Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1859: Suzaku warning

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Chapter 1859 Suzaku Warning

Such a drug, in their Dan family, how many people can do it?

"Go to buy medicinal herbs, don't let go of all kinds of medicinal herbs, the more advanced you have to buy more, these medicinal herbs have been lost, and our Dan family will benefit from studying Danfang." Ordered.

Therefore, the first day of the opening of the Ghost Medical Building, the largest customer turned out to be Dan.

"I didn't come to the chaos but contributed so many Xuanjing. Dan's family was bad at this time." Suzaku said.

"The visitor is a guest!"

"I don't know a lot of these remedies. I don't know Dan. I don't know them. What do they do to study Danfang?" Suzaku also guessed that they were a bit of a mind.

"Give them more than ten brains, and you can't study Dan's! You are scared and worried." I walked out of my life.

His own Dan Fang, can be a four-star alchemy waste material master can be studied.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "They must be a headache now!"

Dan's people are very headaches. They spent a lot of money to buy so many medicinal herbs, but a complete Danfang has not been studied. Even if they are approaching, the final refining is the waste Dan.

"too weird!"

"The most advanced holy medicine, even if the owner can't refine it, what is the ghost doctor?"


They can be sure that the ghost doctor at Ghost Medical Building is a very powerful refining pharmacist, even stronger than their homeowners.

With this cognition, they dare not rush, but with fewer and fewer people who need Dan's medicine, they can't stand it.

"Then a mysterious refining pharmacist will come to our Dan family!"

"After letting the ghost medical building develop, the entire East Emperor Dynasty can have a foothold for our Dan family."


The medicinal herbs in Ghost Medical Building are completely ok. They want to find cockroaches and they can't do it. If they can't come to understand, then they can only play yin.

However, when Dan wanted to play Yin, he received a warning from Suzaku.

They are all in sight in their every move, but the ghost medical building is covered by him. If they dare to act rashly, he will not be polite.

"Damn! What is the ghost medical building in the end, Suzaku has helped him!"

"In the beginning, our Dan family got some intelligence and a grandson to please Suzaku. He is now protecting a ghost medical building."


The Dan family's people are particularly angry, but also know that the ghost medical building background is hard, not the other forces that they used to kill and collapse.

Zhuque said: "Hey, gave the Dan family a warning, they will not act for the time being! But they will never be willing to be defeated by the Dan family. Now their Dan family's medicines will be bought except for those forces that depend on them. Others No few people will buy it."

"Business is not good, and they are not willing to cut prices! Just some of their medicinal drugs are also very good at selling high prices. Before they took advantage of their Dan family's enthusiasm to sit on the ground, it is normal to continue greed. It is normal."

"The rabbit is anxious to bite, not to mention that they are a greedy snake. But if they really dare to do it, then I will never be polite." Suzaku said coldly.

The first shot was fired, and there was a tough background of Suzaku, and the ghost town buildings were established in the major cities of the southern region.

Suzaku is the head of intelligence. He is also familiar with the major refining pharmacists in the southern region. Then Suzaku saw how Mu Qianyi recruited the refining pharmacists?

It’s just too domineering!

The Dan Fang, whose value is in the city, is directly smashed, how much is how much, and some of the proud pharmacists finally succumbed.

The more he sees the means of knowing the Millennium, the more the Suzaku is.

"Xuan is definitely using this guy's luck for a lifetime."

Ghost Medical Building’s siege of the Dan family’s siege made the Dan family miserable.

"Contacting Xing Xingzong, it is a bit tricky for us to deal with Suzaku alone. If the 琅星宗 helped us, it would be different."

The development of the Ghost Medical Building made the ghost doctor of the Ghost Medical Building even more unfathomable.

"Hey, the southern domain of the ancient domain has to be opened, there are many ancient elixir, rumors that some people have gotten the ancient longevity in it." Suzaku sent a good news to Mu Qianxi.


“The ancient domain is an ancient area jointly discovered by several large four-star Zongmen in the southern region. Only four-star Zongmen are eligible to enter! Although the strength of my mastery is not rated, there are four stars who are willing to help. Let's go in." Zhu Quedao.

"We? You go too!"

"Of course! We have been working together for a long time. Do you want to abandon me?" Suzaku said pitifully.

"Ghost Medical Building is now stable, but someone needs to sit down! You stay."

"You can let Xuan dry!"

"This is your place, you can do more with me."

Mu Qiang insisted that Suzaku had to compromise.

"But I still don't trust, I let Yan go with you. Is it good? I have already warned her, she will never bother you or cause trouble."

"Okay! I haven't seen her for a long time." Mu Qianxi looked at Suzaku and smiled.

When going to the southern domain of the ancient domain, the sinister demon appeared again.

"My sister, I haven't seen you for so long, have you missed me."

Life all the way: "With me, how can a baby think of you, be self-love."

"Suzaku said to me, my sister has asked me many times." Yan will not easily retreat.

At this time, Chu Li said: "Sister, it's time to go! Let them argue, don't wait."

Mu Qian said: "Small ink, let's go!"

After Mu Qianxi and Chu Li flew away, their life and inflammation finally stopped quarreling, and then quickly chased up.


"My sister, wait for me!"

Their destination is a four-star Zongmen Qingfengmen in the southern region. Although Suzaku said that they are willing to help, Mu Qianzhen understands that this sect is probably under the control of Suzaku.

The phoenix phoenix beast swept through the air, getting closer and closer to the Qingfeng Gate. The people at the Qingfengmen were shocked: "When you come, let's inform the elders to meet!"

They fell from the sky, the elders of the Qingfengmen took the initiative to meet, and there were many disciples of Qingfengmen behind them.

The disciples of the Qingfengmen couldn’t open their eyes when they saw the fire. The elders were still calm and calm. He went to the front: "The ancient domain is about to begin, we will start now, and several others will Something?"

Yan Dao: "Nature is no problem, the faster you go, the better."

Said to start off, but the flight of the Qingfengmen is much slower than the Phoenix beast.

After they arrived, they saw the presence of Yan Lianji in the Qingfengmen team. Some people sneered and sneered: "You are too blessed to see the Qingfengmen. It’s also a little bit of a four-star sect, even with Yan Lianji. This enchantress hooked up, it seems that your entire sect is enchanted by this enchantress, what qualifications are allowed to enter the ancient domain?"

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