Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1959: Not what he wants

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Chapter 1959 is not what he wants

This little girl film dared to mock him and find death!

The power of the spirit level has swept across, and he also feels that this woman is crazy.

Feng Yunxiu is an enemy. What did she mean when she said that? Help Feng Yun repair and fight?

He shouted: "Go to save people?"

However, some people are faster than his men, that is, a black shadow, belonging to the shadow of Feng Yunxiu.

The shadow became dim, and the power of the spirit level was hard to bear!

The old man in black robe is angry. "Feng Yunxiu, what do you mean in the end? You have to protect this little girl?"

When the man was in danger, the shadow had already made Feng Yunxiu unable to control it.

However, Feng Yunxiu did not want people to know about this. He came out and said: "Luo Lao, this girl saved my life when I was in danger when I was performing my mission. I want to return her life. Please also don't make it difficult for a junior."

The old man in black robe said: "If you say, I am not!"

Feng Yunxiu’s face was cold and said: “There is a command from His Highness. This time the mission is based on me! Although you are stronger than me, you must obey my orders.”

"Fat the Lord, do you really think it was the former seal of the Lord? Do not take the orders of His Royal Highness, you can't order me." The old man in the black robe.

"Do you want to follow the orders of Your Highness?" Feng Yun repaired the cold channel.

His Royal Highness is naturally a killer. If it is passed to the ear of the temple, His Royal Highness will not feel good about him.

He gloomy and screamed at the millennium, and he was reluctant to spare this little girl who mocked her.

At this time, the people of the Xing Xing Zong rushed out: "Adult, she is the one who admired! Never let her go!"

"Mu Wei!" The black robe old man flashed a fierce light in his eyes, and Feng Yunxiu also stunned.

This individual is the first genius of the South. The first priority of this time is to get rid of Mu Xi.

Then I removed the Suzaku son and got his powerful intelligence network.

The old man of the black man smiled and said: "What's wrong? Seal the Lord. Do you want to violate the orders of His Highness? Do you think that you should repay the promise of life or the command of your Highness."

This item, Feng Yunxiu does not have to think at all.

"Of course, the execution of His Highness! The command of His Royal Highness, Yun Xiu will never violate." In the heart of Feng Yunxiu, Mu Lin is everything for him.

"This is good, I thought that Feng Shao mainly betrayed His Royal Highness, let me kill this little girl, so that I can suffer from it!"

Seeing the old man in the black robe raising his hand, the heart of Feng Yunxiu suddenly trembled. He said: "Slow!"

"What's wrong? Sealing the Lord and stopping me?" The old man in black robe was very upset.

"Ronal elder is a master of spirit, killing a spirit emperor is to hit the stone with an egg, or by my younger generation!"


"This is the order!" Feng Yun repaired sharply.

"Good! Listen to you!" Ronald Elder grinds his teeth.

He clearly said: "Woman, you really saved this person, you have saved a white-eyed wolf! Let's kill it!"

The red-red flame broke out, and Feng Yunxiu did not hesitate to do it. His face was indifferent like a ruthless executioner.

Luo elders finally looked satisfied, this is almost the same, so that this little girl is just right.

But when the power wanted to hurt Mu Qian, a black shadow blocked the flame of Feng Yunxiu.


Mu Qianxi was not injured, but Luo was furious.

"Feng Yunxiu, what do you mean by this? It seems that you really want to betray your high school. You kill this woman but let your own shadow protect this woman, good!"

This is not what he wants, but Feng Yunxiu knows that no one will believe him.

After all, in addition to himself, who can control his own shadow?

The last point of the shadow was exhausted and disappeared in front of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianguang was dark, Yun Shou’s deity had forgotten everything, only remembered his loyalty to Mu Linyi, but his shadow did not forget, instinctively made it all.

What did Mu Linzhen do to him? She will find a way to restore his memory and let him choose.

At this time, she had some doubts about whether the feelings were so deep that Yun Xiu paid so much, or did Mu Lin use other means to make Feng Yunxiu so?

It seems that I have to look at Suzaku!

Luo Lao said with anger: "This little girl looks very beautiful and is still a savior of the Lord. It seems that you are reluctant to kill her. If so, then the old man..."

When Luo Lao was going to kill Mu Qianxi, the two swords directly cut down Luo’s arm and the blood splashed out.

"Ah!" Luo Lao screamed!


At the same time, Mu Qianxi also rushed to Feng Yunxiu, and while he was distracted, a needle broke his skin.

"I think, you should take a good sleep!"

"Hey!" After the poisoning, Feng Yunxiu fell directly.

The horrible flame swept through, and a blood-red figure appeared in front of Mu Qian’s, holding a red-red sword in his hand.

"My cat owner, I can't bear to kill! What are you?"

The horrible and bloodthirsty atmosphere made Luo Lao’s fear of a few steps back.

"Hey!" Without his arms, he panicked and fell directly to the ground.

The incomparably magnificent blood-red scorpion stared at him, and he felt that he was going to fly away in a flash.

The soul screamed: "The cat owner, step back, and some blood will splash on you, dirty!"

Mu Qianyi quickly retreated, and soon the hands of the soul screamed, "Ah!"! The screams of screaming came out.

His blood flowed out of a blood pool, and this one is finally free.

The people present, whether they are the enemy side or the friendly side, are scared and stupid, and they are horrified and watched the figure that is **** and fascinating.

They are also people who have seen blood, but they have become so fierce means.

Re-emphasizing: "Is it necessary? This is too bloody!"

"No way, this is so special."

The enemy’s side looked at the soul and scared the legs softly and wanted to squat. The soul screamed and said: “The cat owner, I am a little hungry! Hurry and let his people leave, don’t get in the way, the deity must kill. It!"

Mu Qianxi looked at Feng Yun, who was clouded by him: "Then you play slowly, Yun Xiu does not move!"

The bloodthirsty scorpion flashed the dangerous color. "The cat owner cares about him so much, I am more like giving him a thousand dollars! After all, he really wanted to kill you, leaving him useless, right You are a threat, and it is a weakness that is in the way."

The bloodthirsty murderous wraps around Feng Yunxiu, even if Feng Yunxiu is unconscious, he is also very uncomfortable.

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