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Chapter 2022 is too bad

The black doctor’s big man’s haze said: “The arrogance is extreme.”

The door of a four-and-a-half-and-a-half-class door, a little girl who is not known, is completely heaven and earth.

I don't know who gave this woman a guts and said this!

"Su Shiqing, your person looking for a woman's eyes is not very good! This woman really does not know the heights of the earth." The black medicine door entangled with Su Shiqing also sneered.

In the face of their ridicule, Su Shiqing no expression, a direct sword.

The black poisonous gas is like a whirlpool, which can swallow people and turn them into nothing.

However, Mu Qianxi plundered the past without fear, approaching the black doctor.

"Oh! Are you coming to die?"

"I am here to send you to die!" Mu Qianshao cold channel.

"Wind, broken star!"

"burning the sky!"


The wind and fire elements erupted, and the young master of the black medical door was wrapped up.

At this time, the power of the **** master of the black medical door is very strong, and it is easy to resolve the attack of Mu Qianxi.

Then, the whole person turned into a black tornado, and attacked Mu Qian.

"go to hell!"

The black hurricane gave Mu Qianji a blast and went out. "Hey!" Mu Qian's body fell to the ground.

He smiled and said: "You will be poisoned and shed blood and rot and die. You are so capable, weak and poor, and dare to say such arrogant words, people laugh at big teeth."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

When the young master of the black medical door was proud, several broken sounds came from the front of him.

His face has changed dramatically, impossible!

Although the attack of this medicine needle came suddenly, it did not pose any threat to the young master of the black medicine door.

During the time, a purple figure appeared out of the black doctor's door, but there was a lot of things in the hands of Mu Qian.

"You... you are not poisoned!"

"You... can you still move?"


Everything was shocked by the imperfections of Mu Qian.

This poison is so powerful that they are very clear about the people who are black.

"Tell you, you are too weak, you still don't believe it!"

Just the blow, the big drama is naturally poisonous.

However, the attack power of her physical defense is enough to block, and the poison is not a threat to her ghost medical.

"I am sending you something. The poison you used to cultivate poison is really bad. This is the real poison."


One by one, the medicine bottle is broken, and the poison powder, poisonous agents such as the goddess scattered flowers are generally falling from the sky.

As a person who cultivated poison, the young master of Black Medicine should see that the poison should be happy rather than scared, but he is sweating at the back.

There is a voice in my heart telling him, hurry to escape! Hurry up!

However, it is not that you can escape if you want to escape.

His black outburst with a poisonous spiritual power, as soon as it hits the poison is like a chicken blood, began to madly absorb some of the poison.

As a poisonist, the young master of the black medical door also feels that this poison is so powerful. I don't know the good luck that this woman has been repairing for a few years, and she has obtained such a powerful poison.

"Ha ha ha!" He laughed.

"Woman, you are just too stupid! You use poison to this young master, it will only make my strength become stronger and stronger, I want to poison me, I am delusional!"

The poison is turned into strength, and as the aura merges into his body, the black master, the young master, feels that he is getting stronger and stronger at this time, his body is full of strength, and naturally he forgets the feeling of fear before.

He let himself arbitrarily absorb the poison that Muqian lost!

I feel almost the same, and Mu Qianxi did not waste her poison. It is far from the big master of the black medical door.

At this time, he was immersed in the absorption of poison, and did not take into account the attack on the Millennium. Of course, Mu Qian knew that if she attacked, this guy would not be indifferent.

So she took a break and restored her spiritual power.

"You will enjoy the last few breaths before death! When I absorb this poison, I will definitely have your life!"

The poison that Mu Qiang took out was quickly and quickly consumed, but he had not waited for the black doctor to absorb the poison. He had a big problem.

His lips turned into a dirty blue color, "Wow! Oh!" All the uncomfortable death, then spit out a few black blood, he felt his eyes dizzy.

When you are sick, you want your life, and Mu Qian seized the opportunity to launch an attack.

Yan Long’s soul swords swept past, “burning the sky!”

The red-red flame rushed toward the black doctor's grandfather. His face was eager to dodge. Even though his physical condition is not optimistic, he is a spiritual sage and barely avoids it.


It’s just that he is avoiding this, and the vomiting of blood is getting worse.

"Damn! What the **** is this?" He jumped on his forehead and his face was unusually dignified.

"The young master, the young master, what is going on here?" At this time, the skin of the black doctor's young master became darker and darker. There seemed to be something strange in the blood vessels. It looked very scary.

Others also panicked, and one person smashed Su Shiqing and rushed over. In front of their young master, they screamed and said: "The demon girl, what did you do to our young master?"

Mu Qianxi said: "Don't you have long eyes? I am just poisoning. His young master as a black doctor can't even get this poison. The black medicine door is not a four-and-a-half-class door." What awesome!"

"Impossible, the young master's method can resolve all kinds of poisons, how can he be poisoned."

"That is, you can't do the practice of your young master's cultivation!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"You are nonsense! This is the practice of the ancients!"

As the inheritor of Eternal Ding, she also knows about the major poisons. Although the poison attack of this guy's cultivation seems to be powerful, it is indeed the most garbage in life.

Once the poisonousness that exceeds the load of this method is released, the person who cultivates will naturally be unable to withstand it. If some of the poison cannot be completely resolved, it will melt into the body of the practitioner and let him step into death.

At this time, the young master of the black medical door felt desperate. The elder wanted to help but did not dare to approach him.

Because he is now more toxic than before, who is close to who is dead, his strength is strong and can not stand.

"Catch the woman, she must have a way! Hurry, ah..."

"I can't stand it! Fast! Hands-on!"

"Hey!" The black doctor's great young master is like a dead dog lying on the ground, ordering his men.

The clothes are all soaked out because of the poisonous blood, like the ones that are fished out from the smelly ditch.

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