Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1926: Move your heart

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Chapter 1926 is moving

"Don't let it!" The young lady of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce is sulking.

She would not believe that her brother would not give her face and continue to bring this woman to the fourth floor!

This person does not let, Murong Yu is relatively simple, directly handed this person out.

"Ah!" Miss Black Miss screamed.

"Missy!" Naturally someone went to save her, not letting her fall to the ground.

"Go!" Murong said.

Mu Qian’s mouth was slightly pumped, and Murong’s acting style really exceeded her expectations.

Murong Gongzi even Miss Dad dared to throw out, the people of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce naturally did not dare to offend him and did not dare to stop Mu Qian, so the two went smoothly on the fourth floor.

"Action faster, don't waste time, or take it all." Murong is very anxious.

Mu Qian said: "Although I know that Murong Gongzi has money, but you don't have to buy some of it!"

"These, there are some, here, I have to be all!" Mu Qian said.


Under the urging of Murong Yu, they were pretending to be well-prepared, and then Murong was able to pay for it.

When they were about to leave, Miss Black said: "You... you stand for me!"

Murong Yu went straight away and didn't look at her. It was estimated that Miss Black would be a fly.

"Hey!" Looking at the backs of the two, Miss Black, who was wronged, died and cried directly.

This doesn't make the makeup cry, and the face looks awkward.

"Give me a check and find out who the woman is. Damn, I can fascinate Murong's brother."

"Yes! Missy!"

"Miss, don't cry! A wild donkey is comparable to you."


This is not the person of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce to marry the lady.

When I went out to go to other places to sell, Murong said: "What ore you need to tell me directly, I sent someone to send you over."

Ms. Qian said: "I like to buy it myself! Keep up!"

Murong screamed at the fire, but in order to know some of the materials, he forbearance!

Mu Qianzhen is very decisive in buying things, and Murong Yu pays very generously.

Soon, this combination of the shops sold all the good materials in the shops selling the refining materials.

Murong said: "Now you should always go back!"

"Okay! Go back!"

It’s just that the two of them are sweeping. The relationship between the two does not know what it is like to be passed on by others.

Murong Yu is the big celebrity of the entire Jianmen City, I don’t know.

"Have you heard that? Murong Yuzi has not been interested in those stone spirits. He is very concerned about a woman."

"Isn't it? Murong's son is a woman, a lot of money! I don't know how many billions of crystals I spent in a day."

"The girl must be very beautiful!"

"No, the entire Jianmen City can't find a second one that is more beautiful than her. It's no wonder that Murong's son spent so much money a day without any distress."

The news spread, and it was mad at Miss Black.

It is clear that Murong’s brother rushed out of the refining division to find a girl, and the two of them seemed to be very friendly together.

Mu girl is not good, and there is no shortage of arms and broken legs, and then someone has heard the rumors, one by one is more shocked chin.

No... it won't be true!

It seems very likely! The one who used to provoke the brothers and brothers was not miserable, but the girl was an accident. It seems that Murong’s brother is really tempted.

Murong Yu did not care about other people's slightly weird eyes, but directly pulled Mu Qianxi to his site.

"Now, you can tell me!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "But I am hungry! Too hungry, I have no strength to tell you."

"You..." Murong licked his teeth and licked his face.

"Go ready to eat!"

"I want to be delicious. If it is not good, I am not in the mood."

"You have too many requests."

"Is it something I am about to tell you, is there no such value?"

Murong Yu was silent, so he had to prepare well, but he had no appetite.

Mu Qian said: "So delicious, why don't you eat more?"

"Shut up, you give me a hurry to eat." Murong's voice is not good.

After eating and drinking enough, Mu Qianxi did not deceive Murong Yu, and really wrote the materials for refining the phoenix secrets.

Murong Yu, the other material, knows, but the most important material is Murong.

"The feathers of the dark phoenix, there are dark phoenixes in this world, Mu 宸汐, you are sure not to lie to me?"

Mu Qian said: "I seem to be in your territory! Can I have any good fruit to eat if I lie to you? I am just an eighth-order spirit."

"That means that if you don't get the feathers of the dark phoenix, you can't refine the phoenix."

"Don't your brains turn a corner? The reason is that the dark phoenix feathers are used because the dark phoenix is ​​a beast, very strong, and with dark elements hiding, it is the perfect perfect for making this hidden weapon. Material. If there is no dark phoenix, you can look for the feathers of some flying spirits with dark elements."

"If these are hard to find, ordinary ones will do the same, but the lower the lower the consumption, the weaker the killing power."

Murong said: "You are right, I am too rigid."

"Well, I promised you all the things for you, I have to go to rest! But even if you know the material, it is difficult to refine the phoenix secret, because its most complicated is not the material composition, but the internal Some of the subtle structures."

"I understand this very much!"

"You will not stay up late to study today! There are shortcuts you can't leave, as long as you can teach you anything!"

"I don't need it, I will definitely study it!"

Mu Qianxi sighed: "That's a pity! This girl is not easy to see a child."

Murong Yu cold channel: "Send customers!"

"Mu girl, please!"

Mu Qianqi naturally went back to rest, let the guy rack his brains to study it!

After that, Murong Yu did not find troubles because of his retreat.

When Miss Black first came to the Southwest, she only knew that she had gone to the Refiners Chamber of Commerce, and it seemed to be a refiner. Others could not find it for the time being.

"Miss Ben is looking for that Muyu to talk about!"

"Mu girl is retreating, not seeing guests! Miss Black is still going back!" Miss Black was rejected by the people of the refiner division.

"You...the people at your refiner's union are too much!" Miss Black was anxious.

A few days after Mu Qian’s arrival, the Refiner Union came to a group of important guests.

The president personally greeted them. They were the first peak and the elders of the first gate of the sword gate in the southwest.

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