Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1827: Disparity in strength

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Chapter 1827 Power Disparity

The blue light wrapped them up, and nine nights said: "Crystal Ying, I hope you will abide by our agreement."

Ms. Qian said: "What about... oh..."

Mu Qianxi wanted to ask, and was directly blocked by the cold lips.

The reluctant kiss, the kiss to the millennium must be careful, the cold touch suddenly disappeared, and the person who held her tightly was gone.

Phoenix nine nights finally got out of the way, and I felt it the first time in my life.


I rushed in for a lifetime, and the face that was broken was really miserable.

He went to the front of Mu Qianxi: "Baby, you see the phoenix boy who has multiple hands under the phoenix and nine nights, and it hurts me."

"Is this injury not a big deal for your life?" Mu Qian said.

"Of course it is nothing? It would be nice to kiss the baby."

The face of a lifetime is close to Mu Qian’s face, but when I am about to go to the millennium, suddenly a light blue light will bounce off my life.

Sustained in life, I was shocked: "No! Crystal Ying, we have known each other for so many years, you have helped the kid of the phoenix nine nights against me, and you hurt my heart too!"

Crystal Ying does not take care of him, and he continues to stay close to life, the result is the same!

Mu Qian said: "The original nine-night agreement with Crystal Ying is this, let the crystal Ying guard against the old ghost of a lifetime."

"Little baby, where am I old! The skin of this adult is so tender and tender, and every part of the body carries young vitality. You can try it."

I want to stick to the Millennium for a lifetime. As a result, Crystal Ying does not tell a little about her old friends.

Purple secluded on the side of the wind, nine nights can not prevent the old fox.

After all, this life adult is a veteran of love, even if it has been gone for many, many years, many ancient books also record the various romantic affairs of a lifetime, how many women dumped it.

This kind of gossip and night is naturally not seen, but purple is interested!

This is not the same as the report of the nine nights, and the nine nights are even worse than the life.

So this does not ask Crystal Ying to help, close to the hustle and bustle, the old fox is still seduce and can not seduce people.

I also hated the nine nights in my life. This kid is too black.

His time is not much, and the result is such a block.

It seems that I want to let the little baby like him, and he has a long way to go.

The Southeastern Talents Exchange Conference is about to begin soon. Mu Qianzhen is ready to set off for the venue of this exchange conference. It is also one of the best four-star ancestral temples in the Southeast.

Qing Xuan left the black street to practice, and told her that the genius exchange in the Southeastern region would be seen.

The closest to Yu Yuezong’s Yucheng was extraordinarily lively at this time, and the genius of the entire southeastern region was almost gathered. This is a great opportunity to be famous throughout the Southeast.

Most of the sectarian disciples are coming in droves, and there are very few scattered exercises.

Mu Qianxi went to a good inn with Qing Xuan, and she saw Qing Xuan sitting by the window as soon as she went upstairs.

He looked at Mu Qian and said: "You are here."

Mu Qianxi walked over and smiled: "The progress is great!"

After a few votes with Mu Qian, Qing Xuan apparently turned over from the poor.

There is no shortage of cultivation resources, and the strength is leaps and bounds.

Qing Xuan’s low road: “I still can’t beat you.”

This restaurant is in the center of the city, and many people can be seen from the upper floor.

Ms. Qian said: "I haven't asked Mo Xuan if this genius exchange meeting has been invited to the moon?

Qingxuan Road: "Looking at the Moon? Is there such a sect in the Southeast?"

"A Samsung Zongmen in the Nanling Domain is not very famous. It seems that it should not be invited!"

At this time, a group of people from the hotel came to discuss, "Sister, I have inquired, this time the genius exchange meeting invited a lot of Zongmen, Samsung Zongmen heard that also invited a lot!"

"Cut! The disciples of Samsung Zongmen also dare to come here to join in the fun. Isn't that a shame to be a shame? If I were them, I absolutely chose not to come, it was totally shameful."

"Brothers, maybe people come to see the world!"

There are many people sitting in this restaurant. One of the youths stood up in anger: "What happened to the Samsung Zongmen? The level of Zongmen does not fully represent the influence of the disciples. I am the sect of the Sanzong sect of the Northern Wilderness. Sea, I want to challenge you! Samsung Zongmen are not all weak."

"Ha ha ha!" The disciple of the four-star Zongmen at this table laughed.

"What is a small place in the northern wasteland, have you heard of it?"

"There are people from Samsung Zongmen who really come to this exchange meeting."

"Look at this kid is very convinced, my brother or I promised to compare with him, let him lose his heart and take it orally!"

The brother said: "Well! You go to compare with him and start with a lighter hand, so that you don't have to be scrapped to say that our four-star sect is bullying!"

In an instant, the two young people will fight and the three moves will be the winner.

That young man is the top genius of the Samsung sect, Yan Zong, but it is still much worse than the ordinary genius of this four-star sect.

"Hey!" The young man was knocked out, his mouth overflowing with blood, his eyes being unwilling and angry.

"Just so good, or roll back to your little inch!"

Mu Qianxi and Qingxuan saw this battle. Xuantian mainland, the Zongmen level represents the strength of Zongmen’s strongest, representing their heritage and cultivation resources, so the brothers they cultivate are also graded. There are big differences between the two.

The good talents are all smashing their heads and going to the five-star and four-star forces, leaving the Samsung Zongmen naturally to be brushed by the previous high-level sect.

The differences in resources, resources, and talents have caused a growing disparity in power between disciples.

At this time, an angry voice came from outside the door.

"I thought that being a four-star force is very great? There is nothing so good. There are also geniuses in the Samsung Zongmen that you look up to, a group of arrogant mad."

Mu Qianxi felt that the voice was a bit familiar, and soon a group of people came in, only three people.

At the forefront is a handsome man in black, with no expression on his face, indifferent sweeping into an empty seat.

"The arrogant madness, I think arrogant is that you are right! It seems that you are also the people of Samsung's power! Report the name to come with me to try a few tricks!" The four-star sect of the gate of the war, a The face looked unpleasant to them.

"Yes, we are the people of the Nanling domain's Samsung Forces!"

"Ha ha ha! This is another Samsung Zongmen that I have never heard of, and I feel so good myself." Some of these people laughed.

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