Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1828: Brother's life

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Chapter 1828, a brother's life

A cold voice came, "You are very noisy! If your mouth is so stinky, you will talk less."

"what did you say?"

They screamed at the upstairs of Mu Qian, and the black man also looked over.

Just looking at it, the silent black scorpion exudes a glimmer of light, and he instantly disappeared in place.

Everyone is scared, this... fast speed!

How strong is the strength of a black man.

For those who suddenly appeared in the private room, Qing Xuan was slightly stunned.

Mu Qian said: "Qing Xuan, if the hand is itchy, then clean up the following few guys who are not flat."


Qing Xuan Yue went downstairs and they looked at Qingxuan Road: "Which is the broken Samsung sect."

Qingxuan: "I am just a mess."

"Ha ha ha! Scattering also came to challenge my four-star Zongmen disciple, it seems that your courage is very good!"

"To defeat you, more than enough!"

The ghost swords are squirted and their faces change greatly.

Qing Xuan cleaned up them more than enough, Mu Qianxi is not paying attention to the following battles, but looking at this black man in front of him.

The meticulously carved ordinary five senses make people pleasing to the eye, and the cold temperament refuses to be thousands of miles away.

Mu Qianyi extended his hand: "First time, my name is Mu Yan!"

His heart jerked, reaching out and holding the hand of Mu Qianxi, indifferent: "I am Chu Li, Chu Li of the Lunar New Year."

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly and smiled: “Brother, you really cooperate!”

A familiar brother, let Chu Li’s heart beat faster, his low voice: “Sister!”

Mu Qian said: "Let my brother worry!"

Chu Li shook his head and said: "I believe that the teacher and sister will not have something, so don't worry, but ... some miss."

The sound of the last two words is very light, and Chu Li’s ear is a bit hot.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Me too!"

The heart is ecstatic, but Chu Li does not know how to express it. This does not control a hot heart and eyes.

"Senior brother also came to participate in this Southeast Regional Exchange Conference this time?" Mu Qian asked.

"Well! I think the sister may come, so come and see."

It is not that much significance to participate in this genius exchange conference with his strength. He just wants to see someone.

"Ah! Ah!"


There was a scream of screams below, although Qing Xuan had been merciful, but some of them were hurt a bit.

Qing Xuan cold channel: "Now you can shut up!"

"Shut up! Shut up, we don't have much to say."

There were a lot of people who were present at the Samsung Zongmen. They saw that the strength of Qingxuan was envied.

People's homework is so powerful, they have the guidance of the master, the resources provided by Zongmen are so powerful, it is really shameful, and then work harder!

After Qing Xuan came back, Chu Li had left.

Qing Xuan said to Mu Qiandao: "The disciple of the Samsung Zongmen is very strong."

Two days before the start of the trial, they first stayed in the city, and after they settled down, they went to find Chuli.

This time, Chu Li came to lead the team. The strength of his spiritual level is not weaker than the elders of Zongmen.

The two young men are the top two geniuses of the Lunar New Year, and Mu Qian said: "Brother, you are not going to enter the competition!"

"Yeah! No interest."

Mu Qianxi knows that his brother does not have a blockbuster idea and is lack of interest in any performance.

The brothers and sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, and Chu Li, who has always been silent, is not impatient with chatting with Mu Qian.

In the end, Chu Li said: "Sisters looking for Guangming Shenglong? Live or die?"

Mu Qian said: "What is the keel of the bright dragon, whether it is alive or dead, the guy does not want to provoke the magic ancestor, it is estimated that only the entity can be found."

Chu Li felt something flashing in his mind, his brows were slight, and Mu Qian grabbed his hand and said: "Senior, where are you uncomfortable?"

The brother's body is very healthy, and suddenly a white figure appears in front of Chu Li, and that a charming and charming face is enlarged in front of Chu Li.

"Hey! The soul is not complete, the memory is not complete. Little baby, this brother is a bit strange!" He laughed in his life.

When he was close to his life, Chu Li was quite disgusted and went to the side of Mu Qianxi. Then he said, "You are the soul of eternal life."

"I don't know how to remember the memory. I still remember this adult, do you love the deep love of this adult!"

Mu Qianxi said without words: "In your life, you thought you were eating and drinking!"

"This adult has always been eating men and women! Unfortunately, I am only interested in women, I don't know how many beautiful teenagers are sad."

Chu Li cold voice: "You are farther away from my sister."

"I should say this to you in this case! You are not sure about the distance from my family. I am a baby contractor plus a master. It is natural to have close relationships." Sitting calmly in his life.

Those who have seen him can recognize his people as old antiques of ancient times. Except for the nine people who know him, they are excluded. It seems that they still can't guess the identity of Chu Li.

Chu Li looked at Mu Qianxi, organized the language, and finally said it, "Sisters don't like men who love their hearts."

I was angry, "What are you talking about?"

"I am telling the truth!"

"After leaving a phoenix and nine nights, a guy who is irritating is too angry."

"Sisters should listen to the brothers!"

"The brother is amazing! I am still a master!"


"I am curious about who you are, whether you are going to make a plan."

"I also want to get back a little useful memory for the sisters, let's go!" Chu Li is also very simple.

His own memory, if not for the sisters, he is too lazy to think about it, let alone with the soul of the soul.

A lifetime gave Mu Qianyi an air kiss: "Baby, wait for my good news!"

"Sister, I will be back soon!" Chu Lidao.

They came back very quickly, and they were very depressed all their lives. "This is an ordinary human being, a spiritual sanctuary with a slightly stronger strength. You can't see a special place. It's a little better to disguise it!"

Mu Qian said: "In a lifetime, the brothers will not be enemies."

"Not an enemy, but the heart is bad! Hey!"

He is not aware of the enemy, even if he knows that he is the soul of immortality, the heart of this kid is still calm and not like words.

It seems that no matter whether it is a common weapon or an eternal artifact, he is not interested in it.

Chu Lidao: "Sister, it is not early, I will send you back to rest!"

"There is a flower protector of mine, and you need to send this guy." The dissatisfaction of life.

When he was there, he was even more uneasy. Chu Li wanted to give the teacher a vigil and stay away from home.

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