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Chapter 1851 is a mess

Being able to move forward makes them feel good about themselves and self-confidence.

They ridiculed the people who wanted to move forward but could not do anything: "Like a low-level refining pharmacist like you, you are not qualified to get the elixir here, or let it go early! Don't be disgusted."

The other party is so proud that there are very small people, so that they hate the teeth but dare to speak.

However, even if some of these people are still in front of them, there are still not many elixir left.

They looked at the figure of Mu Qian’s figure and gnashed his teeth: "That little girl!"

"Catch up!"

They thought that Muqian could easily move forward, and that some of these noble high-ranking refiners should be so light and easy.

"Oh!" The results did not expect, but they encountered obstacles.

With all the effort, you can't walk in half a minute. The faces of some high-ranking refiners are hard to read.

At this time, some low-ranking refiners are watching their jokes. "I thought it was so powerful and not much stronger than us."

"Yes! It was so arrogant before."


There is no need for a famous refining pharmacist in Xuantian mainland to take risks in this place, so the strength of these refining pharmacists entering Nanwubao Island is very general.

These high-ranking refiners have unbelievably looked at Mu Qiang, who is busy collecting medicine. "How is it possible? Is this little girl's soul more powerful than me, and it is a deep-seated refining pharmacist?"

Mu Qianxi looks too young, they can't believe that a little girl is so much better than them.

I can't get through, and Mu Qian also feels free, picking medicine slowly, and the dragon's blood grass is also at hand.

It’s not easy to pick it up, but it’s not easy to leave it. Whether it’s inside the medicine garden or outside the medicine garden, these people are watching her.

Once she leaves, these people will never give up.

The high-ranking refining pharmacists stared at Mu Qianxi. "The little **** is not as strong as us. She must have used other methods."

"What else can I do?"

One of the refining pharmacists flashed a stern color in his eyes. He said: "Small girl, you are so hateful, then don't blame the old man's heart."

He took out a box and the poisonous bee that opened a black spot flew out.

This made everyone shocked. "Black poison bee, it turned out to be a black poison bee, Master Wang, you... you actually raised this stuff, it is too dangerous."

The master Wang is very confident and full of words: "You can rest assured that this black poison bee I can control, absolutely will not let him hurt everyone!"

"This piece of medicinal garden should be protected by people. Insects and the like should be unobstructed. When the little **** is in the black poisonous bee venom, in order to survive, it will be honestly accounted for! The old man must not hide. private."

Everyone has different minds, but he smiles: "There is still a way for Master Wang!"

"Otherwise, let that little girl eat meat, we can't drink a little soup, it's hateful!"


Of course, they have to guard against black bee. If the black bee is on them, they won't be good.

"Oh..." The black poison bee quickly went unimpeded and walked forward, and immediately surrounded Mu Qian.

The outside man exclaimed: "This is one of the top ten poisonous bees! The old guy is too ruthless!"

"The little girl is lucky, she got so many elixir, but unfortunately she has no strength, I am afraid..."


"汐儿妹妹!" Yan saw the dense poisonous bee, could not help but worry about Mu Qian.

There is no expression on the face of Chu Li. He is still clear about the power of his sister. Especially with poison, it is estimated that only she plays the part of others. Others want to deal with her. It is completely lifting their own feet.

At this time, Mu Qiang, who was in danger, smiled. He still thought about how to leave safely. He did not expect someone to send her a good thing.

Mu Qiang took out a potion, "Hey!" a few times, these black poison bee killed and fell to the ground.

Everyone is stunned, is the black poison bee so easy to destroy?

Master Wang showed a **** expression. At the beginning, he spent a lot of effort to capture these black poisonous bees. What did this little girl use to make these black poison bees fall down?

He used the power of the soul to control the black poison bees to want them to come out, but his soul connection with them was all cut off.

Mu Qiang continued to take medicine. They watched as she took the medicine of the medicine garden and sent it out. As long as this little girl came out, she would definitely find a way to share it.

"Oh..." The familiar black poison bee’s voice came, and some of the black bee that had fallen inexplicably flew into the air again, and their orientation was no longer a thousand, but another Batch of people.

When they saw these black poison bees flying to them, they felt bad. "Run! The black poison bee flew out!"


"Master Wang, this is your black poison bee, you... you can control them soon!"

"Ah!" Master Wang suddenly cried out in a miserable manner. These black poison bees simply did not recognize him, but attacked him.

"Master Wang, you made these things really hurt us!"

"Don't talk nonsense, run!"

This medicine garden has been left untouched, and the people outside have changed their faces.

"Don't come over! Damn!"



Around here, it was a mess.

The poisonous needles of the black poison bees are highly toxic, the speed is extremely fast, and the size is small and it is hard to prevent them. They have to be careful to deal with them. At this time, they can't take care of the admiration.

Mu Qianqi swiftly swept away, and the panicked people did not notice her at all.

"Small ink ink." Mu Qianxi shouted out the small ink ink and jumped directly to the body of Xiao Momo.

"Come up!" Mu Qianxi turned to Yan and Chuli.

"I am coming, my sister!" Yan was very excited and swept past Mu Qian.

Chu Li nodded slightly, and for a moment, all three of them went to the body of Xiao Momo.

Mu Qian said: "Small ink, let's go!"

When they flew away, others returned and they were angry.

"Damn! That little girl is going to run!"

"This thing is what she deliberately brought to hinder us, don't let her run. She took so many elixir!"

"Fast chase! There are flying beasts, hateful!"

They are going to avoid the attack of the black poison bee at this time. Where is the speed to catch up with a beast?

I can only watch the eyes of Mu Qian, they disappear into their sight, and they are so vomiting blood!

"Ah! That little girl!"

"Don't let me know who you are?"


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