Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1925: Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce

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Chapter 1925 Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce

"You little girl, the temper of the son is actually very bad, you provocate him like this... Hey!" Several predecessors rogue.

"Do not worry! I am not afraid of him! Take him to rest! It is estimated that it will be dark to wake up." Mu Qian said.


And Mu Qianxi also left, but at this time a lot of people stayed outside, they all worshiped and looked at Mu Qianxi.

Can retreat in front of the violent Murong brothers who have no injuries at all. Dare to let the Murong brothers become apprentices, even if the president does not dare to do such a thing, but the girl did.

It’s just amazing!

"That, Mu girl, you first came here, do you want to go outside!"

"This refining union is too dangerous for you, or you must avoid the limelight first."

"Mu Rong brother wakes up, I am afraid I will be even more angry."

Mu Qian said: "Okay! The brother and sister are willing to guide me."

The atmosphere of the refining trade union is quite good, and these people are very enthusiastic. "Ah haha! Find a few thick skins, and when Murong brothers kill in the past, they can block the first block!"


They really recommended a few people with thick skin and thick flesh to lead the way, and Mu Qian left the refiner division.

The refining division trade union is located in Jianmen City, the main city in the southwestern part of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. She said: "You brothers, take me to the most expensive restaurant to eat here and eat it first."

"This...this will make the girl too wasteful."

"It's ok!"

However, they think about it too. They can refine so many saints in a day, and the girl will not be short of money.

Mu Qiang’s generous shots made these brothers feel that when Murong’s brother came to look for a girl’s trouble, they must work hard to stop the block, not to be embarrassed!

Just after using the meal, Mu Qian took a map and let them play around.

They are embarrassed, Mu Qian said: "If you disperse, Murong will not find it easy to find me. Don't worry! This girl is not so vulnerable."

"Na Mu girl, you are careful, if there are people with short eyes in Jianmen City to bully the girl, take out the name of the refiner division, even if the swordsman does not dare not give you face."

After parting ways with them, Mu Qianyi began to sweep across the major pharmacies in Jianmen City.

The girl who is so generous is definitely the first one that the owners of these pharmacies have seen this year. They are very happy.

After visiting all the medicines, I looked at the sky and smiled. "Well! It seems that Murong should wake up."

After buying the elixir, Mu Qiang is also preparing to purchase some ore.

There are refining chambers here, there are many places in the entire Jianmen City to sell ore.

The Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce is one of the most diverse types of ore, but there is nothing good on the first floor.

Mu Qianqi asked: "The treasurer, good ore, should be upstairs?"

"Yes! But the second floor needs a high-level refiner to enter, the second floor is a geotechnical division, the third floor is the heavenly order, and the fourth floor is the holy step."

Mu Qian said: "So, I will go to the fourth floor first!"

"Hey, go to the fourth floor! You didn't hear that it was a holy refiner to go to the fourth floor? Don't say you are a holy refiner." At this time, a mocking voice came.

"Lao Lin, you should never put some cats and dogs to the upper floor. There are so many people who can't do anything."

A beautiful woman walked in and out, and the Lin Zhang cabinet said: "Miss, you are here."

"Are you sure you want to take a holy step refiner out of the door?" Mu Qiang raised his eyebrows.

"I actually said that I am a holy refiner. You think everyone is like a brother of Murong. It is a peerless genius!" The lady ridiculed.

At this time, a voice came with anger.

"Mu, I finally found you."

A tall black figure rushed in, extremely stressful.

The young lady saw the handsome face of the man in front of her eyes: "Mu Rong brother, how come you? Are you coming to me?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "You, the gangster, you are finally here! Someone looks down on this girl, what do you say?"

"Someone even looks down on you. If you look down on you, you just look down on me." After all, they are tied, and this sentence is correct.

The people in this shop are stunned, what? Murong Gongzi knows this woman, and this woman even shouted Murong Gongzi as a disciple?

"Mu, what are you talking about? Do you say it again?"

"Gangster, do you like me to call you like this?"

At this time, Murong’s fists violently jumped, and Mu Qian’s faint reminder: “Don’t be impulsive, don’t be impulsive, what is wrong with your own site? Here is the site of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce! It’s broken you have to lose money. ”

Murong Yan looked at Mu Qianxi with anger and wanted to give him away.

Mu Qiang went to Murong Yu’s side: "Murong, you accompany me to go shopping today to buy ore. I will go back and tell you all the materials for refining the Phoenix Dark, how is this better than the transaction?"

As soon as he heard the good things that he could get all the materials, Murong, who was keen on the refining, seemed to calm down, and did not care about the provocation of Mu Qian’s previous sentence.

Because for him, a higher level of refining is more important than anything else.

He said: "Are you sure you won't lie to me?"

"Nature will not! After all, I can't beat you!"

At this time, Miss Black is staring at Mu Qian, angry. Who is this woman? Murong Gongzi is very different from her to other people.

Usually he doesn't look at others at all.

Murong said: "Mu Wei, are you not going to buy ore? What are you doing? Going to the fourth floor, there is nothing good underneath."

At the thought of waiting for Mu Qian to buy something, he can get the material composition of the refining phoenix, and Murong Yu is like a singer.

Mu Qianhui replied: "Okay!"

She really wants to follow Murong, but she is stopped by Miss Black. Miss Black said: "Mu Rong brother, you can go to the fourth floor, but this woman is not a holy refiner, can't go up."

"Brother! I only have one sister, you should not be so dark, don't confess your relatives!" Murong faint.

Miss Black’s face has become darker, and her eyes are crying with tears. She is a bit black, but every time she goes out, she has a very delicate makeup, and the skin looks like peeled eggs. How can Murong brother say this?

"And, my Murong Yu wants to bring a person to the fourth floor, and no one dares to stop me!" As the first day of the refining division, Murong Yu is such a madness, and he is wasting his time for this one. People, attitudes are definitely not good.

Murong Yu cold channel: "Let it open!"

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