baby, just under the cave."

Ms. Qian said: "Go!"

Two red and purple figures swept out and quickly entered the cave.

Those guys who didn't dare to take risks were surprised: "Hey! Do they not know that one of the slayers and the sorcerer went in, and they didn't go in and died when they entered a little hesitation."

"The demon squad is one of the most ferocious people on the island of the magical soul. Whoever provokes him will have no bones, how can the two young people not think about it!"


The Gorefiend in this cave seems to have been killed by that Xie Tian.

Zhuque said: "It seems that it was almost killed by that person, just to save a little effort."

When they arrived, they found Xie Tian reaching out to get a jade box.

Just as he was about tough, he had a little bit of hands and feet, and the jade box flew directly into the hands of Mu Qianxi.

Life is the king of the wind element, and the semi-artifact of a wind element in the area can only be obedient.

When Mu Qiang caught the jade box, he saw an angry pair of eyes.

"Oh! I haven’t encountered a person who dared to grab something from my hands for a long time, you are very good!"

Zhuque said: "Oh, nature is very good, right! You should call Xie Tian right! Do you have a brother called Xie Di, thank God, very interesting name, hahaha!"

"you wanna die!"

He appeared in front of Suzaku, and the horrible explosion came, and Xie Tian’s eyes were stained with blood red.

"You all **** it!"

Mu Qianyu quickly moved away and opened the box. This is a spiritual element of the wind.

It is very delicate and beautiful, and it doesn't match the turbid land like the Gorefiend. This is just like a white jade mountain.

Life all the way: "Baby, bloody, think the Lord try! Its function should be more interesting."

"it is good!"

The blood confessed to the Lord, the power of the semi-artifact of the fan broke out, and Mu Qian said: "The wind is zero feather fan!"

"It really is an artifact, although it's just a half artifact, but this is something I am!"

Mu Qianyi opened the wind and zero lupin, and the wind elements condensed.

"You are not a phoenix spiritist. It doesn't matter if you get it. Are you sure you want to fight for us to fight for us?"

"Even if this is the case, this baby does not belong to you!"

"The wind is unparalleled!"

The attack with a half artifact blessing is even more powerful, and Mu Qian and Suzaku attack him.

When the fan moves and closes together, this fan directly turns into a white jade sword like a thin paper.

"You are looking for death!"

The strength of Xie Tian became violent, and the mad attack attacked them, and the power surged terrible.

Zhuque said: "This guy has a problem, hey, hurry to retreat!"

"Invincible, Xiaohong, small ink ink. Block!"


"The rumble!"

Suddenly the surrounding space became thicker, and Zhuque said: "Hey, it’s a **** demon soul. There are so many things in it. No wonder this guy’s strength is not normal."

"What is the Blood Demon Beast?"

"This kind of thing has no body, no entity, but it can invade the human soul, control this person to be used by people! Once the soul has any loopholes, we will get in, let's go!"

"Want to go! Nothing is possible! All left me!" Xie Tian roared, screaming out.

One of the fingertips of Mu Qianxi, suddenly this wind and zero lupin fan was broken down.

"go with!"

A piece of fan blade became a hidden weapon, and before it formed a barrier to the wind, blocking Xie Tian rushed out.

"let's go!"

Mu Qianxi and Suzaku rushed out of the cave. The former people had not left yet. They said: "They are alive."

"Xie Tian is also out!"

Soon, their faces changed dramatically.

"Not good! It is a blood-soul beast, and still a lot, hurry to escape!"

"Hurry up! Danger."

Now they can't take care of the artifact, life is more important.

Xie Tian's speed surpassed the limit to chase Mu Qianxi and Suzaku, accompanied by his constant blood and soul beasts, chasing them crazy.

Suzaku took a sigh of relief. "How many **** beasts there are in the cave! It's too tricky."

Mu Qian said: "Suzaku, you followed the invincible, they stopped me, thank you, I will kill these blood monsters."

Suzaku said: "Hey, don't mess around. These blood monsters can't kill, even if they kill with the soul, unless they can invade the soul, it is very dangerous."

"I will try it first!"

"You..." Suzaku wants to stop the chaos, but Xie Tian, ​​who is on the way, has launched a crazy attack on him.

Mu Qianxi is unprepared, and does not dodge, this **** World of Warcraft does not say a swarm.

Suzaku's face changed greatly, and Mu Qian and his life were very calm.

A lifetime of volley, he feels that this **** World of Warcraft is undoubtedly a self-seeking dead end, this thing also wants to hurt the soul of the destiny, it is impossible.

When the blood magic spirits invaded, they felt that something was wrong.

Just want to retreat, but was wiped out by Mu Qianyi one by one.

It’s easier than you think, not much.

There are no souls that sneak into the soul of Mu Qianxi. These blood-soul soul beasts are not at risk, so they rush to Muqian as a moth.

Suzaku couldn’t see any difference in Mu Qian’s, and the blood and soul beasts disappeared quickly, and none of them remained.

He is squatting, and he is actually a humanoid beast! This fierce blood Warcraft was so easily killed by her.

"Hands, solve this guy!"

Solved the blood of Warcraft, no worries, they began to jointly deal with Xie Tian.

Xie Tian is still awkward, but Mu Qiang feels that his body is rapidly weakening.

Blood Warcraft burns his soul and blood to erupt a powerful force, but these are all laid-back, and once consumed, this person is also a dead end.

Mu Qian said: "Avoid! Drag first, Xie Tian's body life has not been left for how long. As long as we hold on, he can't help us."

Xie Tian smiled and said: "Good le!"

The wind element is running, avoiding the attack of Xie Tiandi.

"Hey!" Xie Tian's attack became more fierce, making people feel chilly.

But not long after, his body began to dry up, his muscles began to dry up, his eyes were devoid, and this body had reached its limit.

The purple figure is like a lightning bolt, "the wind is unparalleled!"

"Small ink, fire!"


The immortal inflammation shrouded Xie Tian. Even so, the **** demon beast could still escape from the dark flame.

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