Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2041: Use her poison

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Chapter 2041 uses poison to her

With a helping hand, Mu Qianxi is obviously a lot easier.

Although the most powerful people are these people of the Black Medical Gate, but it is the Millennium that makes the opponent fall.

These people in the black medical door are very disdainful, only yin people, nothing to be jealous.

Soon the battle of this square is almost the same.

They are actually a bit strange. Most of them are killed in Su Shiqing's hands, and a small part is the one who died in the black medicine door.

After solving the other people, the young master of the black medical door flashed a cold light, and all the people who waved their hands surrounded Su Shiqing.

Their main goal is Su Shiqing, as for the envy of Qian Qian, it is better to guard against her hidden weapon.

When he cleaned up Su Shiqing, the little girl naturally had no resistance, and she would die.

Black Doctor's Grand Master said: "Su Shiqing, I admire your strength, it is the first killer in the East! But I also advise you, now you can't be our opponent alone, you are still broken!"

Su Shiqing swept the sword with a cold indifference, and Mu Qian said: "There is only one person left, you are too small to see me! Little ink, burn them!"

"Invincible Xiaohong, give it to me!"

The black medical door person did not intend to stay alive, naturally let them all up.

The black medicine door is a bit strange, "Three beasts!"

"It’s naive! I thought that two more beasts could defeat us? Dream!"


The black medical door man acted, and Su Shiqing also swayed the sword.

In an instant, the surrounding space seems to be distorted, and countless murderous people are attacking the people at the black medical gate.

The air was torn, and the black doctors knew that Su Shiqing was difficult to deal with, and hurriedly avoided it, but when they avoided it, they were attacked by small inks.

"Hey!" When they were in a panic, Mu Qian’s hidden weapon also acted.

There is a big killing star in front, there are three big murders in the back, and there is still a ghost in the dark.

Although they are many people, they are struggling to fight, and the previously determined combat plan has been completely disrupted.

"Go to kill the woman first! Kill her first!"

Among them, the weakest black doctor, the young master, almost got a thousand needles in the medicine, and was shocked by a cold sweat.

He now finally realizes that the weakest spiritual emperor can never stay.

Originally decided to deal with the strongest, and now changed to the weakest.

Invincible and Xiaohong rushed to the past, "I want to be close to my master, all of them will be rolled out!"


The fire dragon scorpion sword was unsheathed, the fire element broke out, and the surrounding air seemed to become a flame.

"burning the sky!"

The spiritual element of fire broke out to the extreme, and the flame brought the king of the world to the thrill of the king.

"This woman is very deep in hiding, and it turns out to be a spirit of fire!"

When they finished saying this, Mu Qian’s next trick was to let them know that this cognition was wrong.

"The water dragon is coming!"

Water dragons skyrocketed, they seem to face the attack of a living ancient beast, the face changed greatly, could not help but retreat.

At this time, this power, let them forget that this is just a spiritual skill of the Eighth Order Emperor.


"Hey!" The black doctor door spit out a blood, his face pale!

Other people are also uncomfortable, they care about it!

"Damn!" The black doctor and the young master personally plucked into the face of Mu Qianxi.

His gloomy road: "This woman, the young master to deal with! You go to deal with some of the beasts and Su Shiqing."

Mu Qianxi said to him: "The second-order spiritual sage, want to kill me, can not be qualified!"

"Very good! You dare to talk to me like this. What are the three elements of the spiritual master? If you are a spiritual sage, I will have some jealousy! But the spirit of the emperor!

His eyes flashed a stern color, and the five poison claws caught Mu Qian.

Although this has not yet reached the level of artifacts, it is a quasi-artifact with poisonousness.

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

"Yue Yao, Feng Feng!"

In the face of this hot and violent attack, Mu Qian’s defenses all unfolded, and the figure swept out like lightning.

"Jiu Yan Haotian!"

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi and the young master of the black medical door fought positively.

The three elements of the skill switch do not need to be separated at all times, and can be used as desired.

Because of this ability, let the black doctors and grandfathers are extremely jealous of Mu Qian, such a talent, this woman will die!


A force rushed toward Mu Qianxi, his haze said: "This time, you can't avoid it!"

"Hey!" The defense is broken, and that power is on the body of Mu Qian.

A second-order spiritual sacred attack, even if it is not the strongest attack, makes a spirit emperor smashed, which is more than enough.

But the reality is not as expected by the black doctors, this trick fell on Mu Qianxi, is to hurt Mu Qianxi, the blood stained the dress, her face is pale.

But at this time she can still stand, far from the broken bones!

The Black Doctor’s Master looked incredulously at Mu Qian’s words: “How is it possible? This...this is impossible!”

"burning the sky!"

The horrible elements of fire rushed to the surface, let the young master of the black medical door know that this is not an illusion, this woman is not dead!

"You have such a strong defense!"

The black master's face is a bit ugly. Although this woman's attack does not cause much damage to his spiritual sanctuary, his attack can't break her tenacious defense.

To continue this way, it can only be a protracted war that has never been fruitful, and it consumes spiritual power.

"I admit, you are the most difficult spirit I have ever seen! But that's all. The spirit is the spirit emperor, you are going to die today!"

The horrible black gas erupted from his body, and the black gas was poisonous.

This poison is erupted from his bones and veins in his skin. This is a poisonous method that can enhance strength.

This guy is now a third-order spiritual sage!

"Your defense is very strong, but I don't believe in your defense, it can stop my poison!"

This poison broke out, and even he was afraid. In order to solve this battle, he couldn’t care much. He had to kill this **** woman as quickly as possible.

"Little Master!"

Such a poisonous, so that some of his men are afraid, can not wait to leave their young master farther away!

Because even if they are poisoned, it is very difficult to resolve, and the little girl is dead.

Such a terrible poison gas, even Su Shiqing looked at a few thousand eyes.

And this woman does not seem to be afraid of death, and did not let him help.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Is this the poison of your black medicine? Is it just like this? If you look to use this kind of garbage to hurt me, you still directly break it!"

"Play poison with me, you are too tender, and the door of your old black doctor is almost the same!"

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