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Chapter 2082 Super Genius

"Mu Wei, I didn't think that your life is very big, and you are still alive!"

The two teams have a high profile and their goals are the same.

When I saw the girl who was in front of her, the eyes flashed cold.

Ms. Millennial said: "You are coming very slowly!"

"Elders, Mu Yan did not die of poisoning. It seems that she is indeed extraordinary, even if she can't catch it, she must bring her body back." The black doctor's humanity.

Lin Yuezong’s monthly elders said: "Mu will die, so as not to leave behind! But since you are interested in her body, we can also give her body to you! After all, we have not studied Lin Yuezong. The interest in the body."

After they surrounded the group, they discussed how to deal with the Millennium.

They are confident that it is a breeze to solve this little girl.

When they had not had time to do it, Mu Qiang pre-emptively launched a soul attack on them.

Her strength is a lot worse, and the only thing that can crush them is the soul.

"There is such a strong soul!"

The black medical door and Lin Yuezong’s people were shocked. It’s amazing to know that Mu Qian’s power is amazing. Thanks to the cultivation of high-level spiritual skills, she is only a spiritual emperor.

The spirit of the Emperor has such ability, it is a little scary.

"Hands!" A cold voice came, and the spirits of the strong and powerful spirits attacked the past.

"Invincible, Xiaohong, little ink ink!"

There are too many opponents, and Mu Qianyi has let her contract all come out.

"Hell, this little girl has contracted two first-order beasts, a second-order beast." The black doctors cursed.

The four people who had been sent out before were killed, not at all embarrassed. It seems that they still looked down on this little girl.

"Hey!" In the face of their attacks, Mu Qian's body has been difficult to avoid, using the Xunyi to avoid their deadly attack.

The blood-red spar was shattered and splashed around.

"Invincible, I am the only one! Do you really think that my invincible adult is good to deal with?"

Invincible anger toward this and some humans rushed over.

"Canglian fierce!" Xiaohong roared.

"Darkness is annihilated!" The small ink ink spreads in the air and flies over it. It bursts into a strong darkness and does not die.

Small ink and small red and invincible help thousands of Qiang Qiangzhu most of the opponents, but some people broke through their defensive line, approaching Mu Qian.

Lin Yuezong’s month-long elders said: "Mu Wei, I have to say that you are definitely a peerless genius. If we don't join hands with the black medical doctor, I am afraid I can't help you."

Ms. Qian’s cold voice: “It’s as if you can get me now?”

The other party is a fourth-order spiritual sage! For Mu Qianxi, it is a powerful opponent that cannot be defeated, but he wants to have her life, but it is not that simple.

"Hurricane! Kill you, a move is enough!" The elders smiled coldly.

She said that it was a hands-on, like a snake's long whip with the power of thunder fire to go out to the heart of Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianyi opened the wind and zero feather fan, cold channel: "The wind is shield!"

"Yue Yao, Feng Feng!"

The elders of the month laughed and said: "It’s ridiculous, a spirit emperor, even if you master the powerful defensive skills, it is impossible to block my attack."

"Hide! I see where you are hiding!"

That long whip, chasing the trajectory of Mu Qianshao too running, her figure also chased up, a move to cover the thousands of heavenly spirits.

"A little girl who can't be beaten, you can go to death!"


The power of terror swarmed toward Mu Qian, and there was a violent shock around them.

A fourth-order spiritual sacred strike at a close distance, a nine-order spirit emperor must die, this has no suspense.

The elders did not expect it at all. In her opinion, the person who was killed by her suddenly broke out with a violent fire elemental spirit, and the nine dragons rushed toward her.

"Kowloon Haotian!"

"How is it possible?" The elders of the month suddenly slammed, and the figure retreated out to avoid being entangled in the fire dragon.

The power of this fire element gives her a very dangerous feeling.

Mu Yan is not dead!

The purple figure swept out, and her hand held a strong crossfire red sword. The flame was like a eternal fire, with the spirit of the king, immortal.

" are still a fire elementalist! Double elemental spirits, then I have to destroy you."

Mu Qiang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the cheek was marked with a gravel. Although the last time the lightning quenching at sea could withstand the attack of the fourth-order spiritual sanctuary, the close attack also injured her. Not light.

The internal organs were damaged, and the ribs on the body were also broken.

"You can give it a try!"

"To deal with you, do you still have to try it? The last move was my intention. I didn't expect you to have a defense. The second move, I must have your life."


A water and fire dual elemental spirit teacher, kill her anyway.

The spiritual power of the elders of the month became more violent. At this time, a layer of transparent ice appeared in front of Mu Qian’s, resisting a wave of attacks.

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

The elder's face is condensed, "ice..."

"No, it's the water element."

"Three lines!"

A few teleports, Mu Qianqi thrilled to avoid this attack.

The Yanlong Soul Eater Sword fell across the sky, exploding the strongest fire elemental skill, "burning the sky!"


In the face of this anti-fighting, this month's elders can only be distracted.

"Mu Wei, you really make me more and more surprised! You are up to the top of the genius, and you won the first place. It just shows a part of the strength."

"Three elements of spiritual master, Xuan Tianjie super genius in the eternal life! Unfortunately."

The elders of the month were ordered to sweep away many obstacles for Mu Lin, killing a lot of talented girls, but it was the first time to say it was a pity.

"The genius woman of Xuantian Tian, ​​it is enough to have His Royal Highness! Other superfluous people do not need to live in this world!"

"You give me to die!"


The strength of the two is too great, and Mu Qiang is now completely crushed.

"Puff puff!"

Taking advantage of the physical defense, she did not die under her attack, but Mu Qiang was getting more and more injured at this time.

"Alive alive!" The elders of the month gave a slight glimpse.

"Is it necessary to do such useless struggles? You can die easily if you admit it earlier, otherwise the painful death will be difficult to see! It is also a beautiful embryo." The elders stared at Mu Qianxi and sneered.

"Acceptance? Just by you?" Mu Qian's mouth evoked a sly smile, and the pair of scorpions were like a star, and there was no fear.

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