Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1968: Want to marry the main

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Chapter 1968

At this time, the dream palace owner gently reminded: "Hey, Mu girl is a guest, don't be too smug! Your sister's big day is coming, it is not appropriate to see blood!"

The nightmare is not reconciled, but I still listen to my mother's words.

"Mother, I understand, then give her a sigh of relief."

His wrists turned, and the black pikes with dangerous powers pressed toward Mu Qian.

Mu Qianguang’s slight sinking is another force that makes the nightmare’s fighting power stronger.

She flashed and swept out, avoiding the nightmare attack.


The ground was opened, and the powerful power still did not dissipate, which was shocking.

"I heard that the four sons cultivated talents in general, it seems that the dream palace is modest."

"This strength, before the age of 50, can definitely break through to become a spiritual sage, and the talent is actually very good."


"You only know how to hide? Mu Yan!" The nightmare's expression is more and more cruel, a shot is more ferocious than a shot.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "Oh! I don't hide, then you implement these!"

She threw out countless hidden weapons, and suddenly attacked from various places.

"Hey!" The nightmare naturally has no tricks, but he is very angry.

The hand holding the long gun violently jumped, "the hidden weapon! You are mean."

"Before you also used those flowers to count me, which led me to dreams. I used a hidden weapon, and it was just a tooth for a tooth."

"Hey!" Another voice came from a broken voice. The nightmare was going to play with her. She played with him. Anyway, it will be him when he is killed!

The nightmare swept over again, and the guns changed dramatically. It was also true.

"This time, see how you can hide!" He sneered.

However, the speed of Mu Qianxi was faster, and it turned into countless residual images. He thought he was hitting only the afterimage.

"Wind, silence!"

"Wind, broken star!"

"Booming!" A burst of gusts of spiritual intelligence attacked.

Others involuntarily retreat, surprised: "A good hegemonic wind element attack."

"Wind, cold moon!" In the chaos, Mu Qianyi went around the nightmare and attacked.

Her attack is very fast, and then the spirit does not need to rest at all, and the spiritual power seems to be used forever.

In the air wherever there is wind, the nightmare feels a lot of crisis.

The wind element spirit is constantly coming in, and the nightmare said: "It’s useless. You are an eight-character emperor. Even if you use powerful spiritual skills, don’t think about hurting me.”

"Give me away!"

The pistol danced wildly, and the power of black spilled out, blocking the attack of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianjun chose to avoid and avoid its edge, but a black feather flew out, and Mu Qian used the phoenix secret.

"Danger!" A danger that makes his creeps close, and the nightmare hurries away.

Did not let his heart stroke, but his shoulder was penetrated by a fine needle.

"What is the hidden weapon!"

"Before some of the hidden weapons are a blind eye! This is a powerful guy!"


Others looked surprised.

"Damn!" The dream roared and waved the long gun to continue to attack Mu Qian.

"Hey!" After he took him for a while, he stood still. He was kneeling on the ground with his left shoulder on the **** black blood.

"Damn, toxic!" His eyes became red.

"I won't admit defeat, you give me death!"

His hands were surrounded by various black powers, and everyone felt a cold body, looking at the nightmare one by one, and felt that the black power was a bit weird.

Of course, it is also possible to cultivate a special practice!

A cold drink came, "Hey, enough!"

The nightmare was not reconciled, but he did not stand up, but he threw the long gun at Mu Qian.

Mu Qian jumped into the air, avoiding the attack of the pike, and the toes fell on the long gun, plucked into the nightmare, and then slammed into the past.


The nightmare of the whole man rolled out and the long gun was inserted in the mud and vomiting.

"Hey!" The nightmare was kicked by Mu Qian, and he vomited blood directly and his face was gray.

Others were amazed. "It’s the first genius in the South, and I won a 9th-order Lingzong."

"Although the use of hidden weapons, but it is very, very powerful."


Mu Qianxi looked at the nightmare and said: "You lost!"

"I didn't lose, I didn't lose..."

The wind-zero feather fan fell on his neck at this time, and he said, "Is it lost?"

The nightmare saw a cold killing in her eyes. For a time, she couldn’t say the word "no loss." He was afraid that the woman would be angry and really let others fall.

The main road of the dream palace: "Since it has already been divided, then hurry up and stop! The child is too reckless, and the Lord will apologize to him for him."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Dream Palace Lord, if you apologize, you must be sincere! I promised the dream of the four sons, I don't know if the Lord of Dreams can be the master, let me see my brother, Chu Li!"

"I didn't deliberately stop, but there are rules in the first place. I also invite the girl to understand and understand! Chu Li is a light-hearted fiancé. Do you think that I will be wronged by Chu Li? The wedding will be held soon. You can see him." Dream Palace main road.

"Good! You don't want me to see my brother, you want me to meet my Master Chu!"

"You Chu master, Chu Zongzhu did not come to the dream house."

"But I heard that Master Chu is not in the sect. Do you want to marry your daughter to my brother, so that my master will not be married? Even if your dreams are four-star forces, It’s too much to overdo it!”

"Mu girl, you misunderstood."

"If I didn't see the master anyway, this wedding master Chu did not come to the main marriage, I will never agree! At that time, I will stir up the dream of Missy's wedding, and the dream palace owner can blame me." Cold channel.

"Yes! Chu Li Gongzi wants to dream of Missy, always let his master come to marry."

"Yes! Chu Li Gongzi is not without a master."


The dream palace master and the dream smile light face is very difficult to see, Mu Qian said: "In the end, the palace owner is please or not, now I have to give me an answer, otherwise I don't mind coming to the neck of the nightmare!"

"Hey!" A **** mark was left on the neck of the nightmare, and he took a cold breath.

Everyone else stunned, and this is the life of the four sons.

It’s crazy, this is the site of the Dream Soul. If the four sons have three long and two short, she will die!

They said: "Mu girl, don't be impulsive!"

"There is something to say, the Lord of Dreams has always been gentle and good to speak."


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