Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1784: Teacher pointing

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Chapter 1784 Teacher's Pointing

Seeing other people so cool, and some of them are so hard, why do they desperately want to die for the dying island owner!

On the elders: "Mr. Mu, I will help you."

At this time, Mu Qianxi cooperated with the invincible Xiaohong and Xiaomo Mo to deal with the island owner. After all, the island owner is a fourth-order spirit emperor. In terms of his strength, his strength is stronger than the four of them.

The island owner was completely angry and tried his best to kill Mu Qian, so these four-on-one, Mu Qiang did not possess an absolute advantage, so the elders wanted to help the millennium.

In the words of the elders, the island owner was furious.

"You are very good! Very good! When I kill this little girl, I will kill you this traitor!"

At the same time that the island's anger broke out, a strong flame broke out. He was a refining pharmacist and a fire element.

The flame turned into a big palm and rushed toward Mu Qian’s head.

"I really thought I couldn't clean you up? Let's die!"

The attack of the Thunder strike was extremely amazing. The space spirit of Mu Qian’s blessing, the wind element running fast, crossed the edge of the flame fist.

If you only have one element of spiritual power, this trick can be self-defeating.

Although her body strength is not to be killed, it is inevitable.

The island owner stunned. "You can still avoid!"

Mu Qiang said to the elders: "The other people will be handed over to the elders, and the island owner will give me."

Mu Qianzhen is as fast as the wind evades, the darkness of the little ink and ink is not dying. The invincible has become an invincible giant, and Xiaohong’s gaze has become dangerous.


The wars of all parties have caused this gorgeous island to collapse, where it has been turned into pieces, and there have been deep gullies on the ground.

The island owner now has a lot to do, and Suzaku is boring and can only be rudimentary.

"Don't run! Don't hide! I have always been gentle." Suzaku chased a first-class elder.

Gentle, the sultry fire yuan came face to face, so that people can be turned into ashes, the temperature is gentle and hell.


The party of the island owner has no advantage at this time. Except for the island owner who is still insisting, other people are either defeated or captured.

At this time, the island owner was alone in the battle, and at the thought of defeating the island owner, those who betrayed the island owner were also somewhat excited.

"On the elders, or we will also take the shot! Together to help the elders defeat the island owner."

The elders who have been rejected once can't make a decision, although he also wants to solve this big problem faster and reassure himself.

Zhuque said: "If she wants to kill the islander quickly, she has countless ways. The reason why she has not finished this battle is that she has not yet practiced enough."

"What?" They looked at the two people who were fighting in front of them in horror.

Suzaku said that it is correct. Mu Qianxi is using the island master, which is a kind of spiritual spirit to exercise his practical ability and control the wind elemental power.

Although she did not appear in front of everyone, she has been telling her how to use the elements of the wind.

How to increase the speed, how to make the wind element spirit more lethal in the battle, how to...

Although it was not a long time to get in touch with the spiritual elements of the wind, she felt that she was in control of the spiritual elements of the wind with the elements of water and fire.

The contract of the water dragon, the contract of the Yanlong 弑 soul sword is only the inheritance of the spiritual skills, the water dragon began to sleep, the soul can not expect him to have a lifetime of patience, so they are all groping.

Today is not the same, although the life is debauched and loves beauty, but the ability to teach is first-class.

This is the advantage of the teacher's guidance, allowing people to grow rapidly and not take a detour.

"The wind is locked!"

"The wind is destroying the soul!"

"The wind is unparalleled!"

Suzaku is a subtle person with a coffin, and naturally he is aware of the changes in Mu Qian.

"It's too powerful."

This is a long-lasting battle for the island to collapse, but he will never let himself lose.

Spiritual consumption consumes him as an alchemy teacher, and he is not afraid at all. He is not lacking in medicinal herbs.

Of course, Mu Qianxi is not lacking. The two have continued to fight for a long time, and the entire island's mansion has been completely razed to the ground because of their continued fighting.

The battle between the two caught a lot of attention. "God! Someone is fighting with the island!"

"Is that little girl, isn't the second-class elder who is new to the office soon? She fights with the island master. What are the three powerful beasts?"

"The momentum should be a beast, three beasts!"


Even if there is a medicinal supplement, this battle consumption is enough for an islander who rarely participates in actual combat.

Run away, he definitely doesn't!

"Go to hell! Go to hell!" The island owner madly shot against Mu Qian.

At this time, the voice of a lifetime was introduced into the ears of Mu Qian.

"Baby, it’s almost like today. If you fight again, I will feel bad."

Mu Qianqi himself has judgments, and the fire is almost the same. It is just a waste of time to continue.

Soon, the strategy changed.

The island owner madly chased Mu Qian, but encountered a small red invincible surrounded by him and a small ink ink block.

Soon he found a horrified thing, where is Mu Qianxi?

The soul is scattered, and still can't capture the breath of Mu Qian.

Where is Mu Qiang now, not to say that he still fought to the tired island owner, even the Suzaku who was watching it did not find it.

The city's main government fell, and there were gravel everywhere. It is not difficult to hide people.

The island owner wants to find Mu Qian, but there is such a free time to be entangled in the invincible.

This made him very uneasy, and he was almost stunned by the flames of Xiaohong and Xiaomo ink several times.


Invincible, their firepower increased, and the three sides of the siege made it difficult for the island owners to take care of others.

"Hey!" A voice broke through the air, and a needle was struck from the back of the island owner, and it was wiped from the neck of the island owner in an instant.

The island owner was not as slow as the unfortunate second-class elders of the past. He quickly found that something was wrong and hurriedly withdrew.

He touched the small wound on his neck. Although it was only a little painful, he felt very bad.

He said with anger: "You are shameless, but I even attacked and poisoned me."

"It's as if you are not shameless, a fourth-order spiritual sage bullies me a sixth-order spirit emperor."

"You really poisoned me!" The island owner was stunned.

Because he had not found poison in his body at this time, he would deliberately say that, and he learned the truth from Mu Qianshao.

"Little girl, don't be proud! I am a heavenly refining pharmacist! This poison under yours will not affect me at all." The island screamed.

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