Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2065: It turned out to be you

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Chapter 2065 is actually you

"You!" He screamed at the Millennium.

Mu Qianqi slowly walked over to him and said to him: "Since you know the extremely Yin Ling grass, naturally there is a little gain! Come out!"

"Why?" he said.

"What do you think?" Mu Qianxi played with the wind in his hand, and the eyes flashed a cold light.

The elements of the wind swayed around the silk, tearing his wounds and letting his painful grin.

"that's it!"

He took out three incense medicines, the quality is not very high, but the talk is better than nothing.

Mu Qian said: "This is a piece of Xuanjing, I bought it!"

"A piece of Lingyu, you want to buy me three strains of Yin Yin, you are calling Huazi!"

"I don't mean to call Huazi, but to defeat my hand! A piece of Xuanjing is better than you plan to pay, I am more kind."

kindness! In the heart of these two words, he gnashed his teeth.

Anyway, no matter whether he agreed or not, Mu Qiang has already overbeared to collect things.

The white-haired man said: "I admit that you are a bit of a skill, this time I will plant! I will leave immediately, and I will not provoke you again."

He moved his body and wanted to stay away from Mu Qian, and he said, "I let you go?"

"What do you want?"

"You have to leave the ancient cemetery, I am doing a few knives on you! Or you take the initiative to leave." Mu Qian faint.

"Mu, don't be too much." How long does this come in? If he is eliminated, he will be killed by jokes.

"Excessive? For competitors, let him stand better soon! There are many people who want to deal with me, less one less trouble!" Mu Qianxi looked at him.

"It seems that you are also self-aware. The genius of the whole east is estimated to be half that you are not pleasing to the eye. Don't think that you can beat me. It's amazing! More than I am, you wait for the bad luck!"

Suddenly, he felt his neck cool, and the quasi-artifact lupin was now on his neck.

"Against these words are not heard, be careful that your neck is landing!" Mu Qiandi flashed through the cold.

He is really murderous. He doesn't want to be eliminated so quickly, but he is afraid of death! I can only recognize it and leave it.

After solving a small role, Mu Qiang swept past the depths of the ancient cemetery.

There were not many people who met before, but there are many people in front of them.

"Damn! I have encountered a chaotic burial field. How can I not rush? What should I do?"

"Still in the same place!"

"It’s bad luck, how come you have this stuff."

Mu Qianxi also passed, a cold soul made the gas field around change, and then everyone was trapped inside.

When Mu Qianxi appeared, the soul spread out and opened a way directly here.

When everyone was flustered, Mu Qianxi walked leisurely, and others found her.

"Which one that person is still so calm here?"

"It’s familiar! Isn’t she the one who is admired?”

"Follow her, give it a try!"

They felt that the fluctuations of Mu Qian’s body were different. He was planning to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor and followed him.

When they left the area, they knew that they were coming in and beating.

Originally, I wanted to be grateful to me. I found that the speed of the other party’s progress was extremely fast. It’s already far away from them. I’m afraid it will be a little hard to catch up!

They groaned. "It seems that Muyu can get the name of the first genius in the south is also a very ordinary person!"

"It's a bit special! But they should still be a lot worse than the black ones! You know that we have the top genius of the Nine Orders of the Spirit in the east!"

"I don't know what the final result is. Our qualifications are average. Just ask the final ranking not to be too ugly."

Mu Qianxi met a lot of ancient evil spirits in the ancient cemetery. In the constant fighting, she had a feeling that it was a constant battle, and it might be a breakthrough.

Then, she began to look for powerful and ancient evil spirits.

Others shunned the big guys who were too late, but she took the initiative to send them to the door to kill them.

"The disciples of your Southern Saints are too weak!"

"Ha ha ha! The guys who didn't grow like them, even went to hug the thigh of the southern genius, really sent us a disciple in the east."


At this time, Mu Qianxi was chased by an ancient murderer who was close to the strength of the beast. He ran and heard the voices of some people in front.

There are still many people! And she also heard the three words of the Southern Holy Family.

Sheng Cong, they are very dissatisfied, "Cut! You are very amazing! If you are not using poison, and there are still many people, you may have been beaten by us in the Dongfeng Pavilion."

"is not that right?"

Even if everyone's injury is not light, but they lack the momentum to belong to these guys.

"I didn't expect to see you for two years. Some of these bones of the Southern Saints have hardened! Give me a fight! Hit them and ask them to call Grandpa."

"This group of guys owes lessons!"

Just as they started again, a cold voice came.

"Oh! The people in your Dongfeng Pavilion look very sultry! Since it is so powerful, this guy will hand it over to you."

The white figure flashed and shuttled among the people in Dongfeng Pavilion.

They haven't seen who they suddenly rushed out of, and a huge monster with a rotten smell is like a big mountain.

"God! It is an ancient evil spirit!"

"Why is such a strong ancient evil spirit appear here?"


This ancient evil spirit is a giant bear, the smell can be smoked to death, the strength is strong.

It pursues the killing of thousands of scorpions, and now Mu Qiang stands with these people, it naturally treats them as enemies and fights together!


"If you don't want to die, kill me with me!"


The sky was devastating, and they had to fight desperately with this bear.

And while they were playing hard, Mu Qianxi plucked to the side of the Southern Saints, and they excitedly said: "It is the boss!"

"The boss is coming to save us."

Mu Qianxi waved: "What are you doing! Don't hurry away from the battlefield! It was seriously injured, and the big slap can kill you!"

I was trained by Mu Qian, and they said: "Yes!"

They hurried away from the battle center and watched the miscellaneous things in Dongfengge. The people in Dongfengge finally knew who had ushered in this big thing to deal with them.

They shouted: "Damn! Mu, it's you, it's you!"

"Bastard! You should go after the woman, what do we do for us?" They couldn't handle Mu Qianxi at this time, so they explained to the big bear that they hoped that the bear could kill Mu Qian.

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