Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1967: Come to revenge

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Chapter 1967 to seek revenge

For the words of dreaming and laughing, Mu Qianqi replied: "You point to your face!"

Then, Mu Qianxi strode out, and the face of the dreamy smile was ugly.

She has always maintained a perfect mask, but she did not expect to encounter this one again, she broke.


The Xiahou family wants to maintain the dream and laugh, and the result is that Mu Qian directly goes away.

They stayed in the Temple of Dreams for the time being, and condensed the fat: "The Lord, how do you say that Miss Dream will deal with us?"

Mu Qianhui replied: "They are expecting to wait for us to act. They all know that you are a ghost medical building. If they are poisoned, they really have to doubt their IQ."

Sure enough, the food sent was not poisonous, and it was especially delicious.

Mu Qianxi enjoyed it very casually, and then said: "Go! Go around with me, even if you can't find a brother, you have to find a master."

"it is good!"

When Mu Qiang stepped out of his yard, Meng Xiaoqing also got the news.

Her gentle scorpion flashed the meaning of murder. "She really doesn't give up! I wandered around in my dream house, really thought that my dream temple is a place to walk around?"

"Let them act!"


The dream soul shrine is like a 10,000-acre flower field, and bright flowers bloom everywhere.

The light of Mu Qian’s dawn is heavy, and some of these flowers are not toxic, but...

Some people who followed Mu Qianxi suddenly felt a sense of sleep, and they had already dreamed of it.

At this time, a few black figures swept out, the other side's face with a smirk, the long sword cut through the void, and cut toward the neck of Mu Qianxi.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qianxi disappeared in front of them.

“Hey!” All kinds of petals fell into the air, and Mu Qiang smiled and said: “It seems that the dream palace is really very hospitable!”

Others, including condensed fat, are very turbid, but Mu Qian’s eyes are incomparably clear.

Some of these people were surprised: "How is it possible? You are all right."

Mu Qian said: "This trick is also used in the laughter. Do you think I will be recruited for the second time?"

"Small ink, burn all this flower to me."

"Yes, master!"

The black immortal Fengyan rushed out, not only rushed to these flowers, but also rushed to the black people.

They hurried back, not wanting to fight with the darkness.

The flowers were burned, and the condensed fats were also awake, and they were very upset when they learned that they were in the way of people.

Seeing that they are going to retreat, the condensation grease angered: "Don't want to run!"


All of these people were stopped and they were all beaten down.

This side of the black flame burns, naturally attracting some people.

"What happened? Is it on fire?"

"that side!"



Numerous figures swept over, and there were familiar people, such as those who dreamed of laughing and the Xiahou family.

There is also a stranger, that is, the palace owner of the Dream Soul Palace, which she has not seen before. She wears a white palace dress, and the facial features are more colorful than the dreams.

There are other guests.

Mu Qianxi pre-emptively said: "Is this the way of hospitality in your dreams of the Shrine? I just went out and strolled, and I was poisoned by people. Can you deal with me like this, do you want to deal with other things? guests."

After the words of Mu Qianxi, the other guests showed a skeptical color on their faces. They looked at the dream palace and had a dream.

The main voice of the Dream Palace softly said: "The little girl, there must be some misunderstandings inside, I will give you an explanation."

The troubles were a bit big, and the efficiency of the Dream Soul was very high. They immediately took a young man.

The young male lord said with anger: "Mu Wei, you didn't die, why are you alive! You killed Xiahou's sister and dared to come to the Temple of Dreams, I must let you pay for your life."

The people present were stunned. They looked at the thousands of swearing: "This little girl is the first genius in the south, Mu Yan. The little girl who killed Duo Lang and Xia Houzi."

"Have she been dying? If she did something like that, she would dare to come to the temple of dreams."

"It seems that the people of the Dream Soul Palace are not trying to get to the guests for no reason."

This young man said: "I liked her when Xiahou’s sister was a child. She always liked it and wanted to marry her, but she didn’t think she was killed by you. Even if I became a sinner of the Dream Soul, I Also kill you to avenge her."

Xiahou’s owner sighed: “Hey! The four sons’ dreams were very good with the little girl. Unfortunately, the little girl didn’t have this blessing. Your sister’s wedding is about to be held, and the four sons are still not arrogant. The hatred of the child, this one. If you are a father, you must report it to him anyway."

Nightmare said: "Uncle Xiahou, don't persuade me! If you don't avenge Xiahou's sister, I will not be a man."

He clenched his fist and walked forward: "Mu Wei, you dare not do things when you do things, I want to challenge you! To kill you to revenge Xiahou sister, do you dare to pick up?"

I don’t know if it’s true or false? But the purpose of trying to challenge her is true.

Ms. Qian said: "What do I dare? I still don't dare to do it, I have not done anything, why should I admit it?"

"You can think of sophistry, that is, you killed Xiahou sister, I want to kill you!"

A black long gun whizzed past, taking advantage of the millennium's eyebrows.

Meng Xiaole’s face showed ecstasy at this time. Even if the fourth brother did not kill her, she would seriously hurt her.

The people in the Temple of Dreams are lurking in the dark. Once the people in the Ghost House intervene, they will block and never give other people a chance to save.

The black pistol waved like a dragon and rushed to Mu Qian.

The talent of the nightmare is not as simple as laughing. After 30 years of study, I have cultivated to the 9th-order Lingzong, but a nine-pronged spirit sect deals with the eighth-order spirit of the emperor, which is absolutely more than enough.

Everyone sighed that this first day in the south was still too conceited. Although she had good talents, she had twice as many cultivation time as she did, and she was able to fight!

Look at the four sons of this kind of sturdy look, this admiration is not dead, it is estimated that it will seriously hurt the meal.

Mu Qianxi took out the wind and zero lupin fan, the wind zero feather fan flew out and decomposed, and her whole person disappeared in front of the nightmare.

"Fast speed!" Many of the people present did not go to see the genius event. Now I have seen the strange speed of Mu Qianxi at a close distance, and I was shocked one by one.

"Don't think that you can escape from death if you don't escape." Nightmare.

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