Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1903: Ten strokes to defeat

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Chapter 1903, Ten strokes defeated

In an instant, Song Mingyue’s figure flew out like a lightning bolt.

His attack angle is not a straight line, but a serpentine shape. It is unclear which direction the attack will approach.

However, the spiritual elements of the operation of the wind are quickly avoided, and the spiritual level cannot be concealed.

"Seventh order... Spirit Emperor!"

"Ling Emperor!"

"How did the Emperor come to this day and the event will come, this is not normal!"

The strength of the seventh-order Lingdi is estimated to be good only in the Samsung forces, but the Tianjiao here is a genius of the four-star power. For the first time, I saw a person with such a low level.

"The Seventh Order Emperor is on the ninth place in the Nanling Stone Monument!"

"The Nanling stone monument is out of order!"


Even the guardian elders were a little surprised, and the spiritual power covered the platform, and it took several times to confirm.

"Really the seventh-order spirit!"

Song Mingyue laughed: "It seems that the rumor is correct."

On the day of the test, I encountered the idiot, and I actually did it. Naturally, there was news.

Intentional people can inquire about nature, but many people do not believe it.

Mu Qiang nodded: "It's right! I am a genuine seventh-order spirit."

Du Gulang laughed, "A seventh-order spirit emperor, Song Mingyue, a trick to kill me! Just rely on this strength and want to stay on the lesser!"

Song Mingyue is not as arrogant as a solitary wave, but a seventh-order spiritual emperor naturally he will not be too eyeing.

Song Mingyue said: "Song will give the girl some face, and then defeat the girl in the ten strokes."

Mu Qianxi took out the wind and plume fan, and then smiled: "Ten strokes defeat me, Song Gongzi you really can see yourself."

She shot fiercely, "The wind is unparalleled!"

The horror of the wind element spirits rushed toward the Song and Ming Dynasties. This power made Song Mingyue feel dangerous, and he operated with spiritual power to block it!


A pair of collisions, they realized the tyranny of the seventh-order spirit.

"The Wind Elementalist!"

"This is the spiritual skill to learn from! The metamorphosis is too strong. If it is replaced by a seventh-order spiritual sect, it is not necessarily blocked!"


Song Mingyue smiled and said: "It seems that the girl is really underestimated, but the level of the girl is still too low. If it is a higher level, maybe it has a battle with me!"

Song Mingyue's hands were printed, and suddenly there were countless broken sounds coming from all directions, rushing to Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianshao's running wind element avoided, and the keen reaction force and the speed of the Song Mingyue were different. Suddenly a mist filled the entire contest.

"Song Mingyue is a misty elementalist, a variant of the water elementalist!"

"After entering his fog, all perceptions will be weakened and then allowed to be slaughtered by Song Mingyue."

"It seems that this girl is going to lose!"

In the thick fog, Song Mingyue’s attack was more and more smashed, but every time he was abandoned by Mu Qian.

"It's not a wind element, it's good at speed, but it's not my fastest speed.

Song Mingyue speeded up the speed and continued to attack, and the wind and zero fan of Mu Qianyi opened, and the wind elements gathered.

"Wind, silence!"

The wind element broke out and dispelled the mist.

Song Mingyue is still very indifferent, "useless!"

Once again, the power of the element of the fog, the surrounding area became cold, and it felt like it was frozen.

"The mutated elements are really different and bad!" Someone sighed.

But what makes Song Mingyue surprised is that the speed of Mu Qianxi still has not slowed down.

But it doesn't matter, countless swords are swept away toward Mu Qian.


Before Song Mingyue was full of self-confidence, he said that he would solve the problem, but now the ten strokes have passed, and Mu Qianyi is still unscathed.

"Wind, cold moon!"

"Hey!" Numerous bursts of sound came, and the power of the day sent Song Mingyue to the earthquake.

"Mu girl, it seems that I am looking down on you!"

"What are the tricks to make it out! Song Gongzi." Mu Qianxi faint.

After breaking through the seventh-order spirit, she has continued to practice and experience, and now she has reached the bottleneck of the seventh-order peak Emperor.

This time with some of the top talents in the South, the eighth-order Lingzong, is definitely a good breakthrough opportunity.

Song Mingyue said: "This is what you want, but don't say that I bully people."

The fog of the contest was taken back by Song Mingyue. Although it was collected, he gave people a more dangerous feeling.

"Frenzy kills!"

In an instant, the fog formed a vortex that seemed to be able to swallow some of it, and the choppy wave swept away toward Mu Qian.

This is also a high-level spiritual skill!

"Mu Wei's spiritual skills are very powerful. Song Mingyue is also a disciple of the four-star Zongmen. His spiritual skills are also powerful. Under this enthusiasm, there is a big trouble." The people were shocked.

With the horrible spiritual skill of Mu Qian, the seventh-order Lingzong is invincible, but there are quite a few geniuses in the south.

He is on the top of Song Mingyue, it is a miracle to be able to support this time.


The wind and zero lupins are instantly turned on, and the spiritual powers of the tides are madly coming out.

"Wind, broken star!"

"The wind is the shield!"

After the two spirits came out and the powerful attacking skills broke out, Mu Qianyi then launched a defense.


After the two killings collided, the horrible explosion came out.

"Hey!" Song Mingyue's body retreated, and Mu Qian's figure also retreated to the edge of the contest.

This is a seventh-order spirit emperor, and even dare to weaken Song Mingyue.

Song Mingyue's face sank, and he shot at Muqian.


The two men fought again, and all the attacks of Song Mingyue were brought up, and each time they were perfectly avoided by Mu Qian.

"I don't believe, there is no limit to your speed!"

Song Mingyue’s attack is getting faster and faster. He feels that he can catch up with the speed of Mu Qian’s. Once he catches up with him, he will become the final winner.

"Wind, silence!"

"The wind is unparalleled!"


When everyone knows the strength of Mu Qianxi, everyone feels that Mu Qianlong can't last long.

But now this ninth-level battle is definitely the longest one since the start of the test, and it is also the biggest one.

Du Gulang said: "It seems that this Song Mingyue strength is not so good, and it is so long to clean up this seven-order spirit."

The attack of Song Mingyue’s spiritual power forced the arms of the Millennium to leave.

"Mu's weapon is gone, it seems that this battle is going to be a winner."

"The weapon of the quasi-artifact has improved her strength. Once it is not, it is estimated that there is no power to fight."


When the weapons leave, they think that Mu Qian will be defeated, and there is no suspense.

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