Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2032: Send you a path

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Chapter 2032 sends you a path

The eyes of Lin Yuezong’s people swept over them, and then said: “Su Shiqing, the business you have recently received in the dark cabinet is too much! The greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, but don’t take it away...”


Lin Yuezong, a woman who looked like a sharp mouth, had not finished the intimidation. Suddenly, the power of a wind element struck from behind her and was directly blasted into the vortex.

The sneak attack was sneaked, and the man’s body showed an incredible look when he was out of control!

"It’s better to go and explore the road than the bunch of nonsense here in Rory!"

"Hey!" She looked at the purple figure who was walking through the air, and the body was swallowed up by the dark vortex.

"The people in your darkroom dare to start with the people of our Lin Yuezong!"

All the people of Lin Yuezong showed the color of chilling on their faces. The people in the dark court were also somewhat surprised. They did not expect that the girl would not leave the water, so cool!

Let this stinky girl sneer at them!

The black medical doorman smirked: "I didn't expect that you had such a powerful female killer in the dark cabinet, which made us hard to detect."

Lin Yuezong’s people have already taken out their weapons to get started, but they haven’t started playing. Their faces have changed slightly, and they have circumvented the Millennium and they rushed into the whirlpool.

That is called a speed!

Mu Qian said: "Su Shiqing, we will go down!"

Before the reason why Lin Yuezong’s people went back so decisively, I am afraid that the person who was smashed by her came to the news.

It seems that there is no big danger underneath, so Lin Yuezong’s people give up spending time with them.

Su Shiqing naturally thought of it, and jumped directly into the vortex with Mu Qian.

"Damn! They were preempted by them, go on!" The black doctor's grandson was angry.

"Lin Yuezong, the people in the dark court and the black medical door have gone down, let's go down!"

The people who followed saw the people of the three major forces without hesitation, and they also had a bottom.

Going in from the vortex, you can see some buildings in the water, very majestic.

This group of buildings is much taller than many buildings on the ground, like a palace where giants live.

They are on the bottom of the sea, and they are completely different. It seems to have entered the seabed of another space.

The silence of the seabed is terrible. The people who come in are scattered and use the spiritual power to isolate the sea and swim in the sea.

At this time, the sea has fluctuated, and a black ball of light appeared. The horrible beast rushed out of the ball of light.

The sea is their paradise, and they are rushing to the people in the sea, just like the dream beasts hunting prey.

The first to attack was the Lin Yuezong who walked in front of him, his mouth wide open, and his sharp teeth biting them.

"Looking for death!" The woman in white swayed and slashed to the head of the sea beast.

Lin Yuezong is one of the strengths above the spiritual level. Even if these sea animals are a bit resistant, they are not fatal.

"Don't die!" Su Shiqing skipped from the side of Mu Qianxi. A sword swept past and cut off a huge head of a sea beast.

Su Shiqing traveled among these sea beasts. The ferocious sea beast did not make him fear, but instead made him kill.

The killers of the Dark Court are not weak, but they know that the little ink and ink are not suitable for combat in the sea, and they protect the Millennium in the encirclement.


The parties fought, and the woman of Lin Yuezong who had been enrolled in the past was sneer at this moment: "I thought it was more powerful. Who knows that it is just a small character who only knows that others are not paying attention to sneak attacks. This kind of opponent is to protect people! I didn’t expect the cabinet to come out with a drag bottle, but it’s because Su Shiqing was fainted by the beauty.”

"But, it doesn't grow very well?" She passed the face of Mu Qianxi, and she was even more disdainful.

Mu Qian said: "You don't have to worry about me, do your own thing well! Su Shiqing, I am not afraid, will you be afraid that some of the underwater animals will not be born?"

Their mouths are slightly pumped, and the girl you take with the boss is more than these things, the old assembly is angry!

They also know the fighting power of Mu Qianxi, which is definitely not a Lord who needs their protection.

They said: "The girl is careful!"

"If anything, despite the instructions!"

For the people in the dark cabinet, Mu girl is the only woman who is the only special treatment of the boss, and also their big customer, can't let her have any mistakes!

"it is good!"

Mu Qiang swept out, and the wind and zero lupins were dismantled and thrown out, hitting the sea beasts of all parties.

Here is the bottom of the sea. If it is attacked with water, the attack power will be much stronger than the wind element, but she does not want to expose too many cards to these people.

"Lian Shijie, that... that is just an eighth-order spirit emperor! How did you get a sneak attack by an eighth-order spirit emperor." A female disciple of Lin Yuezong made a fuss.

Lian Wen’s eyes wide open, it’s really an eighth-order spirit!

Look at the strange expressions of the sisters, she felt that she was humiliated and humiliated, **** little girl, she wants to kill her!

When she was going to act, their team leader said: "Lian Wen, I know that you are very angry, we also want to kill this and a little girl! But the task is tight, don't be wasted by a small person, we You must hurry up and find the Tower of Eternity!"

"Yes, Master Sister!" The master sisters all spoke up, and even Wenwen could only hold this breath.


The wind and zero lupins left some wounds on these sea beasts. The wounds were not big and did not cause much damage to them.

The fan once again returned to the hands of Mu Qianxi, and the horrible elements of the wind swept away.

"Wind, broken star!"

At the beginning of the battle, everyone was very comfortable.

However, there are more and more black lights, and more and more of these sea beasts are released.

The ants are more than dead, and this is still on their site, and the situation becomes dangerous.

"Hey!" At this time, someone has been injured.

"There are too many sea beasts, more and more, killing can not kill, we must leave here!"

"I want to go out! I want to leave here."

From the whirlpool, I can only enter, they can't seem to find a way out, trapped here.

Seeing that more and more sea beasts have occupied this submarine space, they are able to move and avoid less and less space, and these sea beasts are more and more powerful and hard to deal with!

Everyone feels a headache. The elders of the Black Medicine Gate: "Da Gongzi, we can't be trapped here with some waste, let's do it!"

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