Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1958: Out of control

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Chapter 1958 is out of control

"Hey!" A broken sword, pierced from the back of the heavy.

It is still fast to re-emphasize the reaction, and try to avoid the key points. Otherwise, it is estimated that the heart will be pierced.

Someone behind the dark hand, the attack of the man in front of the Xuan Yi still banged.

It seems that the defensive sacred device is not thrown out of the money. "Boom!" A loud bang, the whole man flew out and saved his life.

"Hey!" He vomited a blood.

At this point he couldn't figure out how he was concealed.

Even if there is a strong enemy in front, he will not have such a bad vigilance. Some people appear in his back and do not notice it.

He saw a black figure, exactly the same as the figure of the robes, and now I understand.

"You are, the person who seals the family!"

The entire Xuantian world only has a special ability for the family, and the shadow of the family is the strongest assassin.

"The son!" Seriously serious, that a white robe predecessor is also very worried.

"Hey!" The two spirits with the same strength are fighting, one distraction, so naturally let the other find the opportunity to be hit hard.


The old man in the black robe said: "Broken the Lord and left the living! Let the people be scrapped first. The old man has something to ask. I would like to see which four-and-a-half-sectors are so ignorant of the East Dynasty. The site makes their people make small moves."

He was surprised and looked at the man in front of him: "You are Feng Yunxiu! The only remaining master of the family, you have become the running dog of Mu Lin."

The elements of the wind swept over, and there was no expression on Feng Yun’s face, and the fierce shots had to be abolished.

At this time, a cold drink came over, "The wind is shield!"

"Yue Yao, Devouring!"


The spiritual power of the two elements of the wind collided together, and the spiritual power of Mu Qian’s was more pure.

A thousand telegrams appeared in front of the clear: "It seems that I came very timely, you are not dead yet! Hurry up and heal!"

She threw the best healing remedy to her, and she said: "I am not dead, are you disappointed?"

At this time, Feng Yunxiu looked at Mu Qian’s expression with no expression: “Let’s open?”

Mu Qiang raised his eyebrows: "What happened? It didn't take long to see you, you didn't know me, Feng Yunxiu."

Looking at the person in front of him, Feng Yunxiu still had a vague impression. When she was chasing Suzaku, she saved his life.

"It's you!"

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Yes! It is me, do you want to fight one game? I know that you will not give up the task, you can only use violent suppression."

Mu Qiang swept out and decisively started to work on Feng Yunxiu. Now his situation is not helpful.

Feng Yun repairs the spiritual counterattack, "the wind breaks the moon!"

"Wind, cold moon!"


As a wind element, Feng Yun’s strength is much stronger than that of Mu Qian, but the speed is still not comparable to that of Mu Qian.

In order to make quick decisions, he naturally used the shadow again.

The last time the shadow was wrong, this time should...

He clearly reminded: "Woman, be careful, he is the person who seals the family, be careful of his shadow."

However, Mu Qianxi did not hear the reminder of the general reminder. He did not pay attention to it at all, and he had a hard attack on Feng Yunxiu.

At this time, the shadow of Feng Yunxiu had already circled behind Mu Qianxi, using the means he had just dealt with, the short sword moved and stabbed Mu Qianxi.

At this time, the face was gloomy. "Was the **** woman turned into a scorpion? Didn’t you hear me?"

"Hurry to escape!"

"Mu, do you want to die?"

Regardless of how violently heavier, Mu Qiang still concentrates all his attention on the Feng Yunxiu in front of him.

The violent anger wants to rush out, but the wound spurts the whole person down, only to look at the shadow.

At this time, the incredible thing happened. The short sword had not cut through the clothes of Mu Qian, but it stopped. The shadow seemed to be fixed.

Re-emphasizing, "What is going on here? Could it be that this one is not cultivated and homeless, and it is a problem! It is no wonder that it has become a walking dog of Mulin, if this person has become a secret of the family. Then the ancestral grave of the family is estimated to be green."

"This woman, luck is great!"

Feng Yun repairs a slight glimpse, is this the case?

Obviously can deal with other people, but how can I not deal with her?

The shadow can't be used, Feng Yunxiu can only let the shadow deal with the heavy.

Just like a black lightning-like shadow approaching, the face changed dramatically, and the shadow returned to normal when it was dealt with him.

Others also caught up at this time, and they were angered when they saw serious injuries.

"Don! You are fine!"

"Spell with them!"


They blocked the shadow of Feng Yunxiu. His strength was higher than that of the body, but he was no match for so many spiritual sacs and had to disappear.

Mu Qianxi continued to fight with Feng Yun, but the other side still had a victory.

The face changed a lot, said: "Han Bo!"

The white robe predecessor was still seriously injured, and his life was not long. He said in a hoarse voice: "The son, the old man did not protect you, and he was responsible for it!"

"Small ink, give me out, stop Feng Yunxiu!"

The little ink ink rushed out and stopped Feng Yunxiu, and she plunged into the place where Han Bo fell.

A pharmacy needle flew out, Han Bodao: "Mu girl, don't waste your strength, you will leave with the son. I know what my body is. It's useless! You will leave with the son, the old man will... ”

"Hey!" The needle fell into the heart of Han Bo, and Han Bo looked at her with surprise.

Re-emphasizing loudly: "Mu Wei, what are you doing?"

"Save people?"

"Are you sure you are not killing?"

"I am a professional refining pharmacist, please don't question me."

It is natural to have no doubts about Mu Qian, but Han Bo is really out of breath. What does she do in the end?

The old man in black robes looked at Feng Yun, who was entangled in a small ink and ink. "Fat the Lord, this time your Highness will let you perform the task, let me be yours, but I did not expect that you spent so long." I don’t even have a single person to clean up. I think the princess will be very disappointed!"

"It seems that you have been in the place where it has not been in the flow for too long, even if the princess has the heart to promote you to give you a lot of resources to cultivate and upgrade to the peak of Lingzong, it is still so weak."

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Weak, old things! Then you talk about how powerful you were at his age? I am afraid that is the kind of role that he was spiked! So what qualification do you have to rely on the old taunts? other people."

Feng Yun repaired a rib and a heart loyalty to Mu Lin, she was very angry.

Everyone has different choices, different positions, and there are so many bans on him that she can't change.

But as long as she still treats Feng Yun as a friend, she can't allow anyone to ridicule her, not to mention the fact that this guy is still demeaning.

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