Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2031: Dangerous vortex

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Chapter 2031 Dangerous vortex

A paused and said: "Worried about what he did? The evil is a long time, and the guy is born to be less likely to die."

"If you say this in the face of nine nights, Ah stopped you."

Ah stop, I don’t know if it is a comforting person or a curse.

"Hey! You think about him, Xiaoye is hard to recover a little strength to accompany you, but you want someone else in front of you!" Ah stopped screaming at the Millennium.

"A stop is a small public, you are jealous."

"You are only a small public, I am not jealous, but the young master as a nine-fold chaotic pavilion, as your contractor is neglected is very uncomfortable."

"Yes! Yes, you are right, I should not leave you alone..."

"You are not sincere in this regard!"

"What is it to be sincere?"


There was noisy, and that worry seemed to be dispelled.

She believes in his heart, after all, he promised not to put himself in danger.

The people in the dark court are ready, and Mu Qian will follow them, and they have seen their fighting power.

Even if Mu Qian is only the strength of Lingdi, she is not surprised at them as they go to the East China Sea.

They have received intelligence, and all parties have traveled to the East China Sea as quickly as possible, and they are very interested in the so-called Aion.

In order to prevent people from getting ahead, the Dark Court also prepared the fastest flying sacred beast.

Anyway, their dark cabinets have recently earned a lot of money, not bad for this money.

The reason why the earned pot is full, is naturally a big customer of the Millennium, as long as the people who have solved the black medical door and Lin Yuezong, have a large amount of Xuan Jing account.

The flying sacred beast flew toward the east at the fastest speed. The territory of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty was too vast. From the dark court, the fastest sacred beast flew for three days before the sound of the waves was heard.

Such a vast territory has been dominated by a dynasty dynasty, which is the emperor of this land.

Mu Qianxi can see a lot of troops in front of the sea in the distance. The sea breeze blows, and Mu Qian is feeling the power of a dark element.

Ah stopped feeling too. He told Mu Qianxi: "There is a dark breath, but this breath is too light and too light."

“Really?” Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

"It’s impossible to be his deity, but in general it should be a bit of a connection. If you come, of course you have to take a trip." Ah stopped.

"Of course!"

Mu Qianyi pointed to one direction: "On the other side?"

They are a bit strange, how does Mu Qianji determine the direction?

Although Su Shiqing did not know, but knew that Mu Qianxi would not lead the way, said: "Listen to him."

The closer to the dark elements, the stronger the spirit, Su Shiqing also felt, but before the admiration was so far away, it made Su Shiqing very surprised.

"Puff puff!"

Although there is not much attack power in the flying sacred beast, the level is sufficient. The sea beasts in this sea of ​​pressure do not dare to attack them. It is quite smooth along the way.

However, when they stepped into this sea area, they were attacked by sea beasts.

The sea beast swims in the sea, but the lightning-like water arrow is unequivocal and shoots at the flying sacred beast.


But they couldn't hide at all. They were surrounded and it was hard not to be injured by the huge body of the flying sacred beast.

"The wind is the shield!"

The wind element opened the defense, and others opened the defense. However, these sea beasts seem to have changed due to the power of darkness. Each of the eyes has turned into a blood red, and it is difficult to make their defenses with the power of darkness. Block their attacks.

"Puff puff!"

There is still some distance from the destination, and it is unavoidable that they want to move on instead of going back and being attacked.


The flying sacred beast was eventually wounded. Su Shi Qing said: "It is not convenient to start here. It is not far from the distance, and gives up flying the holy beast."

Mu Qianhui replied: "I agree!"

They drifted from the air, and they were all physically strong, even if they were able to handle these ferocious sea beasts.

"Wind, broken star!"

"Small ink, come and play with them! But be careful."

The situation of small ink is much better than flying holy animals. After all, it is a beast, and the pressure of the beast can restrain these sea beasts.

It’s not just that their pedestrians were forced to fly in the air, and the teams that came after them were the same.

They are passing by at sea, and they must rush through the beasts of the sea beasts to kill a **** road.

Dangerousness is indispensable along the way, but no one is retreating, because the more the sea beasts are mutated, the more likely it is that there is an eternal tower in this sea.

The Tower of Eternity is an eternal artifact with dark elements. Except for this, no one knows other information.

Everything about it, like being hidden in the dark, disdain to let anyone know.

The forces that dare to come to the East China Sea to find the Tower of Eternity are naturally emboldened, so these sea beasts do not bother them.

They reached the core of the dark element, and there was a black vortex above the meandering sea.

The power of darkness is constantly coming from it, giving people an ominous feeling.

Danger! Everyone present felt it, and so did Mu Qian.

A stop: "What's wrong? Dead woman, afraid? There is a young man, if you are still afraid, you will look down on me."

"Who said that I am afraid?"

Su Shiqing's brows are slightly embarrassing. If there is such an artifact against the sky, such a risk is only a small risk, but it cannot be rashly acted.

Then there were other people coming. The man saw Su Shiqing and they sighed coldly: "Do you still dare to come here?"

The other party’s hostility is very strong, and Su Shiqing’s humanity next to him: “Boss, it seems that they are black doctors.”

Su Shiqing sneaked away, murderous, and the terrible fierce air made the black door very jealous.

"Either die! Or shut up!"

This murderous, without Su Shiqing introduced himself, they know the identity of this person.

Su Shiqing, the first killer in the east.

"Da Gongzi, if it matters, if you can't find the treasure, you will lose the manpower! Although the dark house kills many of us, it is just a matter of insignificant people. The treasures matter." Some people persuaded that a grumpy big The son of the road.

"I didn't expect the black medicine door and the dark cabinet to come so fast! It seems that you are very interested in the eternal artifact, but the eternal artifact, only the most expensive people in the world can deserve it! And you don't have that one yet. qualifications."

A sultry female voice came out, this tone, people have not arrived, Mu Qianxi has already known where the forces came.

Miao Lin's subordinates run the dog, Lin Yuezong.

Really, a group of women of all colors appeared in front of them.

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