Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1936: Got out of the pit

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Chapter 1936 fell out of the pit

Mu Qian said: "I have already thought about it, come in and talk about it!"

He also felt that this woman would not want to go to death row and walk in a big step.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over, "Oh!", the door closed.

Danger! The pupils suddenly shrank and saw that Mu Qiang still pushed him to the corner.

The cold fan leaves against his neck. He was sneaked on his own site and was controlled by people.

"How can you unlock my suppression bracelet?" Heming is very puzzled.

Bring this bracelet, let alone the spirit of the emperor, even if the spirit of the Holy Spirit do not want to use a little bit of spiritual power.

The bracelet was suspended in the air, and at this point it had a big gap.

A red flame of flames swallowed it, and nothing left.

Gone! Was it destroyed?

"Just like this!" Mu Qianxi smiled.

"Are you a wind and fire spirit?"

"Yeah! I am still a fire spirit, and there are a lot of fire elements, which directly burns your stuff."

"This is impossible. You have no power to mobilize the elements of the spirit!"

As a refining teacher, where is it so good?

"Of course, my spirit is special. I don't need the kind of help I can do. Do you believe?"

Let Yan Long move a little, this one is very powerful, and people who are unable to use the spiritual bracelet will be burned into slag.

This time, I knew that I had planted it. He asked: "Do you grasp what I want to do? Want me to let you go?"

"Of course not! If I want to leave you, do you think you can hold me? I just want to accept you as a disciple."

"You dream!" Re-emphasizing the teeth.

"Don't want to be my apprentice, then let me see who you are?" Mu Qian's fingertips fell on the heavy mask.

"You don't want to take off my mask, except for specific methods that can't be opened."

"Are you nervous?" Mu Qian looked at his pair of angry eyes and said carelessly.

The re-emphasis of being looked at by Mu Qian, the more he looked at the guilty conscience, "Nothing! I have something to be nervous about. If you kill me, see me, don't want to leave."

"In fact, the mask is opened, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, it's just a little rough and simple." Mu Qianxi said slowly, and he felt that his face would be burned.

He widened his eyes and the madman destroyed his mask with flames.

Their mask materials are special, and the general flame can't be burned at all, but this woman burns up and plays with it.

As a fire spirit, he clearly recognized the terrible thing about this kind of flame.

What is even more frightening is that this woman has control over the flame. Although this flame is terrible, it only destroys the mask and does not hurt his face. Otherwise, he may be disfigured.

"Oh!" This mask was destroyed and fell to the ground, and then nothing was burned by the fire.

Mu Qianxi looked at his face and seemed to be not surprised at all. "Murong, we met again."

He said: "How do you see it?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Your hair has been burned! Do you want me to trim it? Otherwise it is not handsome enough but some cute!"

The surrounding wind elements are just around the corner and seem to want to trim his hair.

However, looking at this battle, he felt that this woman would shave him into a bald head.

He clearly said: "You give me a hand! How did you know it?"

"You sent it to the door twice and asked me what I know? I am so stupid?" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"The **** demon sells me?"

"Suzaku can't sell you! Otherwise I won't waste so much time with you." Mu Qianhui replied.

Suzaku is naturally not a person who has no bottom line, but he is still very angry.

He preached!

Not long ago, the other people’s demons told him that he had met a very talented refiner, and he was even better than him.

He is very confident in his refining talents, and he has not seen anyone who is better than him for so many years.

Although I did not show that Suzaku was dissatisfied with others, my heart was very unconvinced.

So Suzaku told him that the man would soon go to the refiner division and said that they could match and divide.

He was enchanted by the dead man, knowing that he must have dug a big pit for him to jump.

But he is too conceited, and he feels that Mu is definitely not his opponent, and he will never have any interest in her.

Until a written test by the Refiner Division, it completely exceeded his expectations.

That hidden weapon that has never appeared in this world, even if Mu Yu told his production materials, he still could not study it.

He was very interested in such a hidden weapon, and it was very useful for them, so he had to use another identity to tie Mucheng to this place.

In general, Suzaku did not say anything to Mu Qianming, but the two of them had a very good understanding of the tacit cooperation, so that he would vote for the net.

Unconsciously fell into the deep pit and buried himself, and now only after discovering the discovery, he gnawed his teeth: "The dead fox, for this woman, you actually dig a hole for me, what purpose do you have? ?"

"Can let Bai Ze give you help, can fascinate the dead fox, it seems that I am looking down on you."

"I have a cooperative relationship with Bai Ze and Suzaku, and I want to cooperate with you. I think you will be very interested!" Mu Qiang smiled and said that she had recovered the wind and zero lupin.

The re-emergence of the direct fire broke out. The spiritual element of the fire rushed toward Mu Qianxi. He said, "Okay! Very good, the dead fox counts me and I am packing him! But you must give you some color today. ""

Mu Qian said: "Here is your site. If you break it, it is your loss."

"I don't care so much!"

"You can't beat me!"

"You can't beat it, you know it when you hit it."

Mu Qianxi said helplessly: "It is really bad to know your temper. It seems that you can only be convinced."

The wind and zero lupin fan broke out, "Wind, broken star!"

"The inflammation of the Jurassic!"


Yesterday, it stopped. Today, the son of the son has been killed by the guests, which makes others feel a bit stunned.

Their son is naturally not a gentle person, and his temper is violent, but it is still very rare to be popular. Even the Suzaku son can rarely make the son so angry.

This is fierce. Someone came and said: "The son!"

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way! Don't get close."

Mu Qianxi’s joking smile: “Hey! Your son is afraid that you are here. When you lose, you are too shameful to see it. Let’s go back!”

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