Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1769: Yan Long is hungry

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Chapter 1769 Yan Long is hungry

The blood demon soul beast also knows how to pick a soft persimmon, and feels that Muqian is a tricky existence. When it rushes out from the darkness of the immortal inflammation, the goal is Suzaku.

The speed of this blood demon soul is very fast, Suzaku is very clear at this time, he still can't hide.

The spirit is tight, you must stabilize your soul, not let this blood World of Warcraft take advantage of.

Closer, closer!

In an instant, a red-red flame rushed out and wrapped the blood-soul beast.

It turned out that a red-red sword penetrated the blood-soul soul, and soon the blood-soul beast was gone.

The average weapon can't hurt the blood demon soul, but this sword is as easy as cutting the blood.

As a fire attribute, he can feel the powerful pressure of the flame.

The saved Suzaku was naturally very happy, but she was saddened in her life.

"Baby, I can't help you with your cultivation. You will hurt my heart when you see it."

Suzaku’s mouth is slightly pumped, isn’t he using a sword? This adult is like being thrown away.

Mu Qian said: "Yan Long is hungry, saying that this thing is very delicious, so try it."

Before the admiration of these thousands of blood demon soul beasts, and when they killed them, Yan Long suddenly woke up, a pair of coveted look of these guys.

Mu Qianxi looked at Zhu Quedao: "You also know that this sword is not normal, so you better give me confidentiality. Otherwise, be careful to kill me."

"Reassure, I won't ask you for trouble."

Mu Qianqi asked: "There is still a place in this blood demon soul beast, go check it out."


Everyone was very surprised to hear that there was a lot of blood and soul beasts, and the shots were extremely wide.

Inquire about what to do? That kind of place is a normal person who doesn't want to go, because going there is exactly the same as sending death.

Suzaku asked: "Hey, are you really going to go? The **** demon beast is a very troublesome thing."

"You don't want to go now."

"That's not, that kind of place is definitely the most treasured, I am not afraid of that stuff, how can I not take the opportunity to dip it!"

So Mu Qianxi and Suzaku rushed to a place where there were many blood and soul beasts. When they stepped into the heavens and the earth, there were a lot of blood and spirit beasts in the dark.

When they rushed up, Mu Qian’s fire element broke out. Her sword was exposed in front of Suzaku, and she did not mind exposing the power of an element.

Suzaku said with amazement: "The original 汐汐 is the spirit of the two elements of the wind and fire! Even with the cloud repair, you did not do your best and have retained before, you are too powerful."

Yanlong Soul Eater sword is like harvesting wheat, generally harvesting some of these blood demon soul beasts, and standing on the wind and volley in a lifetime, said: "Little baby, you will pet this guy! It is best to let the guy die."

Mu Qiang picked up the blood demon soul, and Suzaku went to sweep some treasures here.

There are a lot of blood Warcraft here, there are very few people coming here, so I have kept a lot of treasures.

Suzaku is not at all polite!

When he had finished collecting it, he found that there was no blood and soul beast around him. He stunned and said: "This is over."

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Of course it is over, go to the next place!"

"Okay! You are here, some of these blood demon souls are not terrible."

Mu Qianxi and Suzaku cooperated with each other in several places, Zhuque said: "The last place is left. If there is no artifact, I will recognize it."

"If there is no artifact to pick up, you should roll it early!" Suddenly a lifetime came.

The last dangerous place was actually moving at this time, and Suzaku said with a smile: "There are a lot of people who are not afraid of death in this battlefield! Oh, do we want to kill the past?"

Mu Qian said: "Let's go and see, change your mind."

A group of young people in Chinese costumes are fighting with some demons. They naturally know that there are blood monsters and beasts, so they wear special armor.

The lines above the armor shimmered, so that the blood monsters could not get close, and naturally they could not attack them.

They are completely white bones in front of them, and there is a long knife in the bones. The blade is rusty at this time, but Mu Qianzhen judges that the goal of killing some people here is this knife.

A whisper of life: "Baby, the knife is an artifact! Although the damage is serious, solve these guys and quickly send this kid away! The time of the two of us is so precious, this adult I don't want to be destroyed by an insignificant person."

Suzaku’s eyes swept through some of the humanities: “Hehehe! Who do I think? It’s so prepared, dressed up like this, is it they?”

Mu Qianxi asked: "What happened? Could it be that someone met an acquaintance?"

"The acquaintance is an acquaintance, but the enemy is indeed familiar. These guys are the people of the Xing Xingzong. Like Feng Yunxiu, they are the running dogs of Mu Lin's eyes!" Suzaku's eyes flashed a cold light.

Ms. Qian said: "I can see their identity at a glance, very good!"

"Don't you see who this son is?"

"I also tell you a good news, there is an artifact, there is that knife, can't grab it?"

"Of course, I will not give them a hair that must be robbed by the things that the Xing Xing Zong wants."

"That listens to me!"

"Hey, what are you told me!"

"The first step is to rush out and attack a person and pull out their clothes. Then you don't have to guard against some of the demon spirits. The second step is to take some of these medicines on them. Will erode the array on the armor, let their formation invalid, they will fall into the siege of the demon and the blood monster."

"You just have to mess up and get up, that artifact is yours."

Zhuque said: "It's too powerful, well, I will do it!"

Some of this was handed over to Suzaku, who is naturally responsible for intercepting. Since he has met the person of the Xing Xingzong, then one does not want to run.

The red figure swayed, the red light of the fire was extremely red-eyed, and the Suzaku resolutely solved the problem of one person quickly moving the armor in one go.

"Who! It’s shameless to engage in a sneak attack!" Some of the people of Xing Xingzong angered.

"Hey!" Suzaku waved his hand and countless pharmacy bottles exploded in the air. Then the ink-like pharmacy fell from the sky like rain, and dripped on their armor.

"Ah! Ah! Blood demon soul beast..."

"Damn! What is this, this armor has failed."


When they lost their amulets, they instantly became flustered and everyone was in a mess.

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