Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2064: Shouting late

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Chapter 2064 is shouting late.

As soon as he entered the cemetery of the ancient cemetery, he felt a decaying breath and the danger approached.

A big bird appears in the air, its body is generally dry, half decayed, it looks very horrible.

The ancient cemetery was designated as the site of the dark ash of the eastern genius. Although it is dangerous, there are very few enemies with more strength than the young arrogant, that is to say, there are few enemies above the spiritual level.

When Mu Qianyi came across a big toy equivalent to the 9th-order Lingzong, her luck was a bit bad.

However, Mu Qianxi did not panic, the wind element quickly and quickly moved, and the fan blades of the wind zero lupin fan rushed to the big bird.


The fan leaves a shallow mark on the bones of his body.

"Hey!" It was attacked by it, and it made a harsh squeak, and then swiftly flew over Mu's head and rushed to Mu Qian.

It is extremely fast, and it is easy to avoid the rapid running of wind elements.

The ancient murderous things of this ancient cemetery are not comparable to the average sacred beasts.

"Wind, broken star!"


Mu Qianxi played against this guy, and the wind element spirit collided with its huge body.

This guy is full of murderousness, but not as clever as human beings. In the face of all sorts of subtle attacks by Mu Qian, it began to lose.

"It's time for you to disappear completely."

Once again, the spirit of the wind has been condensed, and the power of terror has shrouded this big bird, making it impossible to escape.


Under the smashing of the body of the wind element, its body became a fragment and the bone fell to the ground.

This barren cemetery is a gloomy place, but it is a perfect place to grow a very yin medicine. Mu Qiang has found a lot here.

If you come across it, you will not miss it.

There are many treasures in the cemetery of the ancient cemetery. The nature of knowing the goods is not just one of the ones, but a white-haired youth appears in front of Mu Qianxi.

"Mu is it! Look at your luck is not good, you can find the elixir, 100,000 Xuanjing, this elixir belongs to me."

"100,000 Xuanjing, do you think I will lack this 100,000 Xuanjing?"

"Oh! You are too scared!"

"I don't think I don't want to give up money, but if I bid, you can't afford it."

"Mu Wei, you are too young to see people! Since you are so unwilling to cooperate, then you have to do it. You don't want a penny." If you can't buy it, the other person's face will show a fierce color.

Mu Qianxi sneered, "If you still want to rob me of the elixir, you can save it!"

Being tested by a woman, the white-haired man is very angry.

"Mu Wei, you are the first day in the south. Don't think that you are invincible in the younger generation in the east! I dare to be so arrogant, today I will teach you how to behave."

His body instantly disappeared in place, and the wind elements in the air fluctuated and blasted. The other side was also a wind element.

The speed is very fast, the effort in the blink of an eye, he is less than one meter away from Mu Qian, a sharp steel claw is thinking of thousands of miles.

This steel claw is one inch long, extremely sharp, and it is still a quasi artifact.

If it falls on a person, it is estimated that it will bloom in an instant.

However, this white-haired man is fast, and Mu Qian is also a wind element, and the speed is naturally slower than him.

When he launched an attack, Mu Qianxi has disappeared in place.


His attack fell through, and then waiting for her was the means of attack by Mu Qianling.

"Wind, silence!"

The spirit of the wind element is madly rushing, clearly that the other party is only an eighth-order spirit, and he still reaches the level of the eighth-order Lingzong, but his heart can not help but chill.

"Ling Yu!"

The white-haired man's defense blocked Mu Qian's attack, but his body couldn't help but step back.

His face changed dramatically, and the spirit of the Eight Elements of the Emperor of the Emperor not only mastered the powerful elements of the wind, but the control of the wind elements was far higher than him.

At this time, he was very clear that the other party’s first day in the southern part of the Eastern Emperor’s dynasty was not luck, but she really had this strength.

However, he will not be so easy to lose.

"Don't look too small for me." The white-haired man broke out with a stack of words and suddenly shot again.

Mu Qianyu opened the wind and feather fan, and crossed in the void.

"Block, cold month!"

The surrounding wind temperature seems to be getting lower, and the little cold light condenses into a cold moon hitting the white-haired man.

The white-haired man's face changed greatly and hurriedly avoided.

"Poisonous claws thousands of marks!"


"Mu, damn! Where are you hiding?"

"Don't escape!"

After being suppressed again and again, the white-haired man’s face became more and more embarrassing, and the attack on Mu Qian’s attack became more and more fierce, but Mu Qianyi could only avoid it every time.

The more times the air is emptied, the more angry the white-haired man is.

The wind and zero lupins split and the blades fell from various angles.

When the sharp fan blade was about to penetrate the white-haired man's shoulder, he was stopped by him.

"I finally found a chance for me!"

Soon, his body rushed out like a cannonball, and the power of terror swept away toward Mu Qian.

This time, he was convinced that Mu Qianxi could not escape.

And Mu Qianzhen is really not hiding, she laughed: "I can't hide, can't defend!"

"A eighth-order spirit emperor in your district, can you defend it?"

"You can look at your dog's eyes!" Mu Qianxi sneered.

"Yue Yao, Feng Feng!"

In an instant, the layers of wind elements appear in front of Mu Qian.


When the white-haired man's lethal attack fell on the barrier of the wind, not only did he not hurt Mu Qian, but the attack was also returned to the white-haired man by Mu Qian.

"What? What is this spiritual skill?" The white-haired man was incredulous, and he hurriedly avoided.

But it is too late to dodge at this time.


That force directly flew him out, "Hey!" A blood spurted out, and the pale face became even worse.

Mu Qianxi did not give him a chance to gasp. At one approach, he felt another wave of spiritual power that made him very frightened.


"I don't want that medicine, I don't buy it! You give me a hand."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I can't hold my hand, I will finish it after I finish it! This time, stop and stop, it's late!"

"Wind, broken star!"

When the wind and zero lupins were instantly opened, the horrible destructive power of the broken mountain river that broke out in an instant made the white-haired man feel weak.

His body is like a fallen leaf in a storm, and it is useless to struggle anyway.

"Hey!" His body fell to the ground, and his white hair was stained with a little red by his own blood, extremely miserable.

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