Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1782: Late night visit

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Chapter 1782, Late Night Visit

A seemingly moderate middle-aged man appeared, saying: "Mu elder, good evening!"

"and who are you."

"In the next surname, it is a first-class elder on the island."

Mu Qianxi gave a slight glimpse and said: "The one-time elder, is this night to catch me to see the island owner?"

"Nature is not!" The elder shook his head.

"Can we sit down and have a chat?" said the elder.

Mu Qianxi can't guess the meaning of this guy, but he is not afraid of any tricks. She nodded: "Good!"

Life all the way: "Baby is the old man who ignores me, I am too sad, have to calm down!"

The whole life disappeared in front of them like a wind, and the elders’ face was horrified, but they still sat calmly.

Mu Qianzhen naturally knows why his life will be seen by the elders, why he suddenly disappears. This is a warning to his fellows with his strength.

Mu Qian said: "When you are elders, you will come to the door and talk about your intentions!"

As the elders said: "Today you have rebelled against the island owner. There will be a hard battle to fight tomorrow, be careful."

"In fact, I am also very clear. The elders are visiting late at night today. Is it just to say such a sentence?"

"Of course not, maybe we can cooperate."

“Cooperation?” Mu Qianyi.

She is a little surprised: "Are you going to betray your island owner and betray a refining pharmacist?"

"The island owner is a refining pharmacist, so that many people want to surrender to him, but he also swears that he is a refining pharmacist. He does not look at us at all. In fact, I am fed up. I always want to resist, but I have no chance. The influence of the refining pharmacist must not be underestimated, especially on such a desert island." The elders are low.

Mu Qianhui replied: "It’s very troublesome for the island owner to be an enemy. I don’t think about it! Are you sure that the island owner will do it for us tomorrow?"

"I followed him for many years and naturally knew this person very much. You had already touched his bottom line when you dealt with two second-class longmen, but it was strange that the island owner was not angry and made you a second-class elder. "On the elders.

"Because he can't afford it?" Mu Qian said.

"Absolutely not, because he wants to use what you do? I am not only the first-class elder who is not on the island but also his stewards, so I understand that he must have a plan for you! Plus you will be arranged as soon as you take office. When you go to the island to collect medicine, I am even more suspicious." The elders were low.

"Since you went to the island, I have investigated all the things you have done. A serious serious person has improved since you went to their home, and the strength of the second-class elder will suddenly weaken. You are moving hands and feet. I am sure that you are a refining pharmacist, thinking that you are a refining pharmacist, and all the island owners are very interested in you." In the clear analysis of the elders, she has already identified the identity of the mural pharmacist It is.

Mu Qianhao: "Yes, that's right! I am a refining pharmacist. Is there any other refining pharmacist on the island that you can't afford?"

"All the refining pharmacists on the island are his cronies, so he won't let anyone threaten him. This is one of them."

"Secondly, our island owner does not want to leave without returning to the island. His goal is to do the king's dominance without returning to the island! But with his strength and talent, he can't improve much, so he is destined to live for a long time, but he wants For many years, he has been trying to refine the immortality of the immortality. He wants eternal life. The former refining pharmacist on the island went to him to catch it and use various tortures to ask the refining dan that they knew. square."

It is not the butler of the island owner. It is really not the general understanding of the island owner.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "On his strength, he still wants to refine the immortality of the immortality. He is completely daydreaming. If he wants to do it, I will not be afraid of him."

As for the elders: "I am relieved if I have confidence in the elders. If you do your best to fight back, I am willing to do my best."

Mu Qianqi slightly raised his eyebrows: "I want to kill the island owner by my hand, and your wishful thinking is also very loud!"

"This is the opportunity I have waited for so long, naturally I don't want to give up, but also ask the elders not to be angry. This is my little wish." The elders took out a few jade boxes.

These are some good elixir. As a first-class elder who does not return to the island and a housekeeper of the island owner, it is not difficult for him to hide some elixir without being discovered.

He hopes that these elixir will admire the thousands of hearts, and Ms. Qian said: "It seems that you are on the road. If he really shot, maybe I will solve it smoothly! How many elders can you drag? Elders, we can cooperate."

There was a glimmer of joy on the elder's face. He said: "I will try my best. I will not bother the elders today. There will be a hard fight tomorrow."

"Wait!" When the elders were leaving, Mu Qianyi suddenly said.

"If you can't convince the elders, you can be tempted! The island owner will use the medicinal herbs to seduce people, and the most important thing I have is the medicinal herbs. I am sure that he is definitely not comparable to me." Road.

"The medicinal herbs in this space ring are just as easy to pull, how many people can pull in your camp and try to pull!" Mu Qianyi generously thrown out a space ring.

As soon as the elders looked at the space ring, so many medicinal herbs directly shocked him.

He has been with the island owner for so long, I am afraid that all the refining medicinal drugs accumulated by the island owners are not so much.

But the people in front of you just took it out, and the elders knew that success was hopeful.

Mu Qian said: "I hope that your island owner should not look for a dead end! I don't want to start without it."

After all, she has found a way to leave.

It’s probably impossible for the elder to smile. He knows the island owner and he will not do nothing.

The next day, Mu Qianxi and Suzaku went to see the island owner.

It was a bit better to see them coming to the island's face. He said: "In these days, I heard that you have taken a lot of elixir at sea, and all of them are taken out to the island owner. How?"

Ms. Qian said: "Whoever comes to the elixir, my things are not obligated to show the island owner!"

"I am the island owner who does not return to the island, I want to see you do not agree." The island owner with anger.

"How about not agreeing?"

"I know that your young people are very proud, but you have to figure out who this is. Before I am completely angry, take out the medicine you guessed! Otherwise you are a second-class elder, the island owner. I can't spare you anymore." The threat of the island's words is obvious.

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