Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1902: Why don’t you dare?

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What is the fear of Chapter 1902?

Yan’s sitting posture is enchanting, and Mu Qian’s looks a little lazy and careless. Only Chu Li is completely a transparent person.

These three are the genius events, the top talents.

The solitary wave is very unscrupulous. "A small test of registration is nothing at all? It is impossible to determine the strength of a person. When the time is higher than the test, they will know how stupid they are. The more proud it is, the more The more you have no face."

Song Mingyue said: "I also think that the test of the Nanling stone monument cannot determine everything!"

After everyone entered the game, the judges were admitted.

Among them are the total help of the four major stars, the guardian of the Nanling Tower, and the Suzaku son.

They also invited the person in charge of the ghost medical building, but the Suzaku son took care of it this time.

Because the Ghost Medical Building will continue to expand at this time, Mo Xuan is busy!

When Suzaku’s son arrived, he attracted a lot of people’s attention. After all, this is a powerful man with money and strength.

The proud Mrs. Xiahou can't wait to stick all the sights on Suzaku's body, his face is red.

If there are not so many people here, it is estimated that she will fly directly.

"Suzaku's son is really extraordinary!"

Meng Xiaoxiao said: "Xiahou sister likes Suzaku."

"That is natural, who doesn't like Suzaku." Xia Houzi replied.

Du Gulang stared at Suzaku angrily. This guy was united with the Ghost House and made them suffer a lot. They would never have counted this.

Yan is close to Mu Qianxi's whisper: "How about your sister? How can you not reveal the flaws! I am looking for someone!"

Mu Qianxi nodded slightly: "Alright!"

A white-haired old man stood up and began to announce the rules of this competition.

The formation was launched, and the entire ancient squadron was opened. Each of the martial arts also had nine floors.

He began to say the rules of this test. "This time, you can challenge your opponents arbitrarily! If the first-level people challenge the first-tier people, then they will compete on the first level of the competition, if they challenge the second floor. Then go to the second floor! Count the highest ranking of the two."

"If the challenge is successful, you can exchange the jade level with the other party. If the first floor person loses one, there will be no qualification to continue the game."

"The last hundred people left are eligible to enter the South Spirit Tower. As for ranking, it is naturally from the ninth floor to the bottom."

"Now, the test can begin!"

The words of the elders have just fallen, and the people who are ready to start the **** battle are starting to challenge the opponents who want to challenge. Some people warm up on the first floor and some challenge the opponents of higher levels.

At this time, there is a person on the eighth floor: "Don's alone, can you dare to fight?"

Everyone was amazed. Someone even challenged the solitary wave. It was also a talented disciple of the four-star Zongmen.

Duo Lang proudly said: "You are not my opponent, but it is not bad to warm up before you start."

He completely despised his opponent and made his opponent very angry.

"Don's wave, you don't look too small."

Two people fell on the eighth floor of the ring, both of them are the opponents of the eighth-order Lingzong, and a big battle broke out in an instant.

Unfortunately, within ten strokes, the solitary wave defeated the other side.

"Hey!" The man was defeated and could only leave from the eighth floor.

Everyone exclaimed, "The two are almost the same level, and the solitary wave has won so easily."

"His strength is too horrible, this is the gap!"

"It seems that the eighth layer is estimated that no one is an opponent of Du Gulang. He has a good chance to climb the ninth floor."

There are many challenges ahead, such as the seventh floor people challenge the white mirror month.

That is a person who is the same as the white mirror month. Where did he expect that the white mirror month will enter the eighth-order Lingzong step by step?

But he just entered, he is confident to defeat.

The white shadow flew out and he nodded: "Good!"

There are still people who challenge Qing Xuan. After all, Qing Xuan is like a transparent person in the disciples of a large class.

Qing Xuan should fight, and when others learned that he only had the strength of the seventh-order Lingzong, he was even more excited.

"Only the seventh-order Lingzong, must be lucky when you sign up."

"It must be like this."

Qing Xuan became the most popular challenge opponent of the seventh floor.

The ninth floor still has no movement. They can't see through the details of the three people, and they dare not challenge.

At this time, Xia Houzi stood up and said: "Yan Lianji, I want to challenge you, you dare not fight."

"What are you afraid of?" The enchanting red figure plunged into the contest, and the fascinating figure was fascinating.

Everyone looked at the inflammation, it seems that I can't see Miss Xiahou, and Miss Xiahou angered and rushed up and said: "I must make you a fox!"

The fascinating smile: "Good-looking, the slaves are very good!"

"Ring bell!"

The bell with the power of charm rang, Xia Houzi sneered: "It’s just a mystery, this lady will be afraid of you!"

However, after three bells rang, Xia Houzi was completely confused, and the attack was not enough to hurt himself.

"Ah!" She was shocked, and she was kicked out by the fire.

Yan smiled: "It's too weak, it doesn't mean anything."

"Damn!" Xia Houzi is extremely angry. This enchanting charm of the fox is not only useful to men, but also useful to her.

The fighting power of Yan makes everyone look at the eyes, the power of charm, the soul attack makes people unable to guard against it, who does not enter the Spiritual Order who dares to confront her!

Even if she enters the Spiritual Order, she must be careful about her estimation.

Dinglang’s fist is clenched, and Yan Lianji is very tricky. He can’t shoot this person, so he can only shoot for the other two.

"Song brother!" Du Gulang looked at Song Mingyue, who was a cautious and good face.

Once you have a shot, you must have a sure grasp. This does not want Song Mingyue to try the strength of the two.

Song Mingyue said: "Done brother, I understand, but this time it is a single brother who owes me a favor."

"it is good!"

Song Mingyue looked at the two people on the ninth floor. He wouldn’t have to go to Yan Lianji. The black man was silent but gave him a very dangerous feeling, then...

Only this little girl.

Song Mingyue smiled and said: "Mu girl, I challenge you, can you?"

Everyone was amazed, and Song Mingyue also took the initiative to challenge.

Mu Qiang battled and said: "Yes!"

"After someone has to challenge me, it’s boring to sit here!"

After that, Mu Qianxi plunged to the ninth floor of the ring, and Song Mingyue passed.

"Mu girl, be careful, I have to do it!" Song Mingyue is a gentleman's reminder.

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