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The 1783 policy is counter-successful

Mu Qian said: "The island owner said this, the problem is a bit serious. You have to see, I will show you it."

Mu Qianzhen really took out some elixir, all taken at sea. This is not all, but Mu Qianxi almost took out the most precious ones.

Seeing these elixir, the eyes of the island owner looked straight.

He didn't know some elixir, but the preciousness of the elixir he knew had already made him feel excited.

With so many elixir, even if some of the waste went out for a hundred times, it would not be able to get it so much, but this little girl just went out once and the harvest was so big.

The main road of the island: "Admiral Mu, you give me some of the elixir! I will pick the remedy for you."

"No, I like these elixir more than the lord of the island, so I refuse your request." Mu Qian said.

"Do you say it again? Reject me?" The island owner yelled at the thousand miles.

"Yes, it is rejection! I think I have the right to refuse!"

"On my site, there is no right to refuse! These are all mine, all of mine." The island owner shouted.

"No! My elixir belongs to me and does not belong to you." Mu Qianxi faintly said that she soon took these elixir into the space.

She took out these elixir not to give it to the island owner, just to make him look at his eyes and see the red eyes.

So many baby medicines were suddenly taken up by Mu Qian, and the island owner angered the table: "I can find so many elixir, I don't want my medicine, you are also a refining pharmacist!"

"But even if you are a refining pharmacist, this elixir should be given to me, don't think about it!"

The power of the fourth-order spiritual sacred broke out, and the island owner directly captured Mu Qian.

Zhuque said: "Hey, be careful!"

Mu Qianxi still teleported, avoiding the fierce attack of the island owner. Obviously, the island owner will not easily let go of Mu Qiang.

"Do you think you can hide?"

Mu Qian said: "I don't want to hide now. I don't want to cause trouble, but if you find yourself dead, then I will fulfill you."

"Invincible, Xiaohong, small ink, come out!"

A fourth-order spirit emperor shot, Mu Qianxi directly called them out to deal with the enemy.


When the three of them were called out, they bombarded the island owner.

The fourth-order spirit is amazing! In the face of three beasts, it is enough for him to eat a pot.

Seeing invincible and Xiaohong, the island owner is simply unbelievable.

"The beast, or three! Is someone actually contracting three beasts at the same time?"

Mu Qian said: "Isn't the island owner guessing that I am a refining pharmacist? The refining pharmacist is very strong. It is not strange that the contract is more than a beast. Isn't the island lord a refining pharmacist without this strength?"

The island owner screamed at the Millennium, and at this time it was both awkward and angry.

"Little girl, it seems that you must be a talented refining pharmacist who is pointed by a famous teacher! Very good, such a character is trapped in the island, it is really help me." The island owner suddenly laughed.

"Rumble!" He avoided the attack of invincible, and once again rushed to Mu Qianxi.

"Little girl, I will give you another chance! As long as you work for me, teach me everything you have learned, and then take the team to collect medicine for me, for me..."

The island owner is completely greedy, and a little bit of the request is entirely to use people as slaves.

Mu Qian said: "The island owner, you are so old and still so daydreaming! Just laugh at the dead!"

"All I have taught you to teach, can you learn? You look at yourself too high, want me to do things for you, what are you..."

The contemptuous attitude of Mu Qianxi made the island owner angry.

"Little girl, you toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine, then I only arrest you and imprison me. When I am tortured, do you dare to be honest?" The main face of the island.

"Can you do it? Grab me?" Mu Qianxi sings.

"Do you think that there are three beasts that can protect you? Immediately all the elders on my island will be shot, second-class elders, third-class elders, and superb first-class elders." The island owner gloomy smile.

Mu Qianxi smiled faintly: "Well! You have more people, you are amazing! But I am not afraid!"


"The wind is locked!" Mu Qianzhen with a small ink ink they shot.

And Suzaku also picked up his knives to deal with some of the escorts here. Soon the rescue of the elders came vigorously, and hundreds of spiritual paladins were quite spectacular.

The main road of the island: "Hands, grab the little girl! That kid killed directly."

"Yes, the island owner!"

They echoed in unison, but when they rushed to the hands, they were not right.

Some of his cronies were smashed by their own people in the back, and they died.

"Puff puff!"

As an individual falls, some elders actually hold a knife instead of dealing with the enemy, but against their own.

The island owner angered: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"You are looking for death!"


The island owner found that there were more people joining the enemy camp than those who supported him.

It is obvious that he is a party with many people, but he did not think that this is now the advantage of Mu Qian.

"Why are you doing this?" The island screamed at these traitors.

"Why should we do this, the island owner, you should ask yourself!" At this time, the elders who stood after the strength of the island master stood out in the butler.

"It's you, you have betrayed me! I trust you so much!"

"Trust, have you been successful in calling for so many years, is it trust? If you are happy, reward some of your **** remedies. If you are unhappy, just snoring! Many of us have already had enough of you." Cold channel.

"You... how dare you?"

"No, even if you are, you can't condone so many people to deal with me! If I am not there, who will give you the medicine."

As a result, he saw these traitors, and the spirit of the battle was exhausted and began to take the remedy. The quality of the medicinal medicine is very good, and it is definitely not what he can refine.

"Who gave you the remedy?" the island screamed.

"Is the island owner guessing that I am a pharmacist, can't I guess this? Is it so stupid, too pitiful." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"You... are you... have you ever rebelled against them?"

Mu Qian said: "As long as you can clean up all the people of the island, you can eat it! You can do it!

After listening to the words of Mu Qianxi, they were extremely excited.

When I wanted the island owner to reward a medicinal herb, it was like a beggar. He always looked at his mood, and there was such a cool day.

So their morale is getting stronger and stronger, and those who have not insisted on following the island owner have some regrets.

They have been struggling against the enemy for so long. The island’s lord has not given them a remedy for them to resume their fighting. How can this be done?

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