Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1924: Murong violent

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Chapter 1924 Murong Runaway

On the second day, Mu Qianyu asked Murong Yu’s residence. The people of the refining trade union enthusiastically gave her the way and soon arrived.

"Mu girl, Murong brother does not like someone to disturb, I will not go in." The younger brother respectfully said.


Mu Qiang went in and found that Murong’s door was not closed.



The door was blown away by the wind, and Mu Qianxi saw that Murong Yu had fallen asleep on the desk, and all kinds of drawings and books were thrown to the ground.

Mu Qianxi saw that the drawing on the drawing was exactly the phoenix secret that she refines yesterday. How did he study the phoenix secrets?

Yesterday, he was very calm, but he did not expect to come to study here, but unfortunately he has not researched it for a long time.

The reason why she was able to refine it, in addition to having seen the complete drawings, was the inheritance of the predecessor of the refiner.

Murong Yu's refining talent is very good, but it is not enough to study this level of hidden weapon.

"Who?" It was discovered that someone broke in and a loud voice came.

Then there was a wave of heat that rushed over to Mu Qian, and it was Murong’s attack that fired the elements of fire.

The purple figure flashed away from the attack, but the drawings on the ground were not so lucky.


The paper on the ground instantly burned up and became more and more intense, and the results all burned.

The continuous refiner's soul power consumption is very large, plus the whole night is calculating the phoenix secret refining principle, the result is too tired to fall asleep, Murong Yu was awakened by the smoke at this time.

"Cough and cough!"

Seeing that his work for one night was burned, the entire study room was burned.

He ordered: "What are you doing? Don't hurry to put out the fire! My collection must be burned."

There were a few figures in the dark, and their strengths were extremely good. There is also a water element, and the fire is quickly destroyed.

However, Murong’s face was very dark at this time, and he screamed for a thousand words: “My drawings!”

"What are you yelling at me? This is what you burned yourself, but I didn't burn it." Mu Qian said.

"Who will allow you to come over?"

"Don't Murong you live in a place where you are forbidden to enter? Can I ask you for a lesson?"

"You are now giving me out of my place?"

"You look at it!"

Murong Yu maintained a very passionate heart for the refiner. One night's hard work was destroyed. He could not have such a good temper and would explode directly.

The element of fire is like a tiger, and it has swept toward the end of the millennium. Mu Qiang smiled and said: "I want to be active and refreshed! I am very happy to accompany you."

In the face of this fierce fire elemental spirit, Mu Qiang's running wind element is light and easy to avoid.

Murong Yu is a nine-level peak Lingzong, both refining talents and cultivation talents, are extremely high.


On the other side of Murong’s side, there was a movement that made many people pay attention to the movement on this side.

"Mu Rong's brother actually played with the girl, and fought!"

"Mu Rong's brother is very violent when he is disturbed by the temper when he is refining the instrument. Others are very easy to get along with, how can he fight with the girl?"

"It seems that it is really impossible for a mountain!"

"This is not true. One mountain can't be two tigers, unless one male and one female, and Murong's brother and Mu girl are really a man and a woman. You shouldn't fight so fiercely!"

"Hey! I hope these two people don't want to be hurt."

"Hey!" Murong's spiritual attack is very strong. Mu Qianxi has no choice but tough, and it is more than enough to avoid his attack.

Mu Qian said: "Murong, are you tired?"

Originally, Murong was not so angry. He heard that Mu Qiang was lazy and was tired and more violent.


In the end, it is natural that Murong is tired and the spirit is exhausted.

He looked at Mu Qian, who looked like a murderer.

Mu Qian said: "I said, are you ashamed? Although it is your hard work for a night, but that is useless! If you want to know how to refine the phoenix secret, you can ask me! ”

Murong said: "If I ask you for advice, would you tell me?"

Murong Yu is very clear that there are no magical hidden weapons that have never been recorded. There are not many refiners in the world who can refine them, and this is very lethal. If used in some places, there will be unexpected effects.

Such a good thing, you can just pass it on.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Ordinary people naturally will not tell, but become my people, I tell you it is no problem!"

The people of the refiner division trade union heard the speech of Mu Qianxi, and they were all a little aggressive!

How is this going? Mu girl looked at Murong's brother!

"What do you say?" Murong stunned his eyes.

"Do you misunderstand this? I mean, if you become my apprentice, I will tell you!" Mu Qianxi smiled.

"Worship you as a teacher, impossible!" Murong gnawed his teeth, and suddenly he leaped together and rushed to Mu Qianxi. As a result, he was physically weak and almost fell.

"The son!" Suddenly a person appeared to hold him, but still very angry looked at Mu Qianxi.

Murong Yu has always been very confident about his refining technique. Few people are his opponents. Yesterday, he became a tie with Mu Qianyi and still aroused his fighting spirit, plus the phoenix secret.

Today, I was challenged by Mu Qian, and this temper is really uncontrollable.

Mu Qianxi approached Murong Yu, and laughed badly: "You can think about it, but you still have a good rest."

Murong said: "You... you are saying it again!"

The weak Murong 朔 is like a leopard, and wants to bite the neck of Mu Qian, and he feels a sense of sleep, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"What did you do to our family?"

The pressure of the Spiritual level came, and Muqian stood still in front of them: "Nothing? Just let him fall asleep. After all, he is so angry, even if I am gone, she will not be good." rest."

They checked Murong's body and found that Murong Yu really fell asleep. There was no other situation.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Don't worry so much, I will still hurt my future baby."

"Mu girl, please also have a little square inch, the son has always been conceited, this world is estimated that few people can be willing to let him call the master." A spirit of the predecessor.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Hey! Your predecessors are just like him, I really believe it! I just joked and teased him. I know how much I can bear, but I have not yet reached the point where I can teach my apprentice. Especially It is like a talented apprentice like Murong."

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