Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1850: Self-knowledge

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Chapter 1850 Self-awareness

The power of the dark spar, Muqian and Chuli, has absorbed saturation and does not need to continue hunting, so they rush to the mysterious place as quickly as possible.

The information is reliable, and some of the deadly beasts that had been chasing humans are not close to half a point when they are close to that area.

There are also a lot of people gathered here, and some of them are hunted by the dead and beasts.

There is some luck to come here, and many people have got this news to come to the treasure hunt.

There is a trace of vitality, and Mu Qian also feels clearly, but everyone can't find a little baby when they turn it over.

At this time, Culi said: "Is there a law?"

"Is there a law? Is it a battle? Can it be broken?" Mu Qian asked.

"I feel it, but I don't know, I haven't studied the law!"

It is enough to have strength, whether it is a refining and refining device or a battle, he feels trouble!

Now facing this situation, Chu Li is thinking about whether to study a little, and the pair of ink-colored scorpions flashed slightly.

Thinking about it, it is still very troublesome. He said: "You should know all your life."

"What the **** are you?" I was named after my life, and I was surprised to see Chu Li.

But this guy seems to be completely out of tune with the people in memory!

Chu Lidao: "Help the sisters break!"

"My baby, I will help, will you need more mouths?" The dissatisfaction of life.

"Little baby, in fact, this is a small array of methods! A battle of the pharmacy, this one is very easy to break, I teach you..."

In the end, I can finally get close to Mu Qiang, telling all the points of the break, and then I want to break the battle with the soul of Mu Qian, and it is not difficult!

"I know! It's rare that you have a reliable time." Mu Qianyi nodded.

"Little baby, I have always been very reliable! What is it that makes you feel that illusion."

After the birth of Chu Li, he said: "There is no self-knowledge!"

An angry blow, I want to fight this guy for three hundred rounds.

"I'm sure, I have never known you a nasty guy before. If you know, you will be poisoned if I am not killed by me."

Chu Lidao: "I don't think you can do it!"

His soul is incomplete, his memory is very vague, and everything is intuitive.

At the moment, Mu Qianxi had already flew out and broke away. The soul was scattered, and Mu Qianyi broke open the law.

The bright green light suddenly appeared, and everything that everyone saw before it changed dramatically. There was a medicine field in front.

This medicine field does not look big, but every kind of elixir is simply a city, and it is also a rare medicine in the entire Xuantian world.

At the first sight, Mu Qianxi saw the dragon's blood grass, Mu Qian said: "Your intelligence is very accurate, here is the dragon's blood grass! But some pity, although there are many precious elixir here, but the remaining two But it is not there."

"Reassured! My sister, I am very good at inspiring the elixir. It will not take long for you to find the remaining elixir! I haven't bullied Xuan bullying enough! I don't want him to die too early." Smiled.

"Let's go pick the medicine! If the sister-in-law likes it, all these elixir will belong to you!"

Not only did they act, but other people saw so many precious elixir that they couldn’t wait to rush over. Even if they didn’t take it all, they would make a lot of money if they were strong.


As a result, they hit the wall!

I was hit by a nose, a flat face and a concussion.

Yan stayed in the footsteps and said: "I am so dangerous! If I am hit so badly, my sister will definitely dislike me."

For the rest of my life, Ms. Qian said: "Oh! There is still a barrier. This barrier can only be accessed by the refining pharmacist. When you are close, you can use the barrier to distribute your soul."

Mu Qianxi said to Yan and Chu Li: "You are waiting for me outside."

Mu Qianxi walked in and went in smoothly, so that everyone could stop.

"We can't get in, how can this little girl get in?"

"What the **** is going on? Is there a way?"


They had no way to rush in and ask Mu Qian, and the results were all stared at Chu Li and Yan.

"The little girl can go in, what the secret is! Let's hurry."

The inflammatory wrist moved, revealing a glamorous smile. "What's wrong? Do you want to start with me?"

Chu Li’s eyes swept to them coldly.

The first natural thing is to get the dragon's blood grass first. The dragon's blood grass is far away in the medicine field. When Mu Qian took it out, I felt that there was a resistance in the air.

Of course, this resistance was broken before Mu Qian’s powerful soul, and she could not stop her.

A blood-red elixir was taken by Mu Qian, and she smiled and said: "Dragon Blood Grass, get it!"

Others are jealous, but they are not willing to do it at will.

Then Mu Qianxi began to take medicine slowly. Since he came in, no one robbed her, then all of them started.

The outside person wouldn’t look at it naturally. Suddenly an old man rushed in. “Ha ha ha! It’s like this, it’s...”

"The old man has also gone in, what is the solution?"

"I remember that the old man was a refining pharmacist. Can the refining pharmacist go in?"

"This is simply discrimination! What about the refining pharmacist?"

There were other refining pharmacists present. With this guess, I naturally planned to go in and try it. It was a success.

Yan Dao: "The original refining pharmacist can go in, no wonder the sister-in-law asked us to wait for her outside!"

As a result, they rushed in and found that the elixir of the entrance was collected by Mu Qian, and they angered: "Little girl, don't want to swallow it! Give it a part."

"You have already collected enough, and the next one belongs to us."


Mu Qianxi was the first person to eat crabs, but now she is allowed to give up such a precious elixir, impossible!

"You are stupid! There are a lot of elixir in front! And more and more precious, I will not give up!"

Mu Qianxi rushed up, and there were a few people who were desperate and wanted to catch Mu Qianxi. As a result, they felt blocked by a force when they walked forward.


"Hey!" They can only retreat to the edge.

They had an incredible look on their faces. "What the **** is going on? How can it not move?"

"That little girl can move freely, but we can't do it. Is it strange?"


The area where they can act, there is not much left in the elixir, all of which are the ones that Muqian picks.

It is hard to go further, of course, some people can go further.

The person who went straight ahead seemed to understand what he was saying. He said: "It seems that there is a threshold for collecting medicine. Your soul is not strong enough to move forward!"

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