Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2083: Catch up again

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Chapter 2083 catches up again

"The water dragon is coming!"

"Wind, broken star!"

"burning the sky!"

The three elements of spiritual power, running at the same time, the same powerful, broke out three horrible attacks.

The elders understand that if the other party is a spiritual sage and uses this means to deal with her, she will die.

It is a pity that this is only a young spiritual emperor. It has not yet had time to grow up. This means does not cause much harm to her.

"Is the last dying struggle? If this is useless, then you should die!"

When the elders waved, the spiritual power of the Spiritual Eruption broke out and blocked the three attacks.


She couldn't think of it completely. This is not the real purpose of Mu Qian.

A few pharmacy needles flew quietly, and Mu Qian said: "Small ink, invincible, little red, hands-on!"


Invincible Xiaohong on their side, countless pharmacy bottles blasted, white mist filled the surrounding.

They hinder their sense of smell and interfere with their mental energy. Poisons are incorporated into the air and enter their skin.

Originally they were about to clean up some of these beasts, but they were disrupted by sudden unexpected accidents.

Mu Qianxi wiped out the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, running the space element spiritual power, and fleeing at the fastest speed!

"Cough and cough! Toxic, we are poisoned."

This group of people is still a little dizzy, can not find the direction of Mu Qianxi, including the one-month elder.

It is clear that Mu Yan will be killed, but this little girl slipped away from her eyelids.

The elders of the month angered: "Are you black medicine doors not very good at using medicinal drugs? Damn! Don't hurry up and find a way, can't let that little girl run away."

"This poison we have never seen, first take detoxification Dan!" Black medical door everyone also has a headache.

They did not think that the poison under the **** would work for them.

After they rushed out of the poison, they could not find Mu Qian.

"The gravity here can slow down the speed, and the sorrow can't run far, chase me!"


While admiring the road, Mu Qianyi gave himself a healing drug.

A cold snoring sounded in her mind. "You are a dead woman, you know that you are hard-pressed, and you are all hurt by such a heavy injury."

"My family stopped so badly. It is really overkill to deal with this kind of role. I used to come out and practice! This kind of intense battle is still very much needed. If you rely on you for the next time, I will not be despised by you!" Qian Xiaoxiao laughed.

"So weak, I have always despised you, I have been despised once, and you will not lose a piece of meat!" Ah stopped.

"You can't be a little more friendly to me! Ah stop, I am your master."

"Who makes you so annoying!"


Since encountering the alliance between Lin Yuezong and Hei Yimen, Mu Qianyi feels that his luck is not so good?

Finally, the injury improved a bit, she actually encountered a blood crystal beast, at least the spirit level.

Invincible: "Master, let's come!"

"Get together and destroy them."

"it is good!"

The four of them started to work together, and the blood crystal beasts were so powerful that they also packed up.

Invincible quickly smashed the blood, and then said: "Too little, just come back."

As long as you eat enough, it can be promoted to become a second-order beast, and it is much easier to deal with those people.

This time, the owner suffered such a heavy injury. The invincible adult was very angry and angry and wanted to immediately repay the gem.

Xiaohong squinted his eyes: "You crow's mouth, really came more than one, **** it!"

Invincible: "That kills!"

"Yes! Kill!"

There are tigers in front of the wolves, they must kill a **** road.

All the way to the past, Mu Qiang, they hunted a lot, eating invincible and full.

Mu Qiang's movements on the side of this side to clean up the blood crystal beasts are also quite big, and some of the followers have found the place where Mu Qianxi is.


They used the fastest speed to rush to the place where Mu Qianxi was located. There were three blood-crystal beasts blocking the road ahead, and they could not run.

"Puff puff!"

That sixth-order spiritual sacred, waved three pieces, and gave the **** beast to his knees.

They have to deal with Mu Xi, first remove this inconvenience.

Mu Qianyi once again fell into the encirclement. "Mu Wei, the three elements of the spirits, three contracted beasts, and the body with a strange poison, we really look down on you."

"Before you played the tricks, you escaped once, but the same tricks, you can't think about it for the second time."

The white shadow flashed, and the invincible first swallowed the blood crystal.

Swallowing these three, it should be almost the same, the invincible eyes flashed a cold light,

The elders of the month sneered: "Mu Wei, this time I will never let you run again, do it!"

In an instant, the sound of tearing space came out, and some people rushed to Mu Qian.

"Get out of my way!" Invincible and Xiaohong, they shouted.

The other party's high-level Lingsheng was in a row and trapped Xiaohong.

"It's just a second-order beast. Do you think we are afraid?"

The elders of the previous month had wasted too much time to clean up, and this time they naturally took out more people, invincible and rushed to seize people.

"Just take your first-order beast and dare to stop me!"

"Is this adult a first-order beast? Give me a good look at your dog's eyes."

The power of the beasts broke out. They found that this was not a first-order beast, but a second-order.

Hell, this beast has actually advanced, and advances at this time.

"Hey!" Invincible slap shot and flew a fifth-order spirit.

Xiaohong muttered, "I really let this stupid cat eat and eat and break through."

Of course, now is the dangerous moment of fighting, Xiaohong does not vomit the stupid cat's effort, first clean up some of these people.

"Asshole, give me away!"

There are two second-order beasts, and the situation is somewhat different. Together with the fourth-order spiritual sanctuary, it is only hard to kill him if he is seriously injured. They feel that Mu Xi will run away for the second time.

They will never let this happen, and the elders of the month flashed a stern light.

She took out a medicinal herb and swallowed it. If she could kill this super genius, the reward given by His Royal Highness would definitely be far greater than the current loss.

"Mu, very good! I have never seen a spirit emperor who can push this elder to this!"

Her mouth sneered a sneer, she was originally a fourth-order spiritual sage, her strength directly soared to the third-order, became the seventh-order spiritual holy.

"Mu, now, I am pinching you to kill an ant!"

"Master!" Invincible martyrdom.

I thought it was also promoted. It and the lazy pig are enough to stop all the middle spirits, and the owner will be safe.

However, I did not expect that an old woman would use the medicinal herbs to enhance her strength and become a seventh-order spiritual sage.

This owner is in danger!

She waved her long whip and rushed to Mu Qianxi, aiming at the heart of Mu Qianxi. She wanted to dig up the heart of this peerless genius and crush it!

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