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Chapter 1937 burning eyes

After listening to the words of Mu Qianxi, the fierce anger of the wrath is like a wild beast screaming at her. "Mu Wei, you are tired! Laozi has stripped you today!"

Others also voted for the five bodies that Mu Qianxi admire. The son of this violent anger, the girl even dared to say such a thing, is undoubtedly fueling the fire!

Mu girl is a true warrior!

"Don't be so violent!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

The result is more and more angry, and other people don't dare to stay for a long time. They really retreat one by one.

Although the son is very angry, but obviously just want to find a place for themselves, and did not let them help.

Heming is a refining genius, but his fighting power is very strong, not like the genius refiner of the five **** of the refining peak.

This trait of strong fire elementality is well played.

After a wave of powerful elements of fire, Mu Qian’s attack is almost ineffective against him.

Although it is evasive, it is impossible to win.

The renewed warfare is getting stronger and stronger. He said: "You are a two-line elemental master, don't hide it! Let your full strength!"

Ms. Qian said: "You are much stronger than me. If you don't spend it in the dead or sneak attack, you can't kill you! But if you kill you, you are expected to be very unconvinced, then you will come to you." Let's go!"

"Water Dragon is off!"

For the fire element, the water element is naturally the best.

After the blue dragon of the water blue rushed out, he said with horror: "The water element is a sorcerer, you lied to me, are you not saying that you are a fire spirit?"

Mu Qianxi just looked at him with a chuckle and didn't answer, then the attack blew again!

"The water dragon is coming!"

The horrible water elemental spirit seems to be drowning in the heavy, and the heavy and powerful forces are also erupting.

However, he is not at all uncomfortable now, and his blood is rolling!

Very strong water elements, overbearing and tyrannical!

"I want to beat me, this is not enough!" The flame on his body instantly turned into a magma, and the magma was like a living thing, and it was like a meteor.

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

"The wind is the shield!"

The double element of the wind elemental water element blocked his repeated attacks, and he also realized the metamorphosis of this woman. The two elements can be switched so quickly.

He has not seen a two-line spirit, but he can use both elements at the same time as he wants. Mu is definitely the first one he has ever seen.

"Wind, broken star!"

"Shui Long Lintian!"


The two were fiercely fierce, and they had not won the game for a long time.

Others dare not investigate the situation on this side, but know that the battle is still going on.

"Mu girl is not the first genius in the south, she can still play unbeaten with the son for so long!"

"The son has not played such a serious game for a long time. In general, he is only interested in the refiner."


Two terrible forces collide and then retreat, and the emphasis is getting more and more excited.

"The dead fox is still a bit of a vision! But you can't win me."

Mu Qian said: "You can't win me!"

The two elements of spiritual cooperation are still unable to make this guy, Mu Qiang this time to close up the wind and zero feather fan, let the lonely dragon for a long time out.

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

"Kowloon Haotian!"

Long time did not participate in the battle, Yanlong is also very excited and excited.

When Mu Qianji displayed these two great skills, Yan Long broke out the strongest strength!

When Mu Qianxi broke out the spirit of fire element, he clearly felt that his flame was suppressed by death.

He said with amazement: "This feeling, this woman has the flame of the king!"

"Three elements of spiritual master, is she still a person?"


Yanlong stared at the sword in the hands of Mu Qianxi. This is the strongest sword he has ever seen. The whole soul has been attracted to the past by the dragon sword.

Mu Qianxi also had a glimpse, and her attack was so clear that she did not know how to hide.

In the end, this guy is scared by the fact that she is a three-line elemental spirit or is scared by the power of the flame. In desperation, Mu Qianxi can only let Yanlong recover its strength.

The two attacks of horror dissipated in an instant, and he was only able to return to God at this time. He said: "Woman, you are fine!"

It’s strange to have such a strong attack to recover, and not to be countered.

Mu Qianxi looks like a okay person. She said: "Before the reunification of the son, I also shouted and killed me. Now I have to eat wrong, and I will care about people."

"Who cares about you, I am afraid that you will die in me, I will be killed by the dead demon!"

Yan Long's soul sword attracted all his attention. He didn't want to continue playing with Mu Qian.

Directly rushed to the face of Mu Qianxi, staring at the Yanlong sorrowful sword: "This is your sword! You have such a powerful sword, you have to use a quasi-artifact."

The resounding gaze is burning and scary, and Mu Qian’s glimpse is a slight sigh. Does it recognize the eternal sword?

He said: "Dead woman, let me see this sword, let me see if I talk to you about cooperation and do not do it for you! I saw such a powerful sword for the first time."

As a genius refiner, the eyesight is particularly poisonous, and the intuition is very strong. This sword is very powerful.

That gaze is like seeing the most fascinating beauty in the world. Mu Qian knows that this guy does not recognize the eternal sword, but just thinks it is very interested in it.

This gaze is too hot, so Yan Long could not help but fight.

It rushed out: "I don't want you to touch me, you go away! You are abnormal!"

"Hey! Master, don't touch me to it!"

In the face of the attack of the small fire dragon, the eyes are brighter and clearer.

"It's a sword spirit, there is a sword spirit!"

Xuan Tianjie has great things that can refine artifacts, but those artifacts still can't breed swords.

The dream of re-emphasizing is to create artifacts that can give birth to the spirit of the instrument. This is not so hot and scary.

Yanlong can only hide in the arms of Mu Qianxi and shiver, and it trembles: "Master, this human is a pervert, second only to the metamorphosis of the soul."

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly twitching. If the soul knows the dragon, this guy is more likely to be killed than a smart man.

Mu Qian said: "Yan Long is rather timid, so forget it!"

"Okay! I respect sword spirit. Now I have not refined the artifacts. The artifacts at the level of artifacts are really high and far away."

Mu Qiang let Yan Long go back, and he has a clear face.

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly raised, and the guy’s temper is violent, but his attitude towards the refiner is very serious and persistent, just like her persistence in refining.

She said: "Heavy Minggong, can you calm down and talk to me now? Talk about cooperation!"

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