Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1858: More than half

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Chapter 1858 is more than half

Suzaku wraps around Muqian and says a bunch of nonsense. At this time, Mo Xuan said: "Since it is settled, then I will go back first! There are Suzaku and you, there should be no problem on this side."

Suzaku and Mu Qian said: "Wait, you stand for me!"

"Hey, I will bother you, or Suzaku, this guy will never let me live because of envy. I must leave soon." Knowing Suzaku for so long, Mo Xuan knew him very well.

Suzaku ordered: "Give me a stop!"

Suzaku Mo Xuan is so lucky that he wants to die. It is necessary to let people toss in the dead before they stop. Where is the expectation that Mo Xuan has a foresight, so he will run away!

Mu Qian is also angry!

"Mo Xuan, didn't stand for me! Now I want to go, let me throw everything, no way!"

Mo Xuan slipped too fast, and Mu Qian and Suzaku rushed out to catch people.

Mo Xuan brought a lot of masters this time, so there is no need to block them.

"It seems that not only your ability to escape, but Mo Xuan does not make much more!"

"That boy, running for a while, I don't believe he can run forever."

"This is still your site! You are running."

"Oh, I am wrong! This is an accident!"

A black figure fell, "Suzaku, this is the letter our son gave you."

Mu Qianqi asked: "What did Mo Xuan say?"

"I said that he ran two of us and could work together to cultivate a tacit understanding of cooperation. I really thought he would say that I would let him go?"

"I will not let him go. At that time, I must let this guy count the cramps." Mu Qianqi gnashed his teeth.

Zhuque said: "Hey, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"it is good!"

The two returned to the guarded drunken dreams, and it was too much effort to chase Mo Xuan back to the Japanese side.

"The two..." Suzaku trusts Muqin, but does not mean that he will trust Chu Li and Mo Xuan.

Nothing in his life, he said: "Kid, what is the direct thing to say to the little baby, and don't want to take advantage of my little baby."

If he wants to hear, some of the guys outside can't help him.

Chu Li silently left.

There are only two of them left here, Zhu Zhu said: "You are very smart. You should know that there are people behind me and Bai Ze. Some things you want to know can tell you. But you want to see him is conditional."

"Our eight people were trained by the righteous father to master the various affairs of the East Emperor's dynasty. If someone can get more than half of the people to admit it, they can recommend it to the righteous father."

"I and Bai Ze are naturally no problem! But other people I can't give you other information, can't tell you who they are, where? It's up to you to find it. So far, no one can do it, We have different personalities, are extremely talented, very proud, and it is not easy to recognize one person together."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I am also very curious about him. Since there is a way, I will try my best."

"The child is so abnormal, maybe it can be done or not!" Suzaku laughed.

"Then we can work together, I am definitely better than the white zebra that left you." Suzaku is not blushing.

"I hope that your performance will not let me down!"

"of course not!"

This night, a few things were finalized.

She asked Bai Ze and Suzaku about one thing. I am afraid that they know but can't say it. It should be an important secret.

After the investigation, Mu Qianzhen is definitely what is it, it is about the old man.

The one behind Suzaku and Bai Ze knows the whereabouts of the old man.

Eight people need more than half of the recognition, then at least five people, but they have a clear division of labor, the region is certain, can be evenly stronger with Suzaku and Bai Zeping, and is definitely a very famous person in each domain.

If she can get the news of the old lady, she must get it, but now, I have to develop the ghost medical building in the southern domain.

Mo Xuan unscrupulously ran away, and many things for her to deal with.

Suzaku came to visit thousands of crickets every day, and Muqian was like a machine that was running with precision, his eyes were unique, and his ideas were very novel, which surprised Suzaku.

It seems that I can see a familiar figure in the sly work of serious work, really like it!

Suzaku squats, the righteous father will love the sly, the heart is itchy, really want to expose those people and let them get them, let them admire the five-body cast!

But no, the rules are the rules, or the traitor will never let him go.

Mu Qianqi asked: "I haven't seen the inflammation in these days? What did she go to?"

Suzaku replied: "There are a lot of things going on, going out to do things. What's wrong? I wonder if she is, I will let her come back soon."

"The South King City Ghost Medical Building is about to open. This is the first battle in the South. It is natural to play beautifully. After that, it will be smoother! The charm of the evil fairy has nothing to say. When I open, I am going to let her do it." Advertising. Not only attracting men, but also attracting women." Mu Qiandao said.

"Attracting women, the women in the entire southern region are eager to tear the face of the inflammation, the woman who is stunned is terrible, how can it attract?" Suzaku has some doubts.

"You don't understand this! Recently, I have refining a lot of beauty medicines and pharmacies. There are the first beauty in the South Region to make signs. Those people will be tempted even if they are again."

"It turns out that I will let her come back to help!" Suzaku promised.

"There are also the performances of the drunken dreams, the lucky draw, the planning of the discount activities, you take it down, and..."

"it is good!"

The South Wangcheng Ghost Medical Building opened in the south, and the door was crowded with many people, because Yan Lianji was here!

However, they did not expect women to be more crazy than men, and all kinds of medicinal herbs were swept away.

When the beauty of Drunk Mengxuan was opened, it was not only performed at the entrance of the ghost medical building, but also went to the street to tour, and the ghost medical building opened. The entire Nanwangcheng is well known.

This battle is very beautiful.

The hot scene lasted for a morning and seemed to be getting even hotter.

This made Dan's family have no business all day long. After all, today's opening activities are very affordable, and it is much cheaper than Dan's pharmacy.

The face of Dan’s family is very difficult to see. This ghost medical building is in a state of turmoil, and they will not put their Dan family in their eyes.

"It’s ridiculous, it’s so cheap to buy medicinal herbs! Even the price of holy medicinal drugs is so low. Don’t you know that alchemy needs a lot of energy? Don’t you know how hard it is to train a refining pharmacist? There is a problem!" Dan's family snarled.

The Dan family also sent people to the Ghost Medical Building to grab the medicinal herbs. As a result, their faces were even worse.

"This is impossible! This kind of quality has bought such a low price, are they crazy?"

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